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Downsample data with Quix Streams Downsample data with Python and Quix Streams Use Quix Streams to create Python service that downsamples data stored in InfluxDB.
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Quix Tools & integrations influxdb_v2-downsample-quix

A common practice when processing high volume data is to downsample it before comitting it to InfluxDB to reduce the overall disk usage as data collects over time.

This guide walks through the process of creating a series of Python services that ingest from an InfluxDB v2 bucket, downsample and publish the data to another InfluxDB v2 bucket. By aggregating data within windows of time, then storing the aggregate values back to InfluxDB, you can reduce disk usage and costs over time.

The guide uses the InfluxDB v2 and Quix Streams Python client libraries and can be run locally or deployed within Quix Cloud with a free trial. It assumes you have setup a Python project and virtual environment.

Pipeline architecture

The following diagram illustrates how data is passed between processes as it is downsampled:

{{< html-diagram/quix-downsample-pipeline "v2" >}}

{{% note %}} It is usually more efficient to write raw data directly to Kafka rather than writing raw data to InfluxDB first (essentially starting the Quix Streams pipeline with the "influxv2-data" topic). However, this guide assumes that you already have raw data in InfluxDB that you want to downsample. {{% /note %}}

  1. Set up prerequisites
  2. Install dependencies
  3. Prepare InfluxDB buckets
  4. Create the downsampling logic
  5. Create the producer and consumer clients
    1. Create the producer
    2. Create the consumer
  6. Run the machine data generator
  7. Get the full downsampling code files

Set up prerequisites

The process described in this guide requires the following:

Install dependencies

Use pip to install the following dependencies:

  • influxdb-client (InfluxDB v2 client library)
  • quixstreams<2.5 (Quix Streams client library)
  • pandas (data analysis and manipulation tool)
pip install influxdb-client pandas quixstreams<2.5 

Prepare InfluxDB buckets

The downsampling process involves two InfluxDB buckets. Each bucket has a retention period that specifies how long data persists before it expires and is deleted. By using two buckets, you can store unmodified, high-resolution data in a bucket with a shorter retention period and then downsampled, low-resolution data in a bucket with a longer retention period.

Ensure you have a bucket for each of the following:

  • One to query unmodified data from your InfluxDB v2 cluster
  • The other to write downsampled data into

Create the downsampling logic

This process reads the raw data from the input Kafka topic that stores data streamed from the InfluxDB v2 bucket, downsamples it, and then sends it to an output topic which is later written back to another bucket.

  1. Use the Quix Streams library's Application class to initialize a connection to the Kafka topics.

    from quixstreams import Application
    app = Application(consumer_group="downsampling-process", auto_offset_reset="earliest")
    input_topic = app.topic("input")
    output_topic = app.topic("output")
    # ...
  2. Configure the Quix Streams built-in windowing function to create a tumbling window that continously downsamples the data into 1-minute buckets.

    # ...
    target_field = "temperature" # The field that you want to downsample.
    def custom_ts_extractor(value):
        # ...
        # truncated for brevity - custom code that defines the "time_recorded"
        # field as the timestamp to use for windowing...
    topic = app.topic(input_topic, timestamp_extractor=custom_ts_extractor)
    sdf = (
        sdf.apply(lambda value: value[target_field])  # Extract temperature values
        .tumbling_window(timedelta(minutes=1))        # 1-minute tumbling windows
        .mean()                                       # Calculate average temperature
        .final()                                      # Emit results at window completion
    sdf = sdf.apply(
        lambda value: {
            "time": value["end"],                  # End of the window
            "temperature_avg": value["value"],     # Average temperature
    sdf.to_topic(output_topic) # Output results to the "downsampled" topic
    # ...

The results are streamed to the Kafka topic, downsampled.

{{% note %}} Note: "sdf" stands for "Streaming Dataframe". {{% /note %}}

You can find the full code for this process in the Quix GitHub repository.

Create the producer and consumer clients

Use the influxdb_client and quixstreams modules to instantiate two clients that interact with InfluxDB and Kafka:

  • A producer client configured to read from your InfluxDB bucket with unmodified data and produce that data to Kafka.
  • A consumer client configured to consume data from Kafka and write the downsampled data to the corresponding InfluxDB bucket.

Create the producer

Provide the following credentials for the producer:

  • INFLUXDB_HOST: InfluxDB URL (without the protocol)
  • INFLUXDB_ORG: InfluxDB organization name
  • INFLUXDB_TOKEN: InfluxDB API token with read and write permissions on the buckets you want to query and write to.
  • INFLUXDB_BUCKET: InfluxDB bucket name

The producer queries for fresh data from InfluxDB at specific intervals. It writes the raw data to a Kafka topic called influxv2-data.

