* Track if devices are home by monitoring connected devices to a wireless router (currently supporting modern Netgear routers or routers running Tomato firmware)
* The core depends on [PyEphem](http://rhodesmill.org/pyephem/) and [Requests](http://python-requests.org). Depending on the components you would like to use you will need [PHue](https://github.com/studioimaginaire/phue) for Philips Hue support and [PyChromecast](https://github.com/balloob/pychromecast) for Chromecast support. Install these using `pip install pyephem requests phue pychromecast`.
* Copy home-assistant.conf.default to home-assistant.conf and adjust the config values to match your setup.
* For Tomato you will have to not only setup your host, username and password but also a http_id. The http_id can be retrieved by going to the admin console of your router, view the source of any of the pages and search for `http_id`.
* While running the script it will create and maintain a file called `known_devices.csv` which will contain the detected devices. Adjust the track variable for the devices you want the script to act on and restart the script or call the service `device_tracker/reload_devices_csv`.
The core of Home Assistant exists of three parts; an EventBus for firing events, a StateMachine that keeps track of the state of things and a ServiceRegistry to manage services.
For example to control the lights there are two components. One is the device_tracker that polls the wireless router for connected devices and updates the state of the tracked devices in the State Machine to be either 'Home' or 'Not Home'.
When a state is changed a state_changed event is fired for which the device_sun_light_trigger component is listening. Based on the new state of the device combined with the state of the sun it will decide if it should turn the lights on or off:
In the event that the state of device 'Paulus Nexus 5' changes to the 'Home' state:
If the sun has set and the lights are not on:
Turn on the lights
In the event that the combined state of all tracked devices changes to 'Not Home':
If the lights are on:
Turn off the lights
In the event of the sun setting:
If the lights are off and the combined state of all tracked device equals 'Home':
Turn on the lights
By using the Bus as a central communication hub between components it is easy to replace components or add functionality. For example if you would want to change the way devices are detected you only have to write a component that updates the device states in the State Machine.
### Components
Tracks the state of the sun and when the next sun rising and setting will occur.
Depends on: latitude and longitude
Action: maintains state of `weather.sun` including attributes `next_rising` and `next_setting`
Keeps track of which devices are currently home.
Action: sets the state per device and maintains a combined state called `all_devices`. Keeps track of known devices in the file `known_devices.csv`.
Keeps track which lights are turned on and can control the lights.
Keeps track which WeMo switches are in the network and allows you to control them.
Turns lights on or off using a light control component based on state of the sun and devices that are home.
Depends on: light control, track_sun, DeviceTracker
* Turns lights off when all devices leave home.
* Turns lights on when a device is home while sun is setting.
* Turns lights on when a device gets home after sun set.
Registers services `light_control/turn_light_on` and `light_control/turn_light_off` to turn a or all lights on or off.
Optional service data:
-`light_id` - only act on specific light. Else targets all.
-`transition_seconds` - seconds to take to swithc to new state.
Registers three services to start playing YouTube video's on the ChromeCast.
Service `chromecast/play_youtube_video` starts playing the specified video on the YouTube app on the ChromeCast. Specify video using `video` in service_data.
Service `chromecast/start_fireplace` will start a YouTube movie simulating a fireplace and the `chromecast/start_epic_sax` service will start playing Epic Sax Guy 10h version.
Registers services that will simulate key presses on the keyboard. It currently offers the following Buttons as a Service (BaaS): `keyboard/volume_up`, `keyboard/volume_down` and `keyboard/media_play_pause`
This actor depends on: PyUserInput
Registers service `downloader/download_file` that will download files. File to download is specified in the `url` field in the service data.
Registers service `browser/browse_url` that opens `url` as specified in event_data in the system default browser.
### Multiple connected instances
Home Assistant supports running multiple synchronzied instances using a master-slave model. Slaves forward all local events fired and states set to the master instance which will then replicate it to each slave.
Because each slave maintains it's own ServiceRegistry it is possible to have multiple slaves respond to one service call.
Updates the current state of an entity. Returns status code 201 if successful with location header of updated resource and the new state in the body.<br>
The [APK](https://raw.github.com/balloob/home-assistant/master/android-tasker/Home_Assistant.apk) and [Tasker project XML](https://raw.github.com/balloob/home-assistant/master/android-tasker/Home_Assistant.prj.xml) can be found in [/android-tasker/](https://github.com/balloob/home-assistant/tree/master/android-tasker)