- Patch #373613 by quicksketch and drewish: in order to operate on images multiple

times (such as crop, scale, then desaturate) without quality loss, we need to
  pass images by their raw GD (or other library) resources rather than re-opening
  the same image repeatedly, which causes wasted processing and loss of quality when
  using JPEG images.  This patch reworks the image toolkits, adds some new image
  manipulations and adds some impressive SimpleTests.
Dries Buytaert 2009-03-09 11:44:54 +00:00
parent 3faf46dcb0
commit 0ea653502c
9 changed files with 904 additions and 226 deletions

View File

@ -1183,13 +1183,11 @@ function file_validate_image_resolution($file, $maximum_dimensions = 0, $minimum
list($width, $height) = explode('x', $maximum_dimensions);
if ($info['width'] > $width || $info['height'] > $height) {
// Try to resize the image to fit the dimensions.
if (image_get_toolkit() && image_scale($file->filepath, $file->filepath, $width, $height)) {
if ($image = image_load($file->filepath)) {
image_scale($image, $width, $height);
$file->filesize = $image->info['file_size'];
drupal_set_message(t('The image was resized to fit within the maximum allowed dimensions of %dimensions pixels.', array('%dimensions' => $maximum_dimensions)));
// Clear the cached filesize and refresh the image information.
$info = image_get_info($file->filepath);
$file->filesize = $info['file_size'];
else {
$errors[] = t('The image is too large; the maximum dimensions are %dimensions pixels.', array('%dimensions' => $maximum_dimensions));

View File

@ -36,20 +36,20 @@
* Return a list of available toolkits.
* @return
* An array of toolkit name => descriptive title.
* An array with the toolkit names as keys and the descriptions as values.
function image_get_available_toolkits() {
// hook_image_toolkits returns an array of toolkit names.
$toolkits = module_invoke_all('image_toolkits');
$output = array();
foreach ($toolkits as $name) {
$function = 'image_' . $name . '_info';
if (drupal_function_exists($function)) {
$info = $function();
$output[$info['name']] = $info['title'];
foreach ($toolkits as $name => $info) {
// Only allow modules that aren't marked as unavailable.
if ($info['available']) {
$output[$name] = $info['title'];
return $output;
@ -62,14 +62,13 @@ function image_get_available_toolkits() {
function image_get_toolkit() {
static $toolkit;
if (!$toolkit) {
if (!isset($toolkit)) {
$toolkits = image_get_available_toolkits();
$toolkit = variable_get('image_toolkit', 'gd');
if (isset($toolkit) &&
drupal_function_exists("image_" . $toolkit . "_resize")) {
elseif (!drupal_function_exists("image_gd_check_settings") ||
!image_gd_check_settings()) {
$toolkit = FALSE;
if (!isset($toolkits[$toolkit]) || !drupal_function_exists('image_' . $toolkit . '_load')) {
// The selected toolkit isn't available so return the first one found. If
// none are available this will return FALSE.
$toolkit = reset($toolkits);
@ -81,25 +80,23 @@ function image_get_toolkit() {
* @param $method
* A string containing the method to invoke.
* @param $image
* An image object returned by image_load().
* @param $params
* An optional array of parameters to pass to the toolkit method.
* @return
* Mixed values (typically Boolean indicating successful operation).
function image_toolkit_invoke($method, $params = array()) {
if ($toolkit = image_get_toolkit()) {
$function = 'image_' . $toolkit . '_' . $method;
if (drupal_function_exists($function)) {
return call_user_func_array($function, $params);
else {
watchdog('php', 'The selected image handling toolkit %toolkit can not correctly process %function.', array('%toolkit' => $toolkit, '%function' => $function), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return FALSE;
function image_toolkit_invoke($method, stdClass $image, array $params = array()) {
$function = 'image_' . $image->toolkit . '_' . $method;
if (drupal_function_exists($function)) {
array_unshift($params, $image);
return call_user_func_array($function, $params);
watchdog('image', 'The selected image handling toolkit %toolkit can not correctly process %function.', array('%toolkit' => $image->toolkit, '%function' => $function), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return FALSE;
* Get details about an image.
