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Initialize an InfluxDB stack Initialize a stack InfluxDB automatically creates a new stack each time you [apply an InfluxDB template](/influxdb/v2.0/influxdb-templates/use/) **without providing a stack ID**. To manually create or initialize a new stack, use the [`influx stacks init` command](/influxdb/v2.0/reference/cli/influx/stacks/init/).
parent name
InfluxDB stacks Initialize a stack
```sh influx apply \ -o example-org \ -f path/to/template.yml ``` ```sh influx stacks init \ -o example-org \ -n "Example Stack" \ -d "InfluxDB stack for monitoring some awesome stuff" \ -u \ -u ```

InfluxDB automatically creates a new stack each time you apply an InfluxDB template without providing a stack ID. To manually create or initialize a new stack, use the influx stacks init command.

Initialize a stack when applying a template

To automatically create a new stack when applying an InfluxDB template don't provide a stack ID. InfluxDB applies the resources in the template to a new stack and provides the stack ID the output.

influx apply \
  -o example-org \
  -f path/to/template.yml

Manually initialize a new stack

Use the influx stacks init command to create or initialize a new InfluxDB stack.

Provide the following:

  • Organization name or ID
  • Stack name
  • Stack description
  • InfluxDB template URLs
# Syntax
influx stacks init \
  -o <org-name> \
  -n <stack-name> \
  -d <stack-description \
  -u <package-url>

# Example
influx stacks init \
  -o example-org \
  -n "Example Stack" \
  -d "InfluxDB stack for monitoring some awesome stuff" \
  -u \