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Query data with the InfluxDB JavaScript client library Use the JavaScript client library to query data with the InfluxDB API in Node.js.
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Query Node.js
client libraries

Use the InfluxDB JavaScript client library in a Node.js environment to query InfluxDB.

The following example sends a Flux query to an InfluxDB bucket and outputs rows from an observable table.

Before you begin

Query InfluxDB

  1. Change to your new project directory and create a file for your query module.

    cd influx-node-app && touch query.js
  2. Instantiate an InfluxDB client. Provide your InfluxDB URL and API token. Use the getQueryApi() method of the client. Provide your InfluxDB organization ID to create a configured query client.

    import { InfluxDB, Point } from '@influxdata/influxdb-client'
    const queryApi = new InfluxDB({YOUR_URL, YOUR_API_TOKEN}).getQueryApi(YOUR_ORG)

    Replace the following:

    • YOUR_URL: InfluxDB URL
    • YOUR_API_TOKEN: InfluxDB API token
    • YOUR_ORG: InfluxDB organization ID
  3. Create a Flux query for your InfluxDB bucket. Store the query as a string variable. {{% warn %}} To prevent SQL injection attacks, avoid concatenating unsafe user input with queries. {{% /warn %}}

    const fluxQuery =
      'from(bucket: "YOUR_BUCKET")
      |> range(start: 0)
      |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "temperature")'

    Replace YOUR_BUCKET with the name of your InfluxDB bucket.

  4. Use the queryRows() method of the query client to query InfluxDB. queryRows() takes a Flux query and an RxJS Observer object. The client returns [table](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/reference/syntax/annotated-csv/#tables) metadata and rows as an RxJS Observable. queryRows() subscribes your observer to the observable. Finally, the observer logs the rows from the response to the terminal.

    const observer = {
      next(row, tableMeta) {
        const o = tableMeta.toObject(row)
          `${o._time} ${o._measurement} in '${o.location}' (${o.sensor_id}): ${o._field}=${o._value}`
    queryApi.queryRows(fluxQuery, observer)

Complete example

{{% get-shared-text "api/v2.0/query/query.mjs" %}}

To run the example from a file, set your InfluxDB environment variables and use node to execute the JavaScript file.

export INFLUX_URL=http://localhost:8086 && \
node query.js

{{% api/v2dot0/nodejs/learn-more %}}