Dries Buytaert 8ce1c80cc7 - Patch #829484 by Berdir, Dave Reid, dereine: uncaught PDO Exception - XSS. 2010-06-28 20:27:34 +00:00
upgrade #838438 by Damien Tournoud, chx: Added basic tests for D6 => D7 upgrade path, and framework for further extending upgrade test coverage. W00t! :D 2010-06-28 02:05:47 +00:00
actions.test - Patch #714964 by mr.baileys: ActionLoopTestCase was fragile on some databases. 2010-05-26 11:26:49 +00:00
actions_loop_test.info #296322 follow-up. It's extremely helpful when I remember to commit ALL files. :P 2009-08-22 16:16:19 +00:00
actions_loop_test.install - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00
actions_loop_test.module - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00
ajax.test - Patch #645800 by katbailey, effulgentsia, rfay: ajax_deliver() ignores #ajax['method'] and incorrectly forces 'replaceWith' for simple AJAX callbacks, D6->D7 regression. 2010-04-30 08:07:55 +00:00
ajax_forms_test.info #633156 by rfay and effulgentsia: Added a baseline of tests for AJAX commands. 2009-11-18 04:56:20 +00:00
ajax_forms_test.module #331951 by aspilicious, sun, jhodgdon, Morbus, et al: Figure out and apply coding standard for casting. 2010-05-06 05:59:31 +00:00
ajax_test.info #595654 by sun: Fixed AJAX command 'settings' (with tests). 2009-10-18 05:14:39 +00:00
ajax_test.module - Patch #716602 by effulgentsia: refactor ajax_render() and clean up 'ajax' element type. 2010-03-13 06:55:50 +00:00
batch.test #331951 by aspilicious, sun, jhodgdon, Morbus, et al: Figure out and apply coding standard for casting. 2010-05-06 05:59:31 +00:00
batch_test.callbacks.inc #629794 by yched: Fix Scaling issues with batch API. (with tests) 2010-01-08 06:36:34 +00:00
batch_test.info #629794 by yched: Fix Scaling issues with batch API. (with tests) 2010-01-08 06:36:34 +00:00
batch_test.module #629794 by yched: Fix Scaling issues with batch API. (with tests) 2010-01-08 06:36:34 +00:00
bootstrap.test - Patch #621748 by grendzy, David Strauss: ip_address() is broken for multi-tier architectures. 2010-06-14 13:24:32 +00:00
cache.test - Patch #575360 by dropcube: added API function to check if a cache bin is empty. 2009-09-13 17:49:51 +00:00
common.test #733028 by cha0s, agentrickard: Fixed SA-CORE-2010-001 - Open redirection. 2010-06-21 14:59:14 +00:00
common_test.info #373201 by moshe weitzman, chx, Frando, eaton: Allow renderable array properties to be passed directly to theme functions. 2009-07-02 04:27:23 +00:00
common_test.module - Patch #796120 by c960657: do not urldecode() parameters in drupal_goto(). 2010-05-18 06:59:46 +00:00
common_test_info.txt - Patch #606526 by axyjo, scor: remove trailing whitespaces and add newlines at end of files. 2010-01-30 07:59:26 +00:00
database_test.info #318892 by justinrandell and chx: Add .install files to the list of files added to .info files. 2008-10-09 22:51:41 +00:00
database_test.install - Patch #690746 by jbrown, Ognyan Kulev, Crell, MichaelCole, Damien Tournoud: text column type doesn't reliably hold serialized variables. 2010-06-25 17:47:22 +00:00
database_test.module - Patch #795174 by Berdir: use %alias in SelectQuery joins and remove workarounds. 2010-06-25 19:33:47 +00:00
database_test.test - Patch #809698 by Damien Tournoud, tstoeckler: refrain from using the || operator for concatenation. 2010-05-28 10:13:38 +00:00
entity_cache_test.info #742972 by klausi, Berdir: Clear entity info cache during module enable. (tests) 2010-04-18 15:01:56 +00:00
entity_cache_test.module #742972 by klausi, Berdir: Clear entity info cache during module enable. (tests) 2010-04-18 15:01:56 +00:00
entity_cache_test_dependency.info #742972 by klausi, Berdir: Clear entity info cache during module enable. (tests) 2010-04-18 15:01:56 +00:00
entity_cache_test_dependency.module #742972 by klausi, Berdir: Clear entity info cache during module enable. (tests) 2010-04-18 15:01:56 +00:00
entity_query.test - Patch #808534 by dhthwy, Damien Tournoud, chx: file_get_file_references() is completely broken. 2010-06-26 02:16:23 +00:00
error.test #517814 by jmstacey, justinrandell, pwolanin, drewish, Jody Lynn, aaron, dopry, and c960657: Converted File API to stream wrappers, for enhanced private/public file handling, and the ability to reference other storage mechanisms such as s3:// and flicker://. 2009-08-17 19:14:42 +00:00
error_test.info #469768 again. Let's get those new files there, shall we? :P 2009-05-22 15:03:47 +00:00
error_test.module - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00
file.test - Patch #693084 by dhthwy, jpmckinney, reglogge, clemens.tolboom, naxoc, chx: file_munge_filename() extension handling broken by move to File Field. 2010-06-26 19:55:47 +00:00
file_test.info #310358 by drewish: Add a test for file_save_upload and clean up file.test. 2008-09-20 07:35:53 +00:00
