Angie Byron f76acb2d9d #282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif. 2008-10-12 04:30:09 +00:00
search-block-form.tpl.php - Patch #164032 by Crell, Chris Kennedy, dmitrig01, WimLeers, dvessel et al: tpl-ified the search module. 2007-10-31 18:06:38 +00:00
search-result.tpl.php - Patch #278759 by douggreen, fletchgqc: improved code comment. 2008-08-28 08:21:27 +00:00
search-results.tpl.php - Patch #164032 by Crell, Chris Kennedy, dmitrig01, WimLeers, dvessel et al: tpl-ified the search module. 2007-10-31 18:06:38 +00:00
search-rtl.css #195543 by hass and yhager: CSS inherit was completely misused in RTL CSS files 2007-11-27 12:09:27 +00:00
search-theme-form.tpl.php - Patch #164032 by Crell, Chris Kennedy, dmitrig01, WimLeers, dvessel et al: tpl-ified the search module. 2007-10-31 18:06:38 +00:00
search.admin.inc - Patch #252013 by Eaton, pwolanin, Susurrus et al: drupal_render() now printes #markup, not #value. 2008-07-16 21:59:29 +00:00
search.css - Patch #164032 by Crell, Chris Kennedy, dmitrig01, WimLeers, dvessel et al: tpl-ified the search module. 2007-10-31 18:06:38 +00:00
search.info #318984 by Xano and Dave Reid: Change 'Core - optional' to 'Core' in modules UI. 2008-10-11 02:33:14 +00:00
search.install - Patch #214271 by recidive: improved schema identation. 2008-03-15 12:31:29 +00:00
search.module #282405 by Damien Tournoud, lilou, Dave Reid: Enforce coding standard on elseif. 2008-10-12 04:30:09 +00:00
search.pages.inc - Patch #245115 by kkaefer, John Morahan, JohnAlbin et al: after a long discussion we've decided to make the concatenation operator consistent with the other operators. 2008-04-14 17:48:46 +00:00
search.test - Patch #305645 by pwolanin: ['REQUEST_TIME'] -> REQUEST_TIME. Improved developer experience. 2008-09-17 07:11:59 +00:00