updated svg styles, added strict filtering explanation, resolves #802
@ -16,6 +16,43 @@ svg {
.st9{fill: $svg-table-code-operator;}
.st10{fill: $svg-table-code-string;}
&[id^='geo-s2-cells-'] {
max-width: 250px;
.geo-cell{fill:rgba($svg-geo-s2-cell, 0.25);stroke:$svg-geo-s2-cell;stroke-width:3;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;}
.geo-region{fill:rgba($svg-geo-region, 0.35);stroke:$svg-geo-region;stroke-width:3;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;}
//////////////////////////// Styles for SVG legends ////////////////////////////
span.key-geo-cell {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 0 .5rem .25rem 0;
width: 1.1em;
height: 1.1em;
border: 2px solid $svg-geo-s2-cell;
background: rgba($svg-geo-s2-cell, .25);
border-radius: 2px;
span.key-geo-region {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 0 .5rem .25rem 0;
width: 1.1em;
height: 1.1em;
border: 2px solid $svg-geo-region;
background: rgba($svg-geo-region, .35);
border-radius: 2px;
span.key-geo-point {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 .7rem 0 .25rem;
width: .65rem;
height: .65rem;
border-radius: 50%;
background: $svg-geo-point;
@ -192,3 +192,7 @@ $svg-table-code: $cp-munchkin;
$svg-table-code-bg: $np-deepnight;
$svg-table-code-operator: $b-pool;
$svg-table-code-string: $gr-viridian;
$svg-geo-s2-cell: $b-curious;
$svg-geo-region: $m-lavander;
$svg-geo-point: $ch-chartreuse;
@ -193,3 +193,7 @@ $svg-table-code: $cp-marguerite !default;
$svg-table-code-bg: $cp-titan !default;
$svg-table-code-operator: $b-dodger !default;
$svg-table-code-string: #12A290 !default;
$svg-geo-s2-cell: $b-malibu !default;
$svg-geo-region: $cp-comet !default;
$svg-geo-point: $m-heliotrope !default;
@ -35,6 +35,27 @@ geo.filterRows(
### Strict and non-strict filtering
In most cases, the specified geographic region does not perfectly align with S2 grid cells.
**Non-strict filtering** returns points that may be outside of the specified region but
inside S2 grid cells partially covered by the region.
**Strict filtering** returns only points inside the specified region.
<span class="key-geo-cell"></span> S2 grid cell
<span class="key-geo-region"></span> Filter region
<span class="key-geo-point"></span> Returned point
{{< flex >}}
{{% flex-content %}}
**Strict filtering**
{{< svg "/static/svgs/geo-strict.svg" >}}
{{% /flex-content %}}
{{% flex-content %}}
**Non-strict filtering**
{{< svg "/static/svgs/geo-non-strict.svg" >}}
{{% /flex-content %}}
{{< /flex >}}
## Parameters
### region
@ -88,6 +109,7 @@ Enable strict geographic data filtering which filters points by longitude (`lon`
For S2 grid cells that are partially covered by the defined region, only points
with coordinates in the defined region are returned.
Default is `true`.
_See [Strict and non-strict filtering](#strict-and-non-strict-filtering) above._
_**Data type:** Boolean_
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ data with coordinates outside the region, but inside S2 grid cells partially cov
Use [`toRows()`](/v2.0/reference/flux/stdlib/experimental/geo/toRows/) and
after `geo.gridFilter()` to precisely filter points.
_See [Non-strict and strict filtering](#non-strict-and-strict-filtering) below._
{{% /note %}}
_**Function type:** Transformation_
@ -38,6 +39,27 @@ geo.gridFilter(
### Non-strict and strict filtering
In most cases, the specified geographic region does not perfectly align with S2 grid cells.
**Non-strict filtering** returns points that may be outside of the specified region but
inside S2 grid cells partially covered by the region.
**Strict filtering** returns only points inside the specified region.
<span class="key-geo-cell"></span> S2 grid cell
<span class="key-geo-region"></span> Filter region
<span class="key-geo-point"></span> Returned point
{{< flex >}}
{{% flex-content %}}
**Non-strict filtering**
{{< svg "/static/svgs/geo-non-strict.svg" >}}
{{% /flex-content %}}
{{% flex-content %}}
**Strict filtering**
{{< svg "/static/svgs/geo-strict.svg" >}}
{{% /flex-content %}}
{{< /flex >}}
## Parameters
### region
@ -17,12 +17,7 @@ related:
The `geo.strictFilter()` function filters data by latitude and longitude in a specified region.
