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chronoctl token The `token` command reads a private token file, generates and signs the nonce, and then returns an expiring token to be used in the `Authorization` header.
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chronoctl token chronoctl

The token command reads a private token file, generates and signs the nonce, and then returns an expiring token to be used in the Authorization header. For example:

Authorization: CHRONOGRAF-SHA256 <returned-expiring-token>


chronoctl token [flags]


Flag Description Env. Variable
-h --help Output command help
--chronograf-url Chronograf's URL (default is http://localhost:8888) CHRONOGRAF_URL
-k --skip-verify Skip TLS certification verification
--priv-key-file Private key file location for superadmin token authentication PRIV_KEY_FILE


The following example uses the RSA key used when started the Chronograf server and returns an expiring token that can be used to gain superadmin access to Chronograf.

{{% note %}} The private key must correspond to the public key used when starting the Chronograf server. {{% /note %}}

chronoctl token --priv-key-file /path/to/chronograf-rsa