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title | seotitle | list_title | description | menu | influxdb/v2.1/tags | weight | aliases | related | |||||||||||||||
JavaScript client library for web browsers | Use the InfluxDB JavaScript client library for web browsers | JavaScript for browsers | Use the InfluxDB JavaScript client library to interact with InfluxDB in web clients. |
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Use the InfluxDB JavaScript client library to interact with the InfluxDB API in browsers and front-end clients. This library supports both front-end and server-side environments and provides the following distributions:
- ECMAScript modules (ESM) and CommonJS modules (CJS)
- Bundled ESM
- Bundled UMD
This guide presumes some familiarity with JavaScript, browser environments, and InfluxDB. If you're just getting started with InfluxDB, see [Get started with InfluxDB](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/get-started/).
{{% warn %}}
Tokens in production applications
{{% api/browser-token-warning %}} {{% /warn %}}
- Before you begin
- Use with module bundlers
- Use bundled distributions with browsers and module loaders
- Get started with the example app
Before you begin
Install Node.js to serve your front-end app.
Ensure that InfluxDB is running and you can connect to it. For information about what URL to use to connect to InfluxDB OSS or InfluxDB Cloud, see [InfluxDB URLs](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/reference/urls/).
Use with module bundlers
If you use a module bundler like Webpack or Parcel, install @influxdata/influxdb-client-browser
For more information and examples, see [Node.js](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/api-guide/client-libraries/nodejs/).
Use bundled distributions with browsers and module loaders
Configure InfluxDB properties for your script.
<script> window.INFLUX_ENV = { url: 'http://localhost:8086', token: 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN' } </script>
Import modules from the latest client library browser distribution.
exports bundled ESM and UMD syntaxes.{{< code-tabs-wrapper >}} {{% code-tabs %}} ESM UMD {{% /code-tabs %}} {{% code-tab-content %}}
<script type="module"> import {InfluxDB, Point} from 'https://unpkg.com/@influxdata/influxdb-client-browser/dist/index.browser.mjs' const influxDB = new InfluxDB({INFLUX_ENV.url, INFLUX_ENV.token}) </script>
{{% /code-tab-content %}} {{% code-tab-content %}}
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@influxdata/influxdb-client-browser"></script> <script> const Influx = window['@influxdata/influxdb-client'] const InfluxDB = Influx.InfluxDB const influxDB = new InfluxDB({INFLUX_ENV.url, INFLUX_ENV.token}) </script>
{{% /code-tab-content %}} {{< /code-tabs-wrapper >}}
After you've imported the client library, you're ready to [write data](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/api-guide/client-libraries/nodejs/write/?t=nodejs) to InfluxDB.
Get started with the example app
This library includes an example browser app that queries from and writes to your InfluxDB instance.
Clone the influxdb-client-js repo.
Navigate to the
directory:cd examples
with your InfluxDB [url](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/reference/urls/), [bucket](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/organizations/buckets/), [organization](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/organizations/), and [token](/{{% latest "influxdb" %}}/security/tokens/) -
Run the following command to start the application at http://localhost:3001/examples/index.html
npm run browser
loads theenv_browser.js
configuration, the client library ESM modules, and the application in your browser.