@ -108,8 +105,8 @@ function image_toolkit_invoke($method, $params = array()) {
* @return
* FALSE, if the file could not be found or is not an image. Otherwise, a
* keyed array containing information about the image:
* 'width' - Width in pixels.
* 'height' - Height in pixels.
* 'width' - Width, in pixels.
* 'height' - Height, in pixels.
* 'extension' - Commonly used file extension for the image.
* 'mime_type' - MIME type ('image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png').
* 'file_size' - File size in bytes.
@ -137,133 +134,225 @@ function image_get_info($file) {
* Scales an image to the exact width and height given. Achieves the
* target aspect ratio by cropping the original image equally on both
* sides, or equally on the top and bottom. This function is, for
* example, useful to create uniform sized avatars from larger images.
* Scales an image to the exact width and height given.
* This function achieves the target aspect ratio by cropping the original image
* equally on both sides, or equally on the top and bottom. This function is
* useful to create uniform sized avatars from larger images.
* The resulting image always has the exact target dimensions.
* @param $source
* The file path of the source image.
* @param $destination
* The file path of the destination image.
* @param $image
* An image object returned by image_load().
* @param $width
* The target width, in pixels.
* @param $height
* The target height, in pixels.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_load()
* @see image_resize()
* @see image_crop()
function image_scale_and_crop($source, $destination, $width, $height) {
$info = image_get_info($source);
function image_scale_and_crop(stdClass $image, $width, $height) {
$scale = max($width / $image->info['width'], $height / $image->info['height']);
$x = ($image->info['width'] * $scale - $width) / 2;
$y = ($image->info['height'] * $scale - $height) / 2;
$scale = max($width / $info['width'], $height / $info['height']);
$x = round(($info['width'] * $scale - $width) / 2);
$y = round(($info['height'] * $scale - $height) / 2);
if (image_toolkit_invoke('resize', array($source, $destination, $info['width'] * $scale, $info['height'] * $scale))) {
return image_toolkit_invoke('crop', array($destination, $destination, $x, $y, $width, $height));
if (image_resize($image, $image->info['width'] * $scale, $image->info['height'] * $scale)) {
return image_crop($image, $x, $y, $width, $height);
return FALSE;
* Scales an image to the given width and height while maintaining aspect
* ratio.
* Scales an image to the given width and height while maintaining aspect ratio.
* The resulting image can be smaller for one or both target dimensions.
* @param $source
* The file path of the source image.
* @param $destination
* The file path of the destination image.
* @param $image
* An image object returned by image_load().
* @param $width
* The target width, in pixels.
* The target width, in pixels. This value is omitted then the scaling will
* based only on the height value.
* @param $height
* The target height, in pixels.
* The target height, in pixels. This value is omitted then the scaling will
* based only on the width value.
* @param $upscale
* Boolean indicating that files smaller than the dimensions will be scalled
* up. This generally results in a low quality image.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_load()
* @see image_scale_and_crop()
function image_scale($source, $destination, $width, $height) {
$info = image_get_info($source);
function image_scale(stdClass $image, $width = NULL, $height = NULL, $upscale = FALSE) {
$aspect = $image->info['height'] / $image->info['width'];
// Don't scale up.
if ($width >= $info['width'] && $height >= $info['height']) {
return FALSE;
$aspect = $info['height'] / $info['width'];
if ($aspect < $height / $width) {
$width = (int)min($width, $info['width']);
$height = (int)round($width * $aspect);
if ($upscale) {
// Set width/height according to aspect ratio if either is empty.
$width = !empty($width) ? $width : $height / $aspect;
$height = !empty($height) ? $height : $width / $aspect;
else {
$height = (int)min($height, $info['height']);
$width = (int)round($height / $aspect);
// Set impossibly large values if the width and height aren't set.
