See an overview of [notebook concepts](/influxdb/v2.1/notebooks/overview/#notebook-concepts), [notebook controls](/influxdb/v2.1/notebooks/overview/#notebook-controls), and [notebook cell types](/influxdb/v2.1/notebooks/overview/#notebook-cell-types) also know as the basic building blocks of a notebook.
You can think of an InfluxDB notebook as a collection of sequential data processing steps. Each step is represented by a "cell" that performs an action such as querying, visualizing, processing, or writing data to your buckets. Notebooks help you do the following:
- Select **Preview** (or press **Control+Enter**) to display results of each cell without writing data. Helps to verify that cells return expected results before writing data.
Select {{<caps>}}Run{{</caps>}} (or press **Control+Enter**) to display results of each cell and write data to the selected bucket.
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### Save Notebook (appears before first save)
Select {{<caps>}}Save Notebook{{</caps>}} to save all notebook cells. Once you've saved the notebook, this button disappears and the notebook automatically saves as subsequent changes are made.
Select from the options in the dropdown list or select **Custom Time Range** to enter a custom time range with precision up to nanoseconds, and then click **{{<caps>}}Apply Time Range{{</caps>}}**.
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### Share notebook
To generate a URL for the notebook, click the **{{<icon"share">}}** icon.
For more detail, see how to [share a notebook](/influxdb/cloud/notebooks/manage-notebooks/#share-a-notebook).
- **{{<caps>}}Query Builder{{</caps>}}**: Build a query with the Flux query builder.
- **{{<caps>}}Flux Script{{</caps>}}**: Enter a raw Flux script.
Data source cells work like the **Query Builder** or **Script Editor** in Data Explorer. For more information, see how to [query data with Flux and the Data Explorer](/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/execute-queries/data-explorer/#query-data-with-flux-and-the-data-explorer).
- **{{<caps>}}Alert{{</caps>}}**: Set up alerts. See how to [monitor data and send alerts](/influxdb/v2.1/monitor-alert/).
- **{{<caps>}}Tasks{{</caps>}}**: Use the notebook to set up and export a task. See how to [manage tasks in InfluxDB](/influxdb/v2.1/process-data/manage-tasks/).