This filter is more strict than [`geo.gridFilter()`](/v2.0/reference/flux/stdlib/experimental/geo/gridfilter/),
but for the best performance, use `geo.strictFilter()` **after** `geo.gridFilter()`.
{{% note %}}
`geo.strictFilter()` requires `lat` and `lon` columns in each row.
Use [`geo.toRows()`](/v2.0/reference/flux/stdlib/experimental/geo/gridfilter/)
to pivot `lat` and `lon` fields into each row **before** using `geo.strictFilter()`.
{{% /note %}}
_See [Strict and non-strict filtering](#strict-and-non-strict-filtering) below._
_**Function type:** Transformation_
@ -34,6 +29,33 @@ geo.strictFilter(
{{% note %}}
`geo.strictFilter()` requires `lat` and `lon` columns in each row.
Use [`geo.toRows()`](/v2.0/reference/flux/stdlib/experimental/geo/gridfilter/)
to pivot `lat` and `lon` fields into each row **before** using `geo.strictFilter()`.
{{% /note %}}
### Strict and non-strict filtering
In most cases, the specified geographic region does not perfectly align with S2 grid cells.
**Non-strict filtering** returns points that may be outside of the specified region but
inside S2 grid cells partially covered by the region.
**Strict filtering** returns only points inside the specified region.
<span class="key-geo-cell"></span> S2 grid cell
<span class="key-geo-region"></span> Filter region
<span class="key-geo-point"></span> Returned point
{{< flex >}}
{{% flex-content %}}
**Strict filtering**
{{< svg "/static/svgs/geo-strict.svg" >}}
{{% /flex-content %}}
{{% flex-content %}}
**Non-strict filtering**
{{< svg "/static/svgs/geo-non-strict.svg" >}}
{{% /flex-content %}}
{{< /flex >}}
## Parameters
### region
@ -1,41 +1,36 @@
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viewBox="0 0 300 329.19" style="enable-background:new 0 0 300 329.19;" xml:space="preserve">
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<polygon class="geo-cell" points="253.08,248.36 170.66,232.91 170.66,141.37 253.08,156.82 "/>
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<polygon class="geo-cell" points="294.29,256.09 253.08,248.36 253.08,202.59 294.29,210.31 "/>
<polygon class="geo-cell" points="294.29,210.31 253.08,202.59 253.08,156.82 294.29,164.54 "/>
<polygon class="geo-cell" points="294.29,164.54 253.08,156.82 253.08,111.04 294.29,118.77 "/>
<polygon class="geo-cell" points="294.29,118.77 253.08,111.04 253.08,65.27 294.29,72.99 "/>
<polygon class="geo-cell" points="294.29,72.99 253.08,65.27 253.08,19.5 294.29,27.22 "/>
<polygon class="geo-cell" points="253.08,65.27 211.87,57.55 211.87,11.77 253.08,19.5 "/>
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<circle class="st2" cx="111.31" cy="281.83" r="4.81"/>
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<circle class="st2" cx="207.05" cy="111.04" r="4.81"/>
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<circle class="st2" cx="237.29" cy="256.09" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="st2" cx="243.06" cy="232.91" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="st2" cx="283.31" cy="289.32" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="st2" cx="24.41" cy="272.2" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="st2" cx="191.26" cy="113.95" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="st2" cx="180.21" cy="16.59" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="st2" cx="270.53" cy="181.38" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="st2" cx="270.53" cy="49.82" r="4.81"/>
<rect x="40.85" y="53.82" class="geo-region" width="218.41" height="218.41"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="111.31" cy="80.8" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="108.65" cy="199.68" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="111.31" cy="281.83" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="40.85" cy="235.82" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="207.05" cy="111.04" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="191.26" cy="128.98" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="151.74" cy="243.55" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="237.29" cy="256.09" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="243.06" cy="232.91" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="283.31" cy="289.32" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="24.41" cy="272.2" r="4.81"/>
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<circle class="geo-point" cx="180.21" cy="16.59" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="270.53" cy="181.38" r="4.81"/>
<circle class="geo-point" cx="270.53" cy="49.82" r="4.81"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.7 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 KiB |
@ -1,35 +1,30 @@
<svg version="1.1" id="geo-s2-cells-strict" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="0 0 300 329.19" style="enable-background:new 0 0 300 329.19;" xml:space="preserve">
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<polygon class="st0" points="211.87,57.55 170.66,49.82 170.66,4.05 211.87,11.77 "/>
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.2 KiB |
Reference in New Issue