$width = !empty($width) ? $width : 9999999;
$height = !empty($height) ? $height : 9999999;
// Don't scale up.
if (round($width) >= $image->info['width'] && round($height) >= $image->info['height']) {
return TRUE;
return image_toolkit_invoke('resize', array($source, $destination, $width, $height));
if ($aspect < $height / $width) {
$height = $width * $aspect;
else {
$width = $height / $aspect;
return image_resize($image, $width, $height);
* Resize an image to the given dimensions (ignoring aspect ratio).
* @param $source
* The file path of the source image.
* @param $destination
* The file path of the destination image.
* @param $image
* An image object returned by image_load().
* @param $width
* The target width, in pixels.
* @param $height
* The target height, in pixels.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
function image_resize($source, $destination, $width, $height) {
return image_toolkit_invoke('resize', array($source, $destination, $width, $height));
* Rotate an image by the given number of degrees.
* @param $source
* The file path of the source image.
* @param $destination
* The file path of the destination image.
* @param $degrees
* The number of (clockwise) degrees to rotate the image.
* @param $background
* An hexadecimal integer specifying the background color to use for the
* uncovered area of the image after the rotation. E.g. 0x000000 for black,
* 0xff00ff for magenta, and 0xffffff for white.
* @param $toolkit
* An optional override of the default image toolkit.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_load()
function image_rotate($source, $destination, $degrees, $background = 0x000000) {
return image_toolkit_invoke('rotate', array($source, $destination, $degrees, $background));
function image_resize(stdClass $image, $width, $height) {
$width = (int) round($width);
$height = (int) round($height);
return image_toolkit_invoke('resize', $image, array($width, $height));
* Crop an image to the rectangle specified by the given rectangle.
* @param $source
* The file path of the source image.
* @param $destination
* The file path of the destination image.
* @param $image
* An image object returned by image_load().
* @param $x
* The top left co-ordinate, in pixels, of the crop area (x axis value).
* The top left coordinate, in pixels, of the crop area (x axis value).
* @param $y
* The top left co-ordinate, in pixels, of the crop area (y axis value).
* The top left coordinate, in pixels, of the crop area (y axis value).
* @param $width
* The target width, in pixels.
* @param $height
* The target height, in pixels.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_load()
* @see image_scale_and_crop()
function image_crop($source, $destination, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
return image_toolkit_invoke('crop', array($source, $destination, $x, $y, $width, $height));
function image_crop(stdClass $image, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
$aspect = $image->info['height'] / $image->info['width'];
if (empty($height)) $height = $width / $aspect;
if (empty($width)) $width = $height * $aspect;
$width = (int) round($width);
$height = (int) round($height);
return image_toolkit_invoke('crop', $image, array($x, $y, $width, $height));
* Convert an image to grayscale.
* @param $image
* An image object returned by image_load().
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_load()
function image_desaturate(stdClass $image) {
return image_toolkit_invoke('desaturate', $image);
* Load an image file and return an image object.
* Any changes to the file are not saved until image_save() is called.
* @param $file
* Path to an image file.
* @param $toolkit
* An optional, image toolkit name to override the default.
* @return
* An image object or FALSE if there was a problem loading the file. The
* image object has the following properties:
* - 'source' - The original file path.
* - 'info' - The array of information returned by image_get_info()
* - 'toolkit' - The name of the image toolkit requested when the image was
* loaded.
* Image tookits may add additional properties. The caller is advised not to
* monkey about with them.
* @see image_save()
* @see image_get_info()
* @see image_get_available_toolkits()
function image_load($file, $toolkit = FALSE) {
if (!$toolkit) {
$toolkit = image_get_toolkit();
if ($toolkit) {
$image = new stdClass();
$image->source = $file;
$image->info = image_get_info($file);
$image->toolkit = $toolkit;
if (image_toolkit_invoke('load', $image)) {
return $image;
return FALSE;
* Close the image and save the changes to a file.
