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Sign up for InfluxDB Cloud InfluxDB Cloud is a fully managed and hosted version of InfluxDB 2.0, the time series platform purpose-built to collect, store, process and visualize metrics and events.
Sign up

InfluxDB Cloud is a fully managed and hosted version of InfluxDB, designed to collect, store, process, and visualize metrics and events.


New InfluxDB Cloud signups use InfluxDB 3

New InfluxDB Cloud signups are for InfluxDB Cloud Serverless, powered by the InfluxDB 3 storage engine.

If you are looking to use InfluxDB v2 (TSM), consider self-hosting InfluxDB OSS v2.

{{< product-name >}} is API-compatible and functionally compatible with InfluxDB OSS v2.

The primary differences between InfluxDB OSS v2 and InfluxDB Cloud are:

Other deployment options

  • InfluxDB OSS v2 (single-node, self-hosted): Available for on-premises setups.
  • InfluxDB Cloud Serverless: Managed, multi-tenant InfluxDB Cloud 3 instance.
  • InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated: Managed, single-tenant InfluxDB Cloud 3 cluster.

Sign up


New InfluxDB Cloud signups use InfluxDB 3

New InfluxDB Cloud signups are for InfluxDB Cloud Serverless, powered by the InfluxDB 3 storage engine.

If you are looking to use InfluxDB v2 (TSM), consider self-hosting InfluxDB OSS v2.

(Optional) Download, install, and use the influx CLI

To use the influx CLI to manage and interact with your InfluxDB Cloud instance, complete the following steps:

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Step 1: Download influx CLI for macOS

Click the following button to download and install influx CLI for macOS.

influx CLI (macOS)

Step 2: Unpackage the influx binary

Note: The commands below are examples. Adjust the file names, paths, and utilities to your own needs.

To unpackage the downloaded archive, double click the archive file in Finder or run the following command in a macOS command prompt application such Terminal or iTerm2:

# Unpackage contents to the current working directory
tar zxvf ~/Downloads/influxdb2-client-{{< latest-patch cli=true >}}-darwin-amd64.tar.gz

Step 3: (Optional) Place the binary in your $PATH

If you choose, you can place influx in your $PATH or you can prefix the executable with ./ to run in place. If the binary is on your $PATH, you can run influx from any directory. Otherwise, you must specify the location of the CLI (for example, ./influxor path/to/influx).

Note: If you have the 1.x binary on your $PATH, moving the 2.0 binary to your $PATH will overwrite the 1.x binary because they have the same name.

# Copy the influx binary to your $PATH
sudo cp influxdb2-client-{{< latest-patch cli=true >}}-darwin-amd64/influx /usr/local/bin/

{{% note %}} If you rename the binary, all references to influx in this documentation refer to the renamed binary. {{% /note %}}

Step 4: (macOS Catalina only) Authorize InfluxDB binaries

If running influx on macOS Catalina, you must manually authorize the influx binary in the Security & Privacy section of System Preferences.

Step 5: Set up a configuration profile

To avoid having to pass your InfluxDB API token with each influx command, set up a configuration profile that stores your credentials.

In a terminal, run the following command:

# Set up a configuration profile
influx config create -n default \
  -u \
  -o example-org \
  -t mySuP3rS3cr3tT0keN \

This configures a new profile named default and makes the profile active so your influx CLI commands run against this instance. For more detail, see influx config.

Step 6: Learn influx CLI commands

To see all available influx commands, type influx -h or check out influx - InfluxDB command line interface.

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Step 1: Download influx CLI for Linux

Click one of the following buttons to download and install the influx CLI appropriate for your chipset.

influx CLI (amd64) influx CLI (arm)

Step 2: Unpackage the influx binary

Note: The commands below are examples. Adjust the file names, paths, and utilities to your own needs.

# Unpackage contents to the current working directory
tar xvfz influxdb2-client-{{< latest-cli >}}-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Step 3: (Optional) Place the binary in your $PATH

If you choose, you can place influx in your $PATH or you can prefix the executable with ./ to run in place. If the binary is on your $PATH, you can run influx from any directory. Otherwise, you must specify the location of the CLI (for example, ./influxor path/to/influx).

Note: If you have the 1.x binary on your $PATH, moving the 2.0 binary to your $PATH will overwrite the 1.x binary because they have the same name.

# Copy the influx and influxd binary to your $PATH
sudo cp influxdb2-client-{{< latest-cli >}}-linux-amd64/influx /usr/local/bin/

{{% note %}} If you rename the binary, all references to influx in this documentation refer to the renamed binary. {{% /note %}}

Step 4: Set up a configuration profile

To avoid having to pass your InfluxDB API token with each influx command, set up a configuration profile that stores your credentials.

In a terminal, run the following command:

# Set up a configuration profile
influx config create -n default \
  -u \
  -o example-org \
  -t mySuP3rS3cr3tT0keN \

This configures a new profile named default and makes the profile active so your influx CLI commands run against this instance. For more detail, see influx config.

Step 5: Learn influx CLI commands

To see all available influx commands, type influx -h or check out influx - InfluxDB command line interface.

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Step 1: Download influx CLI for Windows

Click the following button to download and install influx CLI for Windows.

influx CLI (Windows)

Step 2: Expand the downloaded archive

Expand the downloaded archive into C:\Program Files\InfluxData\influxdb.

Step 3: Grant network access

When using the influx CLI for the first time, Windows Defender will appear with the following message: Windows Defender Firewall has blocked some features of this app.

  1. Select Private networks, such as my home or work network.
  2. Click Allow access.

Step 4: Learn influx CLI commands

To see all available influx commands, type influx -h or check out influx - InfluxDB command line interface.

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Sign in

Sign in to InfluxDB Cloud using your email address and password.

Sign in to InfluxDB Cloud now

Get started working with data

To learn how to get started working with time series data, see Get Started.