--- title: Overview of notebooks description: > Learn about the building blocks of a notebook. weight: 101 influxdb/v2.1/tags: [notebooks] menu: influxdb_2_1: name: Overview of notebooks parent: Notebooks --- Learn how notebooks can help to streamline and simplify your day-to-day business processes. See an overview of [notebook concepts](/influxdb/v2.1/notebooks/overview/#notebook-concepts), [notebook controls](/influxdb/v2.1/notebooks/overview/#notebook-controls), and [notebook cell types](/influxdb/v2.1/notebooks/overview/#notebook-cell-types) also know as the basic building blocks of a notebook. ## Notebook concepts You can think of an InfluxDB notebook as a collection of sequential data processing steps. Each step is represented by a "cell" that performs an action such as querying, visualizing, processing, or writing data to your buckets. Notebooks help you do the following: - Create snippets of live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory notes. - Create alerts or scheduled tasks. - Downsample and normalize data. - Build runbooks to share with your teams. - Output data to buckets. ## Notebook controls The following options appear at the top of each notebook. {{% oss-only %}} ### Preview/Run mode - Select **Preview** (or press **Control+Enter**) to display results of each cell without writing data. Helps to verify that cells return expected results before writing data. {{% /oss-only %}} {{% cloud-only %}} ### Run Select {{< caps >}}Run{{< /caps >}} (or press **Control+Enter**) to display results of each cell and write data to the selected bucket. {{% /cloud-only %}} ### Save Notebook (appears before first save) Select {{< caps >}}Save Notebook{{< /caps >}} to save all notebook cells. Once you've saved the notebook, this button disappears and the notebook automatically saves as subsequent changes are made. {{% note %}} Saving the notebook does not save cell results. When you open a saved notebook, click {{< caps >}}**Run**{{< /caps >}} to update cell results. {{% /note %}} ### Local or UTC timezone Click the timezone drop-down list to select a timezone to use for the notebook. Select either the local time (default) or UTC. ### Time range Select from the options in the dropdown list or select **Custom Time Range** to enter a custom time range with precision up to nanoseconds, and then click **{{< caps >}}Apply Time Range{{< /caps >}}**. {{% cloud-only %}} ### Share notebook To generate a URL for the notebook, click the **{{< icon "share" >}}** icon. For more detail, see how to [share a notebook](/influxdb/cloud/notebooks/manage-notebooks/#share-a-notebook). {{% /cloud-only %}} ## Notebook cell types The following cell types are available for your notebook: - [Data source](#data-source) - [Visualization](#visualization) - [Action](#action) ### Data source At least one data source (input) cell is required in a notebook for other cells to run. - **{{< caps >}}Query Builder{{< /caps >}}**: Build a query with the Flux query builder. - **{{< caps >}}Flux Script{{< /caps >}}**: Enter a raw Flux script. Data source cells work like the **Query Builder** or **Script Editor** in Data Explorer. For more information, see how to [query data with Flux and the Data Explorer](/influxdb/v2.1/query-data/execute-queries/data-explorer/#query-data-with-flux-and-the-data-explorer). ### Visualization - **{{< caps >}}Table{{< /caps >}}**: View your data in a table. - **{{< caps >}}Graph{{< /caps >}}**: View your data in a graph. - **{{< caps >}}Note{{< /caps >}}**: Create explanatory notes or other information for yourself or your team members. ### Action - **{{< caps >}}Alert{{< /caps >}}**: Set up alerts. See how to [monitor data and send alerts](/influxdb/v2.1/monitor-alert/). - **{{< caps >}}Tasks{{< /caps >}}**: Use the notebook to set up and export a task. See how to [manage tasks in InfluxDB](/influxdb/v2.1/process-data/manage-tasks/).