* @param $image
* An image object returned by image_load(). The object's 'info' property
* will be updated if the file is saved successfully.
* @param $destination
* Destination path where the image should be saved. If it is empty the
* original image file will be overwritten.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_load()
function image_save(stdClass $image, $destination = NULL) {
if (empty($destination)) {
$destination = $image->source;
if ($return = image_toolkit_invoke('save', $image, array($destination))) {
// Clear the cached file size and refresh the image information.
$image->info = image_get_info($destination);
if (@chmod($destination, 0664)) {
return $return;
watchdog('image', 'Could not set permissions on destination file: %file', array('%file' => $destination));
return FALSE;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
// $Id$
* @file
* Unit tests for the Drupal Form API.
* Base class for image manipulation testing.
class ImageToolkitTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
protected $toolkit;
protected $file;
protected $image;
function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => t('Image toolkit tests'),
'description' => t('Check image tookit functions.'),
'group' => t('Image API'),
function setUp() {
// Use the image_test.module's test toolkit.
$this->toolkit = 'test';
// Pick a file for testing.
$this->file = $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/image-test.png';
// Setup a dummy image to work with, this replicate image_load() so we
// can avoid calling it.
$this->image = new stdClass();
$this->image->source = $this->file;
$this->image->info = image_get_info($this->file);
$this->image->toolkit = $this->toolkit;
// Clear out any hook calls.
* Assert that all of the specified image toolkit operations were called
* exactly once once, other values result in failure.
* @param $expected
* Array with string containing with the operation name, e.g. 'load',
* 'save', 'crop', etc.
function assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array $expected) {
// Determine which operations were called.
$actual = array_keys(array_filter(image_test_get_all_calls()));
// Determine if there were any expected that were not called.
$uncalled = array_diff($expected, $actual);
if (count($uncalled)) {
$this->assertTrue(FALSE, t('Expected operations %expected to be called but %uncalled was not called.', array('%expected' => implode(', ', $expected), '%uncalled' => implode(', ', $uncalled))));
else {
$this->assertTrue(TRUE, t('All the expected operations were called: %expected', array('%expected' => implode(', ', $expected))));
// Determine if there were any unexpected calls.
$unexpected = array_diff($actual, $expected);
if (count($unexpected)) {
$this->assertTrue(FALSE, t('Unexpected operations were called: %unexpected.', array('%unexpected' => implode(', ', $unexpected))));
else {
$this->assertTrue(TRUE, t('No unexpected operations were called.'));
* Check that hook_image_toolkits() is called and only available toolkits are
* returned.
function testGetAvailableToolkits() {
$toolkits = image_get_available_toolkits();
$this->assertTrue(isset($toolkits['test']), t('The working toolkit was returned.'));
$this->assertFalse(isset($toolkits['broken']), t('The toolkit marked unavailable was not returned'));
* Test the image_load() function.
function testLoad() {
$image = image_load($this->file, $this->toolkit);
$this->assertTrue(is_object($image), t('Returned an object.'));
$this->assertEqual($this->toolkit, $image->toolkit, t('Image had toolkit set.'));
* Test the image_save() function.
function testSave() {
$this->assertFalse(image_save($this->image), t('Function returned the expected value.'));
* Test the image_resize() function.
function testResize() {
$this->assertTrue(image_resize($this->image, 1, 2), t('Function returned the expected value.'));
// Check the parameters.
$calls = image_test_get_all_calls();
$this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][1], 1, t('Width was passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][2], 2, t('Height was passed correctly'));
* Test the image_scale() function.
function testScale() {
// TODO: need to test upscaling
$this->assertTrue(image_scale($this->image, 10, 10), t('Function returned the expected value.'));
// Check the parameters.
