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Delete a user Delete a user from InfluxDB Delete a user from InfluxDB using the InfluxDB UI or the influx CLI.
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Delete a user Manage users

Use the InfluxDB user interface (UI) or the influx command line interface (CLI) to delete a user.

{{% warn %}} Deleting a user removes them completely from InfluxDB. To remove a user from an organization without deleting the user entirely, see Remove a member from an organization. {{% /warn %}}

Delete a user from the InfluxDB UI

{{% note %}} Users cannot be deleted from the InfluxDB UI. {{% /note %}}

Delete a user using the influx CLI

Use the influx user delete command to delete a user. Deleting a user requires the following:

  • The user ID (provided in the output of influx user list)
# Syntax
influx user delete -i <user-id>

# Example
influx user delete -i 034ad714fdd6f000