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Influx Inspect disk utility Use the "influx_inspect" commands to manage InfluxDB disks and shards.
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50 Tools

Influx Inspect is an InfluxDB disk utility that can be used to:

  • View detailed information about disk shards.
  • Exporting data from a shard to line protocol that can be inserted back into the database.
  • Converting TSM index shards to TSI index shards.

influx_inspect utility


influx_inspect [ [ command ] [ options ] ]`

-help is the default command and prints syntax and usage information for the tool.

influx_inspect commands

The influx_inspect commands are summarized here, with links to detailed information on each of the commands.

  • buildtsi: Convert in-memory (TSM-based) shards to TSI.
  • deletetsm: Bulk deletes a measurement from a raw TSM file.
  • dumptsi: Dump low-level details about TSI files.
  • dumptsm: Dump low-level details about TSM files.
  • dumptsmwal: Dump all data from a WAL file.
  • export: Export raw data from a shard in Line Protocol format.
  • help: Display this help message format.
  • report: Display a shard level report.
  • verify: Verify the integrity of TSM files.
  • verify-seriesfile: Verify the integrity of series files.


Builds TSI (Time Series Index) disk-based shard index files and associated series files. The index is written to a temporary location until complete and then moved to a permanent location. If an error occurs, then this operation will fall back to the original in-memory index.

Note: For offline conversion only. When TSI is enabled, new shards use the TSI indexes. Existing shards continue as TSM-based shards until converted offline.

influx_inspect buildtsi -datadir <data_dir> -waldir <wal_dir> [ options ]

Note: Use the buildtsi command with the user account that you are going to run the database as, or ensure that the permissions match after running the command.


Optional arguments are in brackets.

[ -batch-size]

The size of the batches written to the index. Default value is 10000.

Warning: Setting this value can have adverse effects on performance and heap size.

[ -concurrency]

The number of workers to dedicate to shard index building. Defaults to GOMAXPROCS value.

[ -database <db_name> ]

The name of the database.

-datadir <data_dir>

The path to the data directory.

[ -max-cache-size ]

The maximum size of the cache before it starts rejecting writes. This value overrides the configuration setting for [data] cache-max-memory-size. Default value is 1073741824.

[ -max-log-file-size ]

The maximum size of the log file. Default value is 1048576.

[ -retention <rp_name> ]

The name of the retention policy.

[ -shard <shard_ID> ]

The identifier of the shard.

[ -v ]

Flag to enable output in verbose mode.

-waldir <wal_dir>

The directory for the WAL (Write Ahead Log) files.


Converting all shards on a node
$ influx_inspect buildtsi -datadir ~/.influxdb/data -waldir ~/.influxdb/wal

Converting all shards for a database
$ influx_inspect buildtsi -database mydb -datadir ~/.influxdb/data -waldir ~/.influxdb/wal

Converting a specific shard
$ influx_inspect buildtsi -database stress -shard 1 -datadir ~/.influxdb/data -waldir ~/.influxdb/wal


Bulk deletes a measurement from a raw TSM file.

{{% warn %}} Warning: Use the deletetsm command only when your InfluxDB instance is offline (influxd service is not running).{{% /warn %}}


influx_inspect deletetsm -measurement <measurement_name> [ arguments ] <path>

Path to the .tsm file, located by default in the data directory.

When specifying the path, wildcards (*) can replace one or more characters.


Single shard:

./influx_inspect deletetsm -sanitize /influxdb/data/location/autogen/1384/*.tsm

All shards in the database:

./influx_inspect deletetsm -sanitize /influxdb/data/location/autogen/*/*.tsm


Optional arguments are in brackets.


The name of the measurement to delete from TSM files.

[ -sanitize ]

Flag to remove all keys containing non-printable Unicode characters.

[ -v ]

Flag to enable verbose logging.


Dumps low-level details about TSI files, including .tsl log files and .tsi index files.


influx_inspect dumptsi [ options ] <index_path>

If no options are specified, summary statistics are provided for each file.


Optional arguments are in brackets.

-series-file <series_path>

Path to the _series directory under the database data directory. Required.

[ -series ]

Dump raw series data.

[ -measurements ]

Dump raw measurement data.

[ -tag-keys ]

Dump raw tag keys.

[ -tag-values ]

Dump raw tag values.