$calls = image_test_get_all_calls();
$this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][1], 10, t('Width was passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['resize'][0][2], 5, t('Height was based off aspect ratio and passed correctly'));
* Test the image_scale_and_crop() function.
function testScaleAndCrop() {
$this->assertTrue(image_scale_and_crop($this->image, 5, 10), t('Function returned the expected value.'));
$this->assertToolkitOperationsCalled(array('resize', 'crop'));
// Check the parameters.
$calls = image_test_get_all_calls();
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][1], 7.5, t('X was computed and passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][2], 0, t('Y was computed and passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][3], 5, t('Width was computed and passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][4], 10, t('Height was computed and passed correctly'));
* Test the image_crop() function.
function testCrop() {
$this->assertTrue(image_crop($this->image, 1, 2, 3, 4), t('Function returned the expected value.'));
// Check the parameters.
$calls = image_test_get_all_calls();
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][1], 1, t('X was passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][2], 2, t('Y was passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][3], 3, t('Width was passed correctly'));
$this->assertEqual($calls['crop'][0][4], 4, t('Height was passed correctly'));
* Test the image_desaturate() function.
function testDesaturate() {
$this->assertTrue(image_desaturate($this->image), t('Function returned the expected value.'));
// Check the parameters.
$calls = image_test_get_all_calls();
$this->assertEqual(count($calls['desaturate'][0]), 1, t('Only the image was passed.'));
* Test the core GD image manipulation functions.
class ImageToolkitGdTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
// Colors that are used in testing.
protected $black = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
protected $red = array(255, 0, 0, 0);
protected $green = array(0, 255, 0, 0);
protected $blue = array(0, 0, 255, 0);
protected $yellow = array(255, 255, 0, 0);
protected $fuchsia = array(255, 0, 255, 0); // Used as background colors.
protected $transparent = array(0, 0, 0, 127);
protected $white = array(255, 255, 255, 0);
protected $width = 40;
protected $height = 20;
function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => t('Image GD manipulation tests'),
'description' => t('Check that core image manipulations work properly: scale, resize, crop, scale and crop, and desaturate.'),
'group' => t('Image API'),
* Function to compare two colors by RGBa.
function colorsAreEqual($color_a, $color_b) {
// Fully transparent pixels are equal, regardless of RGB.
if ($color_a[3] == 127 && $color_b[3] == 127) {
return TRUE;
foreach ($color_a as $key => $value) {
if ($color_b[$key] != $value) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Function for finding a pixel's RGBa values.
function getPixelColor($image, $x, $y) {
$color_index = imagecolorat($image->resource, $x, $y);
$transparent_index = imagecolortransparent($image->resource);
if ($color_index == $transparent_index) {
return array(0, 0, 0, 127);
return array_values(imagecolorsforindex($image->resource, $color_index));
* Since PHP can't visually check that our images have been manipulated
* properly, build a list of expected color values for each of the corners and
* the expected height and widths for the final images.
function testManipulations() {
// If GD isn't available don't bother testing this.
if (!drupal_function_exists('image_gd_check_settings') || !image_gd_check_settings()) {
$this->pass(t('Image manipulations for the GD toolkit were skipped because the GD toolkit is not available.'));
// Typically the corner colors will be unchanged. These colors are in the
// order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left.
$default_corners = array($this->red, $this->green, $this->blue, $this->transparent);
// A list of files that will be tested.
$files = array(
// Setup a list of tests to perform on each type.