file_test.module - Patch #693084 by dhthwy, jpmckinney, reglogge, clemens.tolboom, naxoc, chx: file_munge_filename() extension handling broken by move to File Field. 2010-06-26 19:55:47 +00:00
filetransfer.test #606526 by axyjo and scor: Remove trailing whitespace and add newlines at end of files. Sorry, folks! But it is after code freeze. :) 2009-11-10 17:27:54 +00:00
filter_test.info - Patch #428296 by dropcube, sun, catch: filter system doesn't communicate with other modules about filter format changes/deletions. 2009-08-26 10:29:26 +00:00
filter_test.module - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00
form.test - Patch #803212 by effulgentsia, Heine: protection against forgery of input selection value doesn't work with checkboxes. 2010-06-05 13:18:09 +00:00
form_test.info #242962 by Heine: Add a 'tablesort' Form API element to unify various places we use a big table with JS-enabled checkboxes next to each item (with tests). 2009-01-28 07:43:26 +00:00
form_test.module - Patch #735800 by effulgentsia, fago, Frando: node form triggers form level submit functions on button level submits, without validation. Oh yeah. 2010-06-17 13:44:45 +00:00
graph.test - Patch #763850 by c960657: require_once() and drupal_get_path() inconsistencies. 2010-05-18 18:11:13 +00:00
https.php #575280 follow-up by mfb and chx: Fixed impersonation attack when an https session exists. 2009-11-04 05:05:52 +00:00
image.test #779412 by boombatower: Fixed wrong file documentation block on image.test. 2010-04-23 05:10:35 +00:00
image_test.info - Patch #373613 by quicksketch and drewish: in order to operate on images multiple 2009-03-09 11:44:54 +00:00
image_test.module - Patch #681538 by aspilicious, jhodgdon, trevjs: fixed possibly broken @see also links. 2010-03-26 17:14:46 +00:00
lock.test - Patch #251792 by pwolanin, Damien Tournoud, slantview, c960657: added a locking framework for long running operations. 2009-08-17 20:32:30 +00:00
mail.test - Patch #348448 by mfb, c960657, marvil07, cdale, jpmckinney: fixed PHP strict warnings when running tests and for PHP 5.3. 2010-04-11 18:33:44 +00:00
menu.test - Patch #688334 by stella, BTMash, carlos8f, chx: fixed file inheritance is broken. 2010-04-26 14:06:23 +00:00
menu_test.info - Patch #320363 by mikey_p: renaming module for consistency. 2008-12-28 18:27:14 +00:00
menu_test.module - Patch #688334 by stella, BTMash, carlos8f, chx: fixed file inheritance is broken. 2010-04-26 14:06:23 +00:00
module.test - Patch #731606 by fago: module_implements() fails to find include. 2010-04-22 18:56:53 +00:00
module_test.file.inc - Patch #782056 by aspilicious: removing tabs and trailing white space. 2010-05-26 19:51:01 +00:00
module_test.info - Patch #731606 by fago: module_implements() fails to find include. 2010-04-22 18:56:53 +00:00
module_test.install - Patch #620298 by David_Rothstein: schema not available in hook_install(). 2010-02-26 18:31:29 +00:00
module_test.module - Patch #731606 by fago: module_implements() fails to find include. 2010-04-22 18:56:53 +00:00
path.test - Patch #699440 by scor, effulgentsia, noahb, catch: add bundle support to entity_uri() callback to remove performance overhead of forum_url_outbound_alter(). 2010-04-06 19:49:03 +00:00
registry.test - Patch #723802 by pwolanin, grendzy: convert to sha-256 and hmac from md5 and sha1. 2010-05-01 08:12:23 +00:00
requirements1_test.info - Patch #592800 by cpliakas, Berdir, aufumy: critical bug: dependent modules are still installed when required modules return errors in hook_requirements(). 2010-05-26 07:31:47 +00:00
requirements1_test.install - Patch #592800 by cpliakas, Berdir, aufumy: critical bug: dependent modules are still installed when required modules return errors in hook_requirements(). 2010-05-26 07:31:47 +00:00
requirements1_test.module - Patch #592800 by cpliakas, Berdir, aufumy: critical bug: dependent modules are still installed when required modules return errors in hook_requirements(). 2010-05-26 07:31:47 +00:00
requirements2_test.info - Patch #592800 by cpliakas, Berdir, aufumy: critical bug: dependent modules are still installed when required modules return errors in hook_requirements(). 2010-05-26 07:31:47 +00:00
requirements2_test.module - Patch #592800 by cpliakas, Berdir, aufumy: critical bug: dependent modules are still installed when required modules return errors in hook_requirements(). 2010-05-26 07:31:47 +00:00
schema.test - Patch #728338 by sun, Crell: standardize on 'field' in function names. 'It has to get worse before it can get better.' 2010-03-28 11:45:11 +00:00
session.test - Patch #813492 by chx, Damien Tournoud, justinrandell: HTTPS sessions use an invalid merge query. 2010-06-14 12:31:46 +00:00