[ -tag-value-series ]

Dump raw series for each tag value.

[ -measurement-filter <regular_expression> ]

Filter data by measurement regular expression.

[ -tag-key-filter <regular_expression> ]

Filter data by tag key regular expression.

[ -tag-value-filter <regular_expresssion> ]

Filter data by tag value regular expression.


Specifying paths to the _series and index directories
$ influx_inspect dumptsi -series-file /path/to/db/_series /path/to/index
Specifying paths to the _series directory and an index file**
$ influx_inspect dumptsi -series-file /path/to/db/_series /path/to/index/file0

Specifying paths to the _series directory and multiple index files

$ influx_inspect dumptsi -series-file /path/to/db/_series /path/to/index/file0 /path/to/index/file1 ...


Dumps low-level details about TSM files, including TSM (.tsm) files and WAL (.wal) files.


influx_inspect dumptsm [ options ] <path>

Path to the .tsm file, located by default in the data directory.


Optional arguments are in brackets.

[ -index ]

Flag to dump raw index data. Default value is false.

[ -blocks ]

Flag to dump raw block data. Default value is false.

[ -all ]

Flag to dump all data. Caution: This may print a lot of information. Default value is false.

[ -filter-key <key_name> ]

Display only index data and block data that match this key substring. Default value is "".


Dumps all entries from one or more WAL (.wal) files only and excludes TSM (.tsm) files.


influx_inspect dumptsmwal [ options ] <wal_dir>


Optional arguments are in brackets.

[ -show-duplicates ]

Flag to show keys which have duplicate or out-of-order timestamps. If a user writes points with timestamps set by the client, then multiple points with the same timestamp (or with time-descending timestamps) can be written.


Exports all TSM files in Line Protocol data format. Writes all WAL file data for _internal/monitor. This output file can be imported using the influx command.


influx_inspect export [ options ]


Optional arguments are in brackets.

[ -compress ]

The flag to compress the output. Default value is false.

[ -database <db_name> ]

The name of the database to export. Default value is "".

-datadir <data_dir>

The path to the data directory. Default value is "$HOME/.influxdb/data".

[ -end <timestamp> ]

The timestamp for the end of the time range. The timestamp string must be in RFC3339 format.

[ -out <export_dir> ]

The location for the export file. Default value is "$HOME/.influxdb/export".

[ -retention <rp_name> ]

The name of the retention policy to export. Default value is "".

[ -start <timestamp> ]

The timestamp for the start of the time range. The timestamp string must be in RFC3339 format.

[ -waldir <wal_dir> ]

Path to the WAL directory. Default value is "$HOME/.influxdb/wal".


Export entire database and compress the output
influx_inspect export -compress
Export data from a specific database and retention policy
influx_inspect export -database mydb -retention autogen
Example of output

randset value=97.9296104805 1439856000000000000
randset value=25.3849066842 1439856100000000000


Displays series metadata for all shards. The default location is $HOME/.influxdb.


influx_inspect report [ options ]


Optional arguments are in brackets.

[ -pattern "<regular expression/wildcard>" ]

The regular expression or wildcard pattern to match included files. Default value is "".

[ -detailed ]

The flag to report detailed cardinality estimates. Default value is false.

[ -exact ]

The flag to report exact cardinality counts instead of estimates. Default value is false. Note: This can use a lot of memory.


Verifies the integrity of TSM files.


influx_inspect verify [ options ]


Optional arguments are in brackets.

-dir <storage_root>

The path to the storage root directory. Default value is "/root/.influxdb".


Verifies the integrity of series files.


influx_inspect verify-seriesfile [ options ]


Optional arguments are in brackets.

[ -c <number> ]

Specifies the number of concurrent workers to run for this command. Default is equal to the value of GOMAXPROCS. If performance is adversely impacted, you can set a lower value.

[ -dir <path> ]

Specifies the root data path. Defaults to ~/.influxdb/data.

[ -db <db_name> ]

Restricts verifying series files to the specified database in the data directory.

[ -series-file <path> ]

Path to a specific series file; overrides -db and -dir.

[ -v ]

Enables verbose logging.


The system does not have access to the metastore when exporting TSM shards. As such, it always creates the retention policy with infinite duration and replication factor of 1. End users may want to change this prior to reimporting if they are importing to a cluster or want a different duration for retention.