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Create a Chronograf HA configuration Create a Chronograf high-availability (HA) cluster using etcd.
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10 Administration

To create a Chronograf high-availability (HA) configuration using an etcd cluster as a shared data store, do the following:

  1. Install and start etcd
  2. Set up a load balancer for Chronograf
  3. Start Chronograf

Have an existing Chronograf configuration store that you want to use with a Chronograf HA configuration? Learn how to migrate your Chrongraf configuration to a shared data store.


{{< svg "/static/img/chronograf/1-8-ha-architecture.svg" >}}

Install and start etcd

  1. Download the latest etcd release from GitHub. (For detailed installation instructions specific to your operating system, see Install and deploy etcd.)
  2. Extract the etcd binary and place it in your system PATH.
  3. Start etcd.

Start Chronograf

Run the following command to start Chronograf using etcd as the storage layer. The syntax depends on whether you're using command line flags or the ETCD_ENDPOINTS environment variable.

Define etcd endpoints with command line flags
# Syntax
chronograf --etcd-endpoints=<etcd-host>
# Examples

# Add a single etcd endpoint when starting Chronograf

chronograf --etcd-endpoints=localhost:2379

# Add multiple etcd endpoints when starting Chronograf
chronograf \
  --etcd-endpoints=localhost:2379 \
  --etcd-endpoints= \
Define etcd endpoints with the ETCD_ENDPOINTS environment variable

# Provide etcd endpoints in a comma-separated list
export ETCD_ENDPOINTS=localhost:2379,,

# Start Chronograf
Define etcd endpoints with TLS enabled

Use the --etcd-cert flag to specify the path to the etcd PEM-encoded public certificate file and the --etcd-key flag to specify the path to the private key associated with the etcd certificate.

chronograf --etcd-endpoints=localhost:2379 \
  --etcd-cert=path/to/etcd-certificate.pem \

For more information, see Chronograf etcd configuration options.