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Calculate rates across joined series + backfill | Use a prepared data generator to calculate rates across joined series and backfill. |
Collecting a set of time series data where each time series is counting a particular event is a common scenario. Using Kapacitor, multiple time series in a set can be joined and used to calculate a combined value, which can then be stored as a new time series.
This guide shows how to use a prepared data generator in python to combine two generated time series into a new calculated measurement, then store that measurement back into InfluxDB using Kapacitor.
It uses as its example a hypothetical high-volume website for which two measurements are taken:
-- the number of page views that had an error.views
-- the number of page views that had no error.
The Data generator
Data for such a website can be primed and generated to InfluxDB using the Python 3 script rolled into pages.zip (md5, sha256) and created for this purpose. It leverages the InfluxDB-Python library. See that Github project for instructions on how to install the library in Python.
Once unzipped, this script can be used to create a database called pages
, which
uses the default retention policy autogen
. It can be used to create a backlog
of data and then to set the generator running, walking along randomly generated
and error
It can be started with a backlog of two days worth of random data as follows:
$ ./pages_db.py --silent true pnr --start 2d
Created database pages
priming and running
data primed
generator now running. CTRL+C to stop
Priming two days worth of data can take about a minute.
Joining with batch data
Having simple counts may not be sufficient for a site administrator. More important would be to know the percent of page views that are resulting in error. The process is to select both existing measurements, join them and calculate an error percentage. The error percentage can then be stored in InfluxDB as a new measurement.
The two measurements, errors
and views
, need to be queried.
// Get errors batch data
var errors = batch
|query('SELECT sum(value) FROM "pages"."autogen".errors')
.groupBy(time(1m), *)
// Get views batch data
var views = batch
|query('SELECT sum(value) FROM "pages"."autogen".views')
.groupBy(time(1m), *)
The join process skips points that do not have a matching point in time from the other source.
As a result it is important to both groupBy
and fill
the data while joining batch data.
Grouping the data by time ensures that each source has data points at consistent time periods.
Filling the data ensures every point will have a match with a sane default.
In this example the groupBy
method uses the wildcard *
to group results by all tags.
This can be made more specific by declaring individual tags, and since the generated
demo data contains only one tag, page
, the groupBy
statement could be written
as follows: .groupBy(time(1m), 'page')
With two batch sources for each measurement they need to be joined like so.
// Join errors and views
.as('errors', 'views')
The data is joined by time, meaning that as pairs of batches arrive from each source
they are combined into a single batch. As a result the fields from each source
need to be renamed to properly namespace the fields. This is done via the
.as('errors', 'views')
line. In this example each measurement has only one field
named sum
. The joined fields are called errors.sum
and views.sum
Now that the data is joined the percentage can be calculated. Using the new names for the fields, the following expression can be used to calculate the desired percentage.
//Calculate percentage
|eval(lambda: "errors.sum" / ("views.sum" + "errors.sum"))
// Give the resulting field a name
Finally, this data is stored back into InfluxDB.
Here is the complete TICKscript for the batch task:
dbrp "pages"."autogen"
// Get errors batch data
var errors = batch
|query('SELECT sum(value) FROM "pages"."autogen".errors')
.groupBy(time(1m), *)
// Get views batch data
var views = batch
|query('SELECT sum(value) FROM "pages"."autogen".views')
.groupBy(time(1m), *)
// Join errors and views
.as('errors', 'views')
//Calculate percentage
|eval(lambda: ("errors.sum" / ("views.sum" + "errors.sum")) * 100)
// Give the resulting field a name
Now for a fun little trick.
Using Kapacitor's record/replay actions, this TICKscript can be run on historical data.
First, save the above script as error_percent.tick
and define it.
Then, create a recording for the past time frame we want to fill.
$ kapacitor define error_percent -tick error_percent.tick
$ kapacitor record batch -task error_percent -past 1d
Grab the recording ID and replay the historical data against the task.
Here specify the -rec-time
flag to instruct Kapacitor to use the actual
time stored in the recording when processing the data instead of adjusting to the present time.
$ kapacitor replay -task error_percent -recording RECORDING_ID -rec-time
If the data set is too large to keep in one recording, define a specific range of time to record and then replay each range individually.
rid=$(kapacitor record batch -task error_percent -start 2015-10-01 -stop 2015-10-02)
echo $rid
kapacitor replay -task error_percent -recording $rid -rec-time
kapacitor delete recordings $rid
Just loop through the above script for each time window and reconstruct all the historical data needed.
With that the error_percent
for every minute will be backfilled for the historical data.
Stream method
With the streaming case something similar can be done. Note that the command
kapacitor record stream
does not include the same a historical option -past
so backfilling using a stream task directly in Kapacitor is not possible. If
backfilling is required, the command kapacitor record query
presented below, can also be used.
Never the less the same TICKscript semantics can be used with a stream task
to calculate and store a new calculated value, such as error_percent
, in real time.
The following is just such a TICKscript.
dbrp "pages"."autogen"
// Get errors stream data
var errors = stream
// Get views stream data
var views = stream
// Join errors and views
.as('errors', 'views')
// Calculate percentage
|eval(lambda: "errors.sum" / ("views.sum" + "errors.sum") * 100.0)
// Give the resulting field a name
Record Query and backfill with stream
To provide historical data to stream tasks that process multiple measurements, use multiple statements when recording the data.
First use record query
following the pattern of this generic command:
kapacitor record query -query $'select field1,field2,field3 from "database_name"."autogen"."one" where time > \'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ\' and time < \'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ\' GROUP BY *; select field1,field2,field3 from "database_name"."autogen"."two" where time > \'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ\' and time < \'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ\' GROUP BY *' -type stream
For example:
$ kapacitor record query -query $'select value from "pages"."autogen"."errors" where time > \'2018-05-30T12:00:00Z\' and time < \'2018-05-31T12:00:00Z\' GROUP BY *; select value from "pages"."autogen"."views" where time > \'2018-05-30T12:00:00Z\' and time < \'2018-12-21T12:00:00Z\' GROUP BY *' -type stream
The returned recording ID can then be used in a Kapacitor replay
command using
the recorded time.
$ kapacitor replay -task error_percent_s -recording 578bf299-3566-4813-b07b-744da6ab081a -rec-time