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v1.2.0 [unreleased]
Bug Fixes
- #1020: Users can now edit cell names on dashboards
- #1035: Convert many InfluxQL statements to query builder
- #1015: Introduce ability to edit a dashboard cell
- #1056: Introduce ability to add a dashboard cell
UI Improvements
v1.2.0-beta5 [2017-03-10]
Bug Fixes
- #936: Fix leaking sockets for InfluxQL queries
- #967: Fix flash of empty graph on auto-refresh when no results were previously returned from a query
- #968: Fix wrong database used in dashboards
- #993: Add Admin page for managing users, roles, and permissions for OSS InfluxDB and InfluxData's Enterprise product
- #993: Add Query Management features including the ability to view active queries and stop queries
UI Improvements
- #989 Add a canned dashboard for mesos
- #993: Improve the multi-select dropdown
- #993: Provide better error information to users
v1.2.0-beta4 [2017-02-24]
Bug Fixes
- #873: Add TLS support
- #885: Add presentation mode to the dashboard page
- #891: Make dashboard visualizations draggable
- #892: Make dashboard visualizations resizable
- #893: Persist dashboard visualization position
- #922: Additional OAuth2 support for Heroku and Google
- #781: Add global auto-refresh dropdown to all graph dashboards
UI Improvements
- #905: Make scroll bar thumb element bigger
- #917: Simplify the sidebar
- #920: Display stacked and step plot graph types
- #851: Add configuration for InfluxEnterprise meta nodes
- #916: Dynamically scale font size based on resolution
v1.2.0-beta3 [2017-02-15]
Bug Fixes
- #879: Fix several Kapacitor configuration page state bugs: #875, #876, #878
- #872: Fix incorrect data source response
- #896 Add more docker stats
v1.2.0-beta2 [2017-02-10]
Bug Fixes
- #865: Support for String fields compare Kapacitor rules in Chronograf UI
- #838: Add detail node to Kapacitor alerts
- #847: Enable and disable Kapacitor alerts from the alert manager page
- #853: Update builds to use yarn over npm install
- #860: Add gzip encoding and caching of static assets to server
- #864: Add support to Kapacitor rule alert configuration for: - HTTP - TCP - Exec - SMTP - Alerta
UI Improvements
- #822: Simplify and improve the layout of the Data Explorer
- The Data Explorer's intention and purpose has always been the ad hoc and ephemeral exploration of your schema and data.
The concept of
sessions andPanels
betrayed this initial intention. The DE turned into a "poor man's" dashboarding tool. In turn, this introduced complexity in the code and the UI. In the future if I want to save, manipulate, and view multiple visualizations this will be done more efficiently and effectively in our dashboarding solution.
v1.2.0-beta1 [2017-01-27]
Bug Fixes
- #788: Fix missing fields in data explorer when using non-default retention policy
- #774: Fix gaps in layouts for hosts
- #779: Add layout for telegraf's diskio system plugin
- #810: Add layout for telegraf's net system plugin
- #811: Add layout for telegraf's procstat plugin
- #737: Add GUI for OpsGenie kapacitor alert service
- #814: Allows Chronograf to be mounted under any arbitrary URL path using the
v1.1.0-beta6 [2017-01-13]
Bug Fixes
- #748: Fix missing kapacitors on source index page
- #755: Fix kapacitor basic auth proxying
- #704: Fix RPM and DEB install script and systemd unit file
- #660: Add option to accept any certificate from InfluxDB
- #733: Add optional Github organization membership checks to authentication
- #564: Add RabbitMQ pre-canned layout
- #706: Alerts on threshold where value is inside of range
- #707: Alerts on threshold where value is outside of range
- #772: Add X-Chronograf-Version header to all requests
UI Improvements
- #766: Add click-to-insert functionality to rule message templates
v1.1.0-beta5 [2017-01-05]
Bug Fixes
- #693: Fix corrupted MongoDB pre-canned layout
- #714: Relative rules check data in the wrong direction
- #718: Fix bug that stopped apps from displaying
v1.1.0-beta4 [2016-12-30]
- #691: Add server-side dashboard API
- #709: Add kapacitor range alerting to API
- #672: Added visual indicator for down hosts
- #612: Add dashboard menu
Bug Fixes
- 679: Fix version display
v1.1.0-beta3 [2016-12-16]
- #610: Add ability to edit raw text queries in the Data Explorer
UI Improvements
- #688: Add ability to visually distinguish queries in the Data Explorer
- #618: Add measurement name and field key to the query tab in the Data Explorer
- #698: Add color differentiation for Kapacitor alert levels
- #698: Clarify an empty Kapacitor configuration on the InfluxDB Sources page
- #676: Streamline the function selector in the Data Explorer
Bug Fixes
- #652,#670: Allow text selecting in text box inputs
- #679: Add version information to the nightly builds
- #675: Fix user flow for Kapacitor connect
v1.1.0-beta2 [2016-12-09]
- #624: Add time range selection to kapacitor alert rules
- Update Go to 1.7.4
Bug Fixes
- #664: Fix Content-Type of single-page app to always be text/html
- #671: Fix multiple influxdb source freezing page
v1.1.0-beta1 [2016-12-06]
- #565 #246 #234 #311 Github Oauth login
- #487: Warn users if they are using a kapacitor instance that is configured to use an influxdb instance that does not match the current source
- #597: Filter host by series tags
- #568: #569: Add support for multiple y-axis, labels, and ranges
- #605: Singlestat visualization type in host view
- #607: Singlestat and line graph visualization type in host view
Bug Fixes
- #536 Redirect the user to the kapacitor config screen if they are attempting to view or edit alerts without a configured kapacitor
- #539 Zoom works only on the first graph of a layout
- #494 Layouts should only be displayed when the measurement is present
- #588 Unable to connect to source
- #586 Allow telegraf database in non-default locations
- #542 Graphs in layouts do not show up in the order of the layout definition
- #574: Fix broken graphs on Postgres Layouts by adding aggregates
- #644: Fix bug that stopped apps from displaying
- #510: Fix connect button
v1.1-alpha [2016-11-14]
Release Notes
This is the initial alpha release of Chronograf 1.1.