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This document covers details that are only relevant if you are developing IOx and running the tests.

"End to End" tests

The purpose of the "end to end tests" is highest level "integration" test that can be run entirely within the influxdb_iox repository with minimum dependencies that ensure all the plumbing is connected correctly.

It is NOT meant to cover corner cases in implementation, which are better tested with targeted tests in the various sub modules that make up IOx.

Each of these tests starts up IOx as a sub process (aka runs the influxdb_iox binary) and manipulates it either via a client or the CLI. These tests should not manipulate or use the contents of any subsystem crate.


The end to end tests currently require a connection to postgres specified by a DSN, such as postgresql://localhost:5432/alamb. Note that the required schema is created automatically.


The end to end tests are run using the cargo test --test end_to_end command, after setting the TEST_INTEGRATION and TEST_INFLUXDB_IOX_CATALOG_DSN environment variables. NOTE if you don't set these variables the tests will "pass" locally (really they will be skipped).

For example, to run the end to end tests assuming the example postgres DSN:

TEST_INTEGRATION=1 TEST_INFLUXDB_IOX_CATALOG_DSN=postgresql://localhost:5432/alamb cargo test --test end_to_end

You can also see more logging using the LOG_FILTER variable. For example:

LOG_FILTER=debug,sqlx=warn,h2=warn TEST_INTEGRATION=1  TEST_INFLUXDB_IOX_CATALOG_DSN=postgresql://localhost:5432/alamb cargo test --test end_to_end

Running the IOx server from source

Starting the server

You can run IOx locally with a command like this (replacing --data-dir with your preferred location)

cargo run -- run -v --object-store=file --data-dir=$HOME/.influxdb_iox --server-id=42

Loading data

In another terminal window, try loading some data. These commands will create a database called parquet_db and load the contents of tests/fixtures/lineproto/metrics.lp into it

cd influxdb_iox
./target/debug/influxdb_iox database create parquet_db
./target/debug/influxdb_iox database write parquet_db tests/fixtures/lineproto/metrics.lp

Editing configuration

You can interactively edit the configuration of the IOx instance with a command like this:

./scripts/edit_db_rules  localhost:8082 parquet_db

Which will bring up your editor with a file that looks like this. Any changes you make to the file will be sent to IOx as its new config.

In this case, these settings will cause data to be persisted to parquet almost immediately

  "rules": {
    "name": "parquet_db",
    "partitionTemplate": {
      "parts": [
          "time": "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00"
    "lifecycleRules": {
      "bufferSizeSoft": "52428800",
      "bufferSizeHard": "104857600",
      "dropNonPersisted": true,
      "immutable": false,
      "persist": true,
      "workerBackoffMillis": "1000",
      "catalogTransactionsUntilCheckpoint": "100",
      "lateArriveWindowSeconds": 1,
      "persistRowThreshold": "1",
      "persistAgeThresholdSeconds": 1,
      "mubRowThreshold": "1",
      "parquetCacheLimit": "0",
      "maxActiveCompactionsCpuFraction": 1
    "workerCleanupAvgSleep": "500s"

Examining Parquet Files

You can use tools such as parquet-tools to examine the parquet files created by IOx. For example, the following command will show the contents of the disk table when persisted as parquet (note the actual filename will be different):

parquet-tools meta /Users/alamb/.influxdb_iox/42/parquet_db/data/disk/2020-06-11\ 16\:00\:00/1.4b1a7805-d6de-495e-844b-32fa452147c7.parquet

Object storage

To run the tests or not run the tests

If you are testing integration with some or all of the object storage options, you'll have more setup to do.

By default, cargo test -p object_store does not run any tests that actually contact any cloud services: tests that do contact the services will silently pass.

To run integration tests, use TEST_INTEGRATION=1 cargo test -p object_store, which will run the tests that contact the cloud services and fail them if the required environment variables aren't set.

Configuration differences when running the tests

When running influxdb_iox run database, you can pick one object store to use. When running the tests, you can run them against all the possible object stores. There's still only one INFLUXDB_IOX_BUCKET variable, though, so that will set the bucket name for all configured object stores. Use the same bucket name when setting up the different services.

Other than possibly configuring multiple object stores, configuring the tests to use the object store services is the same as configuring the server to use an object store service. See the output of influxdb_iox run database --help for instructions.

InfluxDB 2 Client

The influxdb2_client crate may be used by people using InfluxDB 2.0 OSS, and should be compatible with both that and IOx. If you want to run the integration tests for the client against InfluxDB 2.0 OSS, you will need to set TEST_INTEGRATION=1.

If you have docker in your path, the integration tests for the influxdb2_client crate will run integration tests against influxd running in a Docker container.

If you do not want to use Docker locally, but you do have influxd for InfluxDB 2.0 locally, you can use that instead by running the tests with the environment variable INFLUXDB_IOX_INTEGRATION_LOCAL=1.

Kafka Write Buffer

By default, the integration tests for the Kafka-based write buffer are not run.

In order to run them you must set two environment variables:

  • KAFKA_CONNECT to a host and port where the tests can connect to a running Kafka broker

Running Kafka Locally

Redpanda is a Kafka-compatible broker that can be used to run the tests, and is used by the CI to test IOx.

Either follow the instructions on the website to install redpanda directly onto your system, or alternatively it can be run in a docker container with:

docker run -d --pull=always --name=redpanda-1 --rm \
    -p 9092:9092 \
    -p 9644:9644 \ \
    redpanda start \
    --overprovisioned \
    --smp 1  \
    --memory 1G \
    --reserve-memory 0M \
    --node-id 0 \

It is then just a case of setting the environment variables and running the tests as normal

TEST_INTEGRATION=1 KAFKA_CONNECT=localhost:9093 cargo test

Or to just run the Kafka tests

TEST_INTEGRATION=1 KAFKA_CONNECT=localhost:9093 cargo test -p write_buffer kafka --nocapture