111 lines
4.6 KiB
111 lines
4.6 KiB
title: InfluxDB system buckets
description: >
InfluxDB system buckets contain time series data used by and generated from the
InfluxDB monitoring and alerting system and the task engine.
name: System buckets
parent: InfluxDB internals
weight: 103
influxdb/v2.1/tags: [buckets]
- /influxdb/v2.1/monitor-alert/
- /influxdb/v2.1/process-data/
- /{{< latest "flux" >}}/stdlib/influxdata/influxdb/monitor/check/
- /{{< latest "flux" >}}/stdlib/influxdata/influxdb/monitor/deadman/
- /{{< latest "flux" >}}/stdlib/influxdata/influxdb/monitor/from/
- /{{< latest "flux" >}}/stdlib/influxdata/influxdb/monitor/logs/
- /{{< latest "flux" >}}/stdlib/influxdata/influxdb/monitor/notify/
InfluxDB system buckets contain time series data used by and generated from the
InfluxDB monitoring and alerting system and the task engine.
Each InfluxDB organization includes the following system buckets:
- [\_monitoring](#_monitoring-system-bucket)
- [\_tasks](#_tasks-system-bucket)
{{% note %}}
The system bucket schemas below reference **InfluxDB data elements**.
For more information, see [InfluxDB key concepts](/influxdb/v2.1/reference/key-concepts/data-elements/).
{{% /note %}}
## \_monitoring system bucket
The `_monitoring` system bucket stores InfluxDB data used to
[monitor data and send alerts](/influxdb/v2.1/monitor-alert/).
**Data retention:** 7 days
### \_monitoring bucket schema
- **statuses** _(measurement)_
- **tags:**
- **\_check\_id:** check ID
- **\_check\_name:** check name
- **\_level:** level evaluated by the check (ok, info, warn, or crit)
- **\_source\_measurement:** original measurement queried by the check
- **\_type:** check type (threshold or deadman)
- _other tags inherited from queried data or added in the check configuration_
- **fields:**
- **\_message:** message generated by the check
- **\_source_timestamp:** original timestamp of the queried data
- _other fields inherited from queried data_
- **notifications** _(measurement)_
- **tags:**
- **\_check\_id:** check ID that triggered the notification
- **\_check\_name:** check name that triggered the notification
- **\_level:** check-evaluated level that triggered the notification (ok, info, warn, or crit)
- **\_notification_endpoint_id:** notification endpoint ID
- **\_notification_endpoint_name:** notification endpoint name
- **\_notification_rule_id:** notification rule ID
- **\_notification_rule_name:** notification rule name
- **\_sent:** sent status (true or false)
- **\_source\_measurement:** original measurement queried by the check
- **\_type:** check type (threshold or deadman)
- _other tags inherited from queried data or added in the check configuration_
- **fields:**
- **\_message:** message generated by the check
- **\_source_timestamp:** original timestamp of the queried data
- **\_status_timestamp:** timestamp when the status (`_level`) was evaluated
- _other fields inherited from queried data_
- {{% cloud-only %}}
**rejected_points** _(measurement)_
- **tags:**
- **bucket:** ID of the bucket targeted in the write request
- **reason:** brief description of why InfluxDB rejected the point
- **field:** field name of the point (present if the point contained a field)
- **measurement:** measurement of the point (present if the point contained a measurement)
- **gotType:** InfluxDB field type in the point (present if type mismatch)
- **wantType:** InfluxDB field type in the bucket schema (present if type mismatch)
- **fields:**
- **_field:** `count` (for data type and schema conflicts) or `error` (for parsing errors)
- **_value:** `1` if `_field: "count"` or error details if `_field: "error"`
- **timestamp:** time the rejected point was logged
{{% /cloud-only %}}
## \_tasks system bucket
The `_tasks` system bucket stores data related to [InfluxDB task](/influxdb/v2.1/process-data/) executions.
**Data retention:** 3 days
### \_tasks bucket schema
_A **task run** refers to a single task execution._
- **runs** _(measurement)_
- **tags:**
- **status:** task run status (success or failed)
- **taskID:** task ID
- **fields:**
- **finishedAt:** timestamp when the task run finished
- **logs:** log output from the task run
- **requestedAt:** timestamp when the task run was requested
- **runID** task run ID
- **scheduledFor:** timestamp the task run was scheduled for
- **startedAt:** timestamp when the task run started