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Create a variable Create a dashboard variable Create dashboard variables in the Data Explorer, from the Organization page, or import a variable.
Use and manage variables

Create dashboard variables in the Data Explorer, from the Settings section, or import a variable. Variable names must be unique.

There are multiple variable types that provide different means of populating your list of variable values. For information about variable types, see Variable types.

{{% note %}}

Variable name restrictions

Variable names must begin with a letter or underscore (_).

The following names cannot be used as dashboard variables because they are reserved keywords in Flux: and, import, not, return, option, test, empty, in, or, package, and builtin. {{% /note %}}

Create a variable in the Data Explorer

{{% note %}} InfluxData recommends using the Data Explorer to create Query dashboard variables. The Table visualization type and View Raw Data option to provide human-readable query results. {{% /note %}}

  1. Click the Data Explorer icon in the sidebar.

    {{< nav-icon "data-explorer" >}}

  2. Use the Query Builder or Script Editor to build a query.

  3. Use the Table visualization type or enable the View Raw Data option to view human-readable query results.

  4. Click Save As in the upper right.

  5. In the window that appears, select Variable.

  6. Enter a name for your variable in the Name field.

  7. Click Create.

For information about common Query variables, see Common variable queries.

Create a variable in the Settings section

  1. Click the Settings icon in the navigation bar.

    {{< nav-icon "settings" >}}

  2. Select the Variables tab.

  3. Enter a name for your variable.

  4. Select your variable type. For details on each type, see Variable types.

  5. Enter the appropriate variable information.

  6. Click Create.

Import a variable

InfluxDB lets you import variables exported from InfluxDB in JSON format.

  1. Click the Settings icon in the navigation bar.

    {{< nav-icon "settings" >}}

  2. Select the Variables tab.

  3. Click the {{< icon "plus" >}} Create Variable drop-down menu and select Import Variable.

  4. In the window that appears:

  • Select Upload File to drag and drop or select a file.
  • Select Paste JSON to paste in JSON.
  1. Click Import JSON as Variable.