103 lines
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103 lines
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title: Write data to InfluxDB
Use Chronograf to write data to InfluxDB. Upload line protocol into the UI, use the
InfluxQL `INTO` clause, or use the Flux `to()` function to write data back to InfluxDB.
name: Write data to InfluxDB
parent: Guides
weight: 140
Use Chronograf to write data to InfluxDB.
Choose from the following methods:
- [Upload line protocol through the Chronograf UI](#upload-line-protocol-through-the-chronograf-ui)
- [Use the InfluxQL `INTO` clause in a query](#use-the-influxql-into-clause-in-a-query)
- [Use the Flux `to()` function in a query](#use-the-flux-to-function-in-a-query)
## Upload line protocol through the Chronograf UI
1. Select **{{< icon "data-explorer" "v2" >}} Explore** in the left navigation bar.
2. Click **Write Data** in the top right corner of the Data Explorer.
{{< img-hd src="/img/chronograf/1-9-write-data.png" alt="Write data to InfluxDB with Chronograf" />}}
3. Select the **database** _(if an InfluxQL data source is selected)_ or
**database and retention policy** _(if a Flux data source is selected)_ to write to.
{{< img-hd src="/img/chronograf/1-9-write-db-rp.png" alt="Select database and retention policy to write to" />}}
4. Select one of the following methods for uploading [line protocol](/influxdb/v1/write_protocols/line_protocol_tutorial/):
- **Upload File**: Upload a file containing line protocol to write to InfluxDB.
Either drag and drop a file into the file uploader or click to use your
operating systems file selector and choose a file to upload.
- **Manual Entry**: Manually enter line protocol to write to InfluxDB.
5. Select the timestamp precision of your line protocol.
Chronograf supports the following units:
- `s` (seconds)
- `ms` (milliseconds)
- `u` (microseconds)
- `ns` (nanoseconds)
{{< img-hd src="/img/chronograf/1-9-write-precision.png" alt="Select write precision in Chronograf" />}}
5. Click **Write**.
## Use the InfluxQL `INTO` clause in a query
To write data back to InfluxDB with an InfluxQL query, include the
[`INTO` clause](/influxdb/v1/query_language/explore-data/#the-into-clause)
in your query:
1. Select **{{< icon "data-explorer" "v2" >}} Explore** in the left navigation bar.
2. Select **InfluxQL** as your data source type.
3. Write an InfluxQL query that includes the `INTO` clause. Specify the database,
retention policy, and measurement to write to. For example:
INTO "mydb"."autogen"."example-measurement"
FROM "example-db"."example-rp"."example-measurement"
4. Click **Submit Query**.
{{% note %}}
#### Use InfluxQL to write to InfluxDB 2.x or InfluxDB Cloud
To use InfluxQL to write to an **InfluxDB 2.x** or **InfluxDB Cloud** instance,
[configure database and retention policy mappings](/influxdb/v2/upgrade/v1-to-v2/manual-upgrade/#create-dbrp-mappings)
and ensure the current [InfluxDB connection](/chronograf/v1/administration/creating-connections/#manage-influxdb-connections-using-the-chronograf-ui)
includes the appropriate connection credentials.
{{% /note %}}
## Use the Flux `to()` function in a query
To write data back to InfluxDB with an InfluxQL query, include the
[`INTO` clause](/influxdb/v1/query_language/explore-data/#the-into-clause)
in your query:
1. Select **{{< icon "data-explorer" "v2" >}} Explore** in the left navigation bar.
2. Select **Flux** as your data source type.
{{% note %}}
To query InfluxDB with Flux, [enable Flux](/influxdb/v1/flux/installation/)
in your InfluxDB configuration.
{{% /note %}}
3. Write an Flux query that includes the `to()` function.
Provide the database and retention policy to write to.
Use the `db-name/rp-name` syntax:
from(bucket: "example-db/example-rp")
|> range(start: -30d)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement")
|> to(bucket: "mydb/autogen")
4. Click **Run Script**.