{{% code-placeholders "(API|(RAW|DOWNSAMPLED)BUCKET|ORG)(NAME|TOKEN)" %}}

from quixstreams import Application
import influxdb_client
# Create a Quix Application
app = Application(consumer_group="influxdbv2_migrate", auto_create_topics=True)
# Define the topic using the "output" environment variable
topic = app.topic(os.getenv("output", "influxv2-data"))
# Create an InfluxDB v2 client
influxdb2_client = influxdb_client.InfluxDBClient(token=os.environ["INFLUXDB_TOKEN"],

## ... remaining code trunctated for brevity ...

# Function to fetch data from InfluxDB
# It runs in a continuous loop, periodically fetching data based on the interval.
def get_data():
    # Run in a loop until the main thread is terminated
    while run:
            # Query InfluxDB 2.0 using flux
            flux_query = f'''
            from(bucket: "{bucket}")
                |> range(start: -{interval})
                |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
  "Sending query: {flux_query}")

## ... remaining code trunctated for brevity ...

# Create a pre-configured Producer object.
with app.get_producer() as producer:
    for res in get_data():
        # Get the data from InfluxDB
        records = json.loads(res)
        for index, obj in enumerate(records):
  "Produced message with key:{message_key}, value:{obj}")
            # Publish the data to the Kafka topic

{{% /code-placeholders %}}

You can find the full code for this process in the Quix GitHub repository.

Create the consumer

As before, provide the following credentials for the consumer:

  • INFLUXDB_HOST: InfluxDB URL (without the protocol)
  • INFLUXDB_ORG: InfluxDB organization name
  • INFLUXDB_TOKEN: InfluxDB API token with read and write permissions on the buckets you want to query and write to.
  • INFLUXDB_BUCKET: InfluxDB bucket name

{{% note %}} Note: These will be your InfluxDB v2 credentials. {{% /note %}}

This process reads messages from the Kafka topic downsampled-data and writes each message as a point dictionary back to InfluxDB.

{{% code-placeholders "(API|(RAW|DOWNSAMPLED)BUCKET|ORG)(NAME|TOKEN)" %}}

from quixstreams import Application, State
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point

# Create a Quix platform-specific application instead
app = Application(consumer_group=consumer_group_name, auto_offset_reset="earliest", use_changelog_topics=False)

input_topic = app.topic(os.getenv("input", "input-data"))

# Initialize InfluxDB v2 client
influx2_client = InfluxDBClient(url={{< influxdb/host >}},

## ... remaining code trunctated for brevity ...

def send_data_to_influx(message: dict, state: State):
    global last_write_time_ns, points_buffer, service_start_state

        ## ... code trunctated for brevity ...

        # Check if it's time to write the batch
        # 10k records have accumulated or 15 seconds have passed
        if len(points_buffer) >= 10000 or int(time() * 1e9) - last_write_time_ns >= 15e9:
            with influx2_client.write_api() as write_api:
      "Writing batch of {len(points_buffer)} points written to InfluxDB.")
                write_api.write(influx_bucket, influx_org, points_buffer)

            # Clear the buffer and update the last write time
            points_buffer = []
            last_write_time_ns = int(time() * 1e9)
            ## ... code trunctated for brevity ...

    except Exception as e:"{str(datetime.utcnow())}: Write failed")

## ... code trunctated for brevity ...

# We use Quix Streams StreamingDataframe (SDF) to handle every message
# in the Kafka topic by writing it to InfluxDB
sdf = app.dataframe(input_topic)
sdf = sdf.update(send_data_to_influx, stateful=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":"Starting application")

{{% /code-placeholders %}}

You can find the full code for this process in the Quix GitHub repository.

Run the Machine data generator

Now it's time to run the machine data generator code which will populate your source bucket with data which will be read by the producer.

Run from the Machine data to InfluxDB folder in the GitHub repository.

Get the full downsampling code files

To get the complete set of files referenced in this tutorial, clone the Quix "downsampling" repository.

Clone the downsampling template repository

To clone the downsampling template, enter the following command in the command line:

git clone

This repository contains the following folders which store different parts of the whole pipeline:

  • Machine Data to InfluxDB: A script that generates synthetic machine data and writes it to InfluxDB. This is useful if you dont have your own data yet, or just want to work with test data first.

    • It produces a reading every 250 milliseconds.
    • This script originally comes from the InfluxCommunity repository but has been adapted to write directly to InfluxDB rather than using an MQTT broker.
  • InfluxDB v2 Data Source: A service that queries for fresh data from InfluxDB at specific intervals. It's configured to look for the measurement produced by the previously-mentioned synthetic machine data generator. It writes the raw data to a Kafka topic called "influxv2-data".

  • Downsampler: A service that performs a 1-minute tumbling window operation on the data from InfluxDB and emits the mean of the "temperature" reading every minute. It writes the output to a "downsampled" Kafka topic.

  • InfluxDB v2 Data Sink: A service that reads from the "downsampled" topic and writes the downsampled records as points back into InfluxDB.