247 lines
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247 lines
7.6 KiB
//! Code to translate IOx statistics to DataFusion statistics
use data_types::{ColumnSummary, InfluxDbType, Statistics as IOxStatistics, TableSummary};
use datafusion::{
physical_plan::{ColumnStatistics, Statistics as DFStatistics},
use schema::Schema;
/// Converts stats.min and an appropriate `ScalarValue`
pub(crate) fn min_to_scalar(
influx_type: &Option<InfluxDbType>,
stats: &IOxStatistics,
) -> Option<ScalarValue> {
match stats {
IOxStatistics::I64(v) => {
if let Some(InfluxDbType::Timestamp) = *influx_type {
.map(|x| ScalarValue::TimestampNanosecond(Some(x), None))
} else {
IOxStatistics::U64(v) => v.min.map(ScalarValue::from),
IOxStatistics::F64(v) => v.min.map(ScalarValue::from),
IOxStatistics::Bool(v) => v.min.map(ScalarValue::from),
IOxStatistics::String(v) => v.min.as_deref().map(ScalarValue::from),
/// Converts stats.max to an appropriate `ScalarValue`
pub(crate) fn max_to_scalar(
influx_type: &Option<InfluxDbType>,
stats: &IOxStatistics,
) -> Option<ScalarValue> {
match stats {
IOxStatistics::I64(v) => {
if let Some(InfluxDbType::Timestamp) = *influx_type {
.map(|x| ScalarValue::TimestampNanosecond(Some(x), None))
} else {
IOxStatistics::U64(v) => v.max.map(ScalarValue::from),
IOxStatistics::F64(v) => v.max.map(ScalarValue::from),
IOxStatistics::Bool(v) => v.max.map(ScalarValue::from),
IOxStatistics::String(v) => v.max.as_deref().map(ScalarValue::from),
/// Creates a DataFusion `Statistics` object from an IOx `TableSummary`
pub(crate) fn df_from_iox(schema: &Schema, summary: &TableSummary) -> DFStatistics {
// reorder the column statistics so DF sees them in the same order
// as the schema. Form map of field_name-->column_index
let order_map = schema
.map(|(i, (_, field))| (field.name(), i))
.collect::<hashbrown::HashMap<_, _>>();
let mut columns: Vec<(&ColumnSummary, &usize)> = summary
// as there may be more columns in the summary than are in the
// schema, filter them out prior to sorting
.filter_map(|s| order_map.get(&s.name).map(|order_index| (s, order_index)))
// sort columns by schema order
columns.sort_by_key(|s| s.1);
let column_statistics = columns
.map(|(c, _)| df_from_iox_col(c))
DFStatistics {
num_rows: Some(summary.total_count() as usize),
total_byte_size: Some(summary.size()),
column_statistics: Some(column_statistics),
is_exact: true,
/// Convert IOx `ColumnSummary` to DataFusion's `ColumnStatistics`
fn df_from_iox_col(col: &ColumnSummary) -> ColumnStatistics {
let stats = &col.stats;
let col_data_type = &col.influxdb_type;
let distinct_count = stats.distinct_count().map(|v| {
let v: u64 = v.into();
v as usize
let null_count = stats.null_count().map(|x| x as usize);
ColumnStatistics {
max_value: max_to_scalar(col_data_type, stats),
min_value: min_to_scalar(col_data_type, stats),
mod test {
use super::*;
use data_types::{InfluxDbType, StatValues};
use schema::{builder::SchemaBuilder, InfluxFieldType};
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
macro_rules! assert_nice_eq {
($actual:ident, $expected:ident) => {
$actual, $expected,
$actual, $expected,
fn convert() {
let c1_stats = StatValues {
min: Some(11),
max: Some(11),
total_count: 3,
null_count: Some(1),
distinct_count: None,
let c1_summary = ColumnSummary {
name: "c1".to_string(),
influxdb_type: Some(InfluxDbType::Tag),
stats: IOxStatistics::I64(c1_stats),
let c2_stats = StatValues {
min: Some(-5),
max: Some(6),
total_count: 3,
null_count: Some(0),
distinct_count: Some(NonZeroU64::new(33).unwrap()),
let c2_summary = ColumnSummary {
name: "c2".to_string(),
influxdb_type: Some(InfluxDbType::Field),
stats: IOxStatistics::I64(c2_stats),
let table_summary = TableSummary {
columns: vec![c1_summary, c2_summary],
let df_c1_stats = ColumnStatistics {
null_count: Some(1),
max_value: Some(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(11))),
min_value: Some(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(11))),
distinct_count: None,
let df_c2_stats = ColumnStatistics {
null_count: Some(0),
max_value: Some(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(6))),
min_value: Some(ScalarValue::Int64(Some(-5))),
distinct_count: Some(33),
// test 1: columns in c1, c2 order
let schema = SchemaBuilder::new()
.influx_field("c2", InfluxFieldType::Integer)
let expected = DFStatistics {
num_rows: Some(3),
total_byte_size: Some(444),
column_statistics: Some(vec![df_c1_stats.clone(), df_c2_stats.clone()]),
is_exact: true,
let actual = df_from_iox(&schema, &table_summary);
assert_nice_eq!(actual, expected);
// test 1: columns in c1, c2 order in shcema (in c1, c2 in table_summary)
let schema = SchemaBuilder::new()
.influx_field("c1", InfluxFieldType::Integer)
let expected = DFStatistics {
// in c2, c1 order
column_statistics: Some(vec![df_c2_stats, df_c1_stats]),
// other fields the same
let actual = df_from_iox(&schema, &table_summary);
assert_nice_eq!(actual, expected);
fn null_ts() {
let c_stats = StatValues {
min: None,
max: None,
total_count: 3,
null_count: None,
distinct_count: None,
let c_summary = ColumnSummary {
name: "time".to_string(),
influxdb_type: Some(InfluxDbType::Timestamp),
stats: IOxStatistics::I64(c_stats),
let table_summary = TableSummary {
columns: vec![c_summary],
let df_c_stats = ColumnStatistics {
null_count: None,
// Note min/max values should be `None` (not known)
// NOT `Some(None)` (known to be null)
max_value: None,
min_value: None,
distinct_count: None,
let schema = SchemaBuilder::new().timestamp().build().unwrap();
let expected = DFStatistics {
num_rows: Some(3),
total_byte_size: Some(236),
column_statistics: Some(vec![df_c_stats]),
is_exact: true,
let actual = df_from_iox(&schema, &table_summary);
assert_nice_eq!(actual, expected);