session_test.info - Patch #276430 by jhedstrom, chx, boombatower et al: added tests for session handling. 2008-08-16 21:11:02 +00:00
session_test.module - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00
system_dependencies_test.info #375352 by Damien Tournoud, sun, and chx: Fixed errors caused by adding dependency to non-existing module (with tests). 2009-12-08 06:39:34 +00:00
system_dependencies_test.module #375352 by Damien Tournoud, sun, and chx: Fixed errors caused by adding dependency to non-existing module (with tests). 2009-12-08 06:39:34 +00:00
system_test.info #325869 by pwolanin: Restore missing hidden property in test module .info file. 2008-10-24 23:32:44 +00:00
system_test.module - Patch #829484 by Berdir, Dave Reid, dereine: uncaught PDO Exception - XSS. 2010-06-28 20:27:34 +00:00
taxonomy_test.info - Patch #424094 by chx: fixed taxonomy tests. 2009-04-05 12:21:12 +00:00
taxonomy_test.install - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00
taxonomy_test.module - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00
theme.test #764094 by David_Rothstein: Add tests to check that the theme system works in hook_init() (i.e., as early as possible). 2010-04-29 05:22:06 +00:00
theme_test.info #241570 by effulgentsia and merlinofchaos: Fixed Theme preprocess functions do not get retained when using patterns. 2010-03-21 04:05:24 +00:00
theme_test.module #764094 by David_Rothstein: Add tests to check that the theme system works in hook_init() (i.e., as early as possible). 2010-04-29 05:22:06 +00:00
unicode.test - Patch #768040 by jhodgdon, janusman, codycraven: truncate_utf8() only works for latin languages and drupal_substr() had a bug. 2010-06-10 15:20:48 +00:00
update.test #211182 follow-up by clemens.tolboom, David_Rothstein, tstoeckler: Re-work update depencency check to deal with array_merge_recursive() edge case (with tests). 2010-04-28 05:28:22 +00:00
update_test_1.info #211182 by Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, clemens.tolboom, scor, hunmonk, et al: Allow updates to specify dependencies to ensure they run in a predictable order. 2010-02-03 18:16:23 +00:00
update_test_1.install #211182 follow-up by clemens.tolboom, David_Rothstein, tstoeckler: Re-work update depencency check to deal with array_merge_recursive() edge case (with tests). 2010-04-28 05:28:22 +00:00
update_test_1.module #211182 by Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, clemens.tolboom, scor, hunmonk, et al: Allow updates to specify dependencies to ensure they run in a predictable order. 2010-02-03 18:16:23 +00:00
update_test_2.info #211182 by Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, clemens.tolboom, scor, hunmonk, et al: Allow updates to specify dependencies to ensure they run in a predictable order. 2010-02-03 18:16:23 +00:00
update_test_2.install #211182 follow-up by clemens.tolboom, David_Rothstein, tstoeckler: Re-work update depencency check to deal with array_merge_recursive() edge case (with tests). 2010-04-28 05:28:22 +00:00
update_test_2.module #211182 by Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, clemens.tolboom, scor, hunmonk, et al: Allow updates to specify dependencies to ensure they run in a predictable order. 2010-02-03 18:16:23 +00:00
update_test_3.info #211182 by Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, clemens.tolboom, scor, hunmonk, et al: Allow updates to specify dependencies to ensure they run in a predictable order. 2010-02-03 18:16:23 +00:00
update_test_3.install #211182 follow-up by clemens.tolboom, David_Rothstein, tstoeckler: Re-work update depencency check to deal with array_merge_recursive() edge case (with tests). 2010-04-28 05:28:22 +00:00
update_test_3.module #211182 by Damien Tournoud, David_Rothstein, clemens.tolboom, scor, hunmonk, et al: Allow updates to specify dependencies to ensure they run in a predictable order. 2010-02-03 18:16:23 +00:00
url_alter_test.info #320331 by Dave Reid, dww, John Morahan, cwgordon7, moshe weitzman, c960657, and smoothify: Turn custom_url_rewrite_inbound() and custom_url_rewrite_outbound() into hooks. 2009-10-24 05:13:44 +00:00
url_alter_test.install #320331 by Dave Reid, dww, John Morahan, cwgordon7, moshe weitzman, c960657, and smoothify: Turn custom_url_rewrite_inbound() and custom_url_rewrite_outbound() into hooks. 2009-10-24 05:13:44 +00:00
url_alter_test.module - Patch #284899 by c960657, voxpelli, mattconnolly: fixed Drupal url problem with clean urls. 2010-01-29 22:40:41 +00:00
xmlrpc.test #331951 by aspilicious, sun, jhodgdon, Morbus, et al: Figure out and apply coding standard for casting. 2010-05-06 05:59:31 +00:00
xmlrpc_test.module - Patch #502190 by jhodgdon, stella, sun: hook implementation headers out of compliance with standards. 2009-12-04 16:49:48 +00:00