Remove the return value from setup_platform
Convert LutronLight.__init__ to use super() when referencing the parent class.
Change device_state_attributes() to use lowercase snakecase (Rename 'Lutron Integration ID' to 'lutron_integration_id')
* Added support for cropping pictures in proxy camera
This includes extending the configuration to introduce a mode
(either 'resize', default, or 'crop') and further coordinates
for the crop operation.
* Also fixed async job type, following code review
* Added Fibaro omcponents
Added cover, light, sensor and switch components
* Improvements based on code review
Improvements based on code review
* Fixes based on code review
Fixes based on code review
* Changes to light behavior based on code review
Changes to light behavior based on code review
* Internal changes
Changed how brightness is represented internally.
It should have no impact on functionality.
* Use service play_media instead of select_source
Use service play_media instead of select_source to change the channel as play_media is the right service for that.
* Log error on invalid media type
Log an error instead of raising a NotImplementedError if an invalid media type is provided.
* Changed so that success is not in else statement
Updated so that if media_type is channel that it is not in the else of an if.
* Update
Removed SELECT_SOURCE as supported feature.
* Rebased
Re-based with dev
* Add websocket calls to shopping-list
Plan to deprecate API calls once shopping-list panel is removed from UI and replaced fully by Lovelace card
* Address ci-bot issues
* Fix violations
* Address travis complaints
* Address review comments
* Update
* Update
* Update
* Added basic api_ssl support
Added preliminary support to use api_ssl instead of api. It don't check the validity of the certificate need it.
At Home Assistant side add ssl = true to your sensor configuration, and don't forget to change the port too (to 8729 by default):
- platform: mikrotik
port: 8729
ssl: true
username: homeassistant
password: TopSecret
At MikroTik side you have to add or generate a certificate, and configure api_ssl to use it. Here is an example:
/certificate add common-name="Self signed demo certificate for API" days-valid=3650 name="Self signed demo certificate for API" key-usage=digital-signature,key-encipherment,tls-server,key-cert-sign,crl-sign
/certificate sign "Self signed demo certificate for API"
/ip service set api-ssl certificate="Self signed demo certificate for API"
/ip service enable api-ssl
/ip service disable api
/user group add name=homeassistant policy=read,api,!local,!telnet,!ssh,!ftp,!reboot,!write,!policy,!test,!winbox,!password,!web,!sniff,!sensitive,!romon,!dude,!tikapp
/user add group=homeassistant name=homeassistant
/user set password="TopSecret" homeassistant
* Fixed import missind ssl lib
* SSL support code cleanup, use ssl-api port by default if ssl enabled
* Restored accidentalli deleted method parameter
* Fixed Python 3.5.3 compilation errors
Fixed Python 3.5.3 compilation errors reported by Travis CI
* Removed duplicated MTK_DEFAULT_API_PORT
* Recreate component if discovery info is changed
* Update component instead of remove+add
* Set name and unique_id in __init__
* Update unit test
* Cleanup
* More cleanup
* Refactor according to review comments
* Change discovery_hash
* Review comments, add tests
* Fix handling of value_template
Dark Sky Sensor didn't expose conditions for day 0 (today forecast) that
had the same name as current conditions. With this change all conditions
form day 0 (today) forecast are exposed the same way as conditions for
the rest of the days (1..7): as `dark_sky_<condition>_<day>`. As a
consequence, conditions for day 0 that were already exposed now have
`_0` suffix. This actually improves the code by removing most of
special handling, based on condition name.
To get day 0 conditions the user now has to add `- 0` to `forecast`
configuration parameter.
Conditions, for which suffix `_0` appeared: `precip_accumulation`,
`temperature_high`, `temperature_low`, `apparent_temperature_high`,
`apparent_temperature_low`, `precip_intensity_max`, `moon_phase`.
This is a breaking change!