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Telegraf 1.22 documentation Documentation for Telegraf, the plugin-driven server agent of the InfluxData time series platform, used to collect and report metrics. Telegraf supports four categories of plugins -- input, output, aggregator, and processor.
Telegraf v1.22

Telegraf, a server-based agent, collects and sends metrics and events from databases, systems, and IoT sensors. Written in Go, Telegraf compiles into a single binary with no external dependencies--requiring very minimal memory.

For an introduction to Telegraf and an overview of how it works, watch the following video:

{{< youtube vGJeo3FaMds >}}

{{< influxdbu title="Telegraf Basics" summary="Learn how to get started with Telegraf with this free course that covers common use cases, proper configuration, and best practices for deployment. Also, discover how to write your own custom Telegraf plugins." action="Take the course" link="" >}}

{{< influxdbu "telegraf-102" >}}