2023-08-02 14:36:41 +00:00
# CLI Cookbook for `influxdb_iox table create` and `influxdb_iox namespace create`
This file shows instructions on how to use:
1. `influxdb_iox namespace create [OPTIONS] <NAMESPACE>`
1. `influxdb_iox table create [OPTIONS] <DATABASE> <TABLE>`
## Instructions
1. Set up Postgres for Catalog if you havn't yet
# Install Postgres
brew install postgresql
# Creates a new PostgreSQL database cluster
initdb pg
# Create a new superuser with username "postgres"
createuser -s postgres
# create a database called "iox_test"
createdb iox_test
1. In `influxdb_iox` repo, build the most up-to-date IOx locally:
cargo build
1. Then run all-in-one server:
./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv run all-in-one --object-store=file --data-dir=/tmp/iox_data --catalog-dsn=postgres:iox_test --wal-rotation-period-seconds=1
# Rather than building and running the binary in `target` , you can also compile and run with one command:
cargo run -- run all-in-one --object-store=file --data-dir=/tmp/iox_data --catalog-dsn=postgres:iox_test --wal-rotation-period-seconds=1
1. In another shell, run the following to create a namespace and a table:
# Create a namespace called "ns_test"
./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv namespace create ns_test --host http://localhost:8081
# Create a table called "t_test"
./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv table create ns_test t_test --host http://localhost:8081
1. Check the created table in the IOx SQL REPL
# Run IOx SQL REPL locally
$ ./target/debug/influxdb_iox sql
# Then run the query
> show namespaces;
| namespace_id | name |
| 1 | ns_test |
> use namespace ns_test;
You are now in remote mode, querying namespace ns_test
ns_test> show tables;
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | table_type |
| public | iox | t_test | BASE TABLE |
| public | information_schema | tables | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | views | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | columns | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | df_settings | VIEW |
Returned 5 rows in 35.365875ms
ns_test> exit;
1. Write data
./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv write ns_test ./test_fixtures/lineproto/air_and_water.lp --host http://localhost:8080
1. Read data using CLI
$ ./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv namespace list
"id": "1",
"name": "ns_test",
"maxTables": 500,
"maxColumnsPerTable": 200
$ ./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv query ns_test 'show tables'
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | table_type |
| public | iox | air_temperature | BASE TABLE |
| public | iox | h2o_temperature | BASE TABLE |
| public | iox | t_test | BASE TABLE |
| public | information_schema | tables | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | views | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | columns | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | df_settings | VIEW |
$ ./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv query ns_test 'select * from air_temperature'
| location | sea_level_degrees | state | tenk_feet_feet_degrees | time |
| coyote_creek | 77.2 | CA | 40.8 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.568756160Z |
| coyote_creek | 77.1 | CA | 41.0 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.600756160Z |
| santa_monica | 77.3 | CA | 40.0 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.568756160Z |
| santa_monica | 77.6 | CA | 40.9 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.600756160Z |
| puget_sound | 77.5 | WA | 41.1 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.568756160Z |
| puget_sound | 78.0 | WA | 40.9 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.600756160Z |
1. (Or) Read data from IOx SQL REPL
# Run IOx SQL CLI locally
$ ./target/debug/influxdb_iox sql
# Then run the query
> show namespaces;
| namespace_id | name |
| 1 | ns_test |
> use namespace ns_test;
You are now in remote mode, querying namespace ns_test
ns_test> show tables;
| table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | table_type |
| public | iox | air_temperature | BASE TABLE |
| public | iox | h2o_temperature | BASE TABLE |
| public | iox | t_test | BASE TABLE |
| public | information_schema | tables | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | views | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | columns | VIEW |
| public | information_schema | df_settings | VIEW |
Returned 7 rows in 23.055041ms
ns_test> select * from air_temperature;
| location | sea_level_degrees | state | tenk_feet_feet_degrees | time |
| coyote_creek | 77.2 | CA | 40.8 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.568756160Z |
| coyote_creek | 77.1 | CA | 41.0 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.600756160Z |
| santa_monica | 77.3 | CA | 40.0 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.568756160Z |
| santa_monica | 77.6 | CA | 40.9 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.600756160Z |
| puget_sound | 77.5 | WA | 41.1 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.568756160Z |
| puget_sound | 78.0 | WA | 40.9 | 1970-01-01T00:00:01.600756160Z |
Returned 6 rows in 27.051917ms
## How to use option `-p, --partition-template`
Users can override the [default partition key ](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb_iox/blob/4a18df53c6fa28429d051f904343a78aae041e21/data_types/src/partition_template.rs#L253-L262 ) (`YYYY-MM-DD`) to a customized format when creating a namespace or a table
- Partition template format: `{"parts": [{"timeFormat": "..."}, {"tagValue": "..."}, {"tagValue": "..."}]}`
- `timeFormat` and `tagValue` can be in any order.
- The number of `timeFormat` s and `tagValue` s are not limited at parsing time. However, server limits the total number of them and will send back error if it exceeds the limit 8.
- The value of `timeFormat` and `tagValue` are strings and can be whatever at parsing time. If they are not in the right format the server expcected, the server will return error.
> [!NOTE]
> "time" is a reserved word and cannot be used in `timeFormat` and `tagValue`.
# Create a namespace with a custom partition template
./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv namespace create ns_test -p '{"parts": [{"tagValue": "col1"}, {"tagValue": "col2"}, {"timeFormat": "%Y-%m"}]}' --host http://localhost:8081
# Create a table with a custom partition template
./target/debug/influxdb_iox -vv table create ns_test t_test -p '{"parts": [{"timeFormat": "%Y-%m"}, {"tagValue": "col1"}]}' --host http://localhost:8081
When using the partition template, the following partition key will be derived:
2023-08-02 20:33:32 +00:00
| Partition template | Data shape | Partition key |
| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | --------------------- |
| {"parts":[{"timeFormat":"%Y-%m"}, {"tagValue":"col1"}]} | time=2023-01-01,col1=bananas,col2=plátanos | 2023-01| bananas |
| {"parts":[{"timeFormat":"%Y-%m"}, {"tagValue":"col2"}]} | time=2023-01-01,col1=bananas,col2=plátanos | 2023-01| plátanos |
| {"parts":[{"tagValue":"col1"}, {"timeFormat":"%Y-%m"}]} | time=2023-01-01,col1=bananas,col2=plátanos | bananas| 2023-01 |
2023-08-02 14:36:41 +00:00
A partitioning template is resolved by evaluating the following (in order of precedence):
1. Table name override, if specified.
2. Namespace name override, if specified.
3. Default partitioning scheme (YYYY-MM-DD).
In other words:
- when a namespace is created _with_ a custom partition template, and a table is created implicitly, i.e. _without_ a partition template, the _namespace's_ partition template will be applied to this table.
- when a namespace is created _with_ a custom partition template, and a table is created _without_ a partition template, the _namespace's_ partition template will be applied to this table
- when a namespace is created _with_ a custom partition template, and a table is created _with_ a partition template, the _table's_ partition template will be applied to this table