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Upgrading InfluxDB Enterprise clusters
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20 Administration

Upgrading to InfluxDB Enterprise 1.5.4

Version 1.5 includes the first official Time Series Index (TSI) release. Although you can install without enabling TSI, you are encouraged to begin leveraging the advantages the TSI indexing offers.

Upgrading InfluxDB Enterprise 1.3.x-1.5.x clusters to 1.5.4 (rolling upgrade)

Step 0: Back up your cluster before upgrading to version 1.5.4.

Create a full backup of your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster before performing an upgrade. If you have incremental backups created as part of your standard operating procedures, make sure to trigger a final incremental backup before proceeding with the upgrade.

Note: For information on performing a final incremental backup or a full backup, see the InfluxDB Enterprise Backup and restore documentation.

Upgrading meta nodes

Follow these steps to upgrade all meta nodes in your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster. Ensure that the meta cluster is healthy before proceeding to the data nodes.

Step 1: Download the 1.5.4 meta node package.

Meta node package download

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)


RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)


Step 2: Install the 1.5.4 meta nodes package.

Meta node package install

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)
sudo dpkg -i influxdb-meta_1.5.4-c1.5.4_amd64.deb
RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)
sudo yum localinstall influxdb-meta-1.5.4_c1.5.4.x86_64.rpm

Step 3: Restart the influxdb-meta service.

Meta node restart

sysvinit systems
service influxdb-meta restart
systemd systems
sudo systemctl restart influxdb-meta

Step 4: Confirm the upgrade.

After performing the upgrade on ALL meta nodes, check your node version numbers using the influxd-ctl show command. The influxd-ctl utility is available on all meta nodes.

~# influxd-ctl show

Data Nodes
ID	TCP Address		Version
4	rk-upgrading-01:8088	1.3.x_c1.3.y
5	rk-upgrading-02:8088	1.3.x_c1.3.y
6	rk-upgrading-03:8088	1.3.x_c1.3.y

Meta Nodes
TCP Address		Version
rk-upgrading-01:8091	1.5.4_c1.5.4   # 1.5.4_c1.5.4 = 👍
rk-upgrading-02:8091	1.5.4_c1.5.4
rk-upgrading-03:8091	1.5.4_c1.5.4

Upgrading data nodes

Repeat the following steps for each data node in your InfluxDB Enterprise cluster.

Step 1: Download the 1.5.4 data node package.

Data node package download

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)
RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)

Step 2: Remove the data node from the load balancer.

To avoid downtime and allow for a smooth transition, remove the data node you are upgrading from your load balancer before performing the remaining steps.

Step 3: Install the 1.5.4 data node packages.

Data node package install

When you run the install command, your terminal asks if you want to keep your current configuration file or overwrite your current configuration file with the file for version 1.5.4.

Keep your current configuration file by entering N or O. The configuration file will be updated with the necessary changes for version 1.5.4 in the next step.

Ubuntu & Debian (64-bit)

sudo dpkg -i influxdb-data_1.5.4-c1.5.4_amd64.deb

RedHat & CentOS (64-bit)

sudo yum localinstall influxdb-data-1.5.4_c1.5.4.x86_64.rpm

Step 4: Update the data node configuration file.


  enabled = true
  check-interval = "30s"
  max-fetch = 10


  • max-remote-write-connections from the [cluster] section
  • [admin] section


The new configuration options are set to the default settings.

Step 5: [For TSI Preview instances only] Prepare your node to support Time Series Index (TSI).

  1. Delete all existing TSM-based shard index directories.
  • Remove the existing index directories to ensure there are no incompatible index files.
  • By default, the index directories are located at /<shard_ID>/index (e.g., /2/index).
  1. Convert existing TSM-based shards (or rebuild TSI Preview shards) to support TSI.
  • When TSI is enabled, new shards use the TSI index. Existing shards must be converted to support TSI.
  • Run the influx_inspect buildtsi command to convert existing TSM-based shards (or rebuild TSI Preview shards) to support TSI.

Note: Run the buildtsi command using the user account that you are going to run the database as, or ensure that the permissions match afterward.

Step 6: Restart the influxdb service.

Restart data node

sysvinit systems
service influxdb restart
systemd systems
sudo systemctl restart influxdb

Step 7: Add the data node back into the load balancer.

Add the data node back into the load balancer to allow it to serve reads and writes.

If this is the last data node to be upgraded, proceed to step 7. Otherwise, return to Step 1 of Upgrading data nodes and repeat the process for the remaining data nodes.

Step 8: Confirm the upgrade.

Your cluster is now upgraded to InfluxDB Enterprise 1.5. Check your node version numbers using the influxd-ctl show command. The influxd-ctl utility is available on all meta nodes.

~# influxd-ctl show

Data Nodes
ID	TCP Address		Version
4	rk-upgrading-01:8088	1.5.4_c1.5.4   # 1.5.4_c1.5.4 = 👍
5	rk-upgrading-02:8088	1.5.4_c1.5.4
6	rk-upgrading-03:8088	1.5.4_c1.5.4

Meta Nodes
TCP Address		Version
rk-upgrading-01:8091	1.5.4_c1.5.4
rk-upgrading-02:8091	1.5.4_c1.5.4
rk-upgrading-03:8091	1.5.4_c1.5.4

If you have any issues upgrading your cluster, please do not hesitate to contact support at the email address provided to you when you received your InfluxEnterprise license.