$operations = array(
'resize' => array(
'function' => 'resize',
'arguments' => array(20, 10),
'width' => 20,
'height' => 10,
'corners' => $default_corners,
'scale_x' => array(
'function' => 'scale',
'arguments' => array(20, NULL),
'width' => 20,
'height' => 10,
'corners' => $default_corners,
'scale_y' => array(
'function' => 'scale',
'arguments' => array(NULL, 10),
'width' => 20,
'height' => 10,
'corners' => $default_corners,
'upscale_x' => array(
'function' => 'scale',
'arguments' => array(80, NULL, TRUE),
'width' => 80,
'height' => 40,
'corners' => $default_corners,
'upscale_y' => array(
'function' => 'scale',
'arguments' => array(NULL, 40, TRUE),
'width' => 80,
'height' => 40,
'corners' => $default_corners,
'crop' => array(
'function' => 'crop',
'arguments' => array(12, 4, 16, 12),
'width' => 16,
'height' => 12,
'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->white),
'scale_and_crop' => array(
'function' => 'scale_and_crop',
'arguments' => array(10, 8),
'width' => 10,
'height' => 8,
'corners' => array_fill(0, 4, $this->black),
'desaturate' => array(
'function' => 'desaturate',
'arguments' => array(),
'height' => 20,
'width' => 40,
// Grayscale corners are a bit funky. Each of the corners are a shade of
// gray. The values of these were determined simply by looking at the
// final image to see what desaturated colors end up being.
'corners' => array(array_fill(0, 3, 76) + array(3 => 0), array_fill(0, 3, 149) + array(3 => 0), array_fill(0, 3, 29) + array(3 => 0), array_fill(0, 3, 0) + array(3 => 127)),
foreach ($files as $file) {
foreach ($operations as $op => $values) {
// Load up a fresh image.
$image = image_load($this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/' . $file, 'gd');
if (!$image) {
$this->fail(t('Could not load image %file.', array('%file' => $file)));
continue 2;
// Transparent GIFs and the imagefilter function don't work together.
// There is a todo in image.gd.inc to correct this.
if ($image->info['extension'] == 'gif') {
if ($op == 'desaturate') {
$values['corners'][3] = $this->white;
// Perform our operation.
$function = 'image_'. $values['function'];
$arguments = array();
$arguments[] = &$image;
$arguments = array_merge($arguments, $values['arguments']);
call_user_func_array($function, $arguments);
// To keep from flooding the test with assert values, make a general
// value for whether each group of values fail.
$correct_dimensions_real = TRUE;
$correct_dimensions_object = TRUE;
$correct_colors = TRUE;
// Check the real dimensions of the image first.
if (imagesy($image->resource) != $values['height'] || imagesx($image->resource) != $values['width']) {
$correct_dimensions_real = FALSE;
// Check that the image object has an accurate record of the dimensions.
if ($image->info['width'] != $values['width'] || $image->info['height'] != $values['height']) {
$correct_dimensions_object = FALSE;
// Now check each of the corners to ensure color correctness.
foreach ($values['corners'] as $key => $corner) {
// Get the location of the corner.
switch ($key) {
case 0:
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
case 1:
$x = $values['width'] - 1;
$y = 0;
case 2:
$x = $values['width'] - 1;
$y = $values['height'] - 1;
case 3:
$x = 0;
$y = $values['height'] - 1;
$color = $this->getPixelColor($image, $x, $y);
$correct_colors = $this->colorsAreEqual($color, $corner);
$directory = file_directory_path() . '/imagetests';
file_check_directory($directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
image_save($image, $directory . '/' . $op . '.' . $image->info['extension']);
$this->assertTrue($correct_dimensions_real, t('Image %file after %action action has proper dimensions.', array('%file' => $file, '%action' => $op)));
$this->assertTrue($correct_dimensions_object, t('Image %file object after %action action is reporting the proper height and width values.', array('%file' => $file, '%action' => $op)));
// JPEG colors will always be messed up due to compression.
if ($image->info['extension'] != 'jpg') {
$this->assertTrue($correct_colors, t('Image %file object after %action action has the correct color placement.', array('%file' => $file, '%action' => $op)));

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
; $Id$
name = "Image test"
description = "Support module for image toolkit tests."
package = Testing
version = VERSION
core = 7.x
files[] = image_test.module
hidden = TRUE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// $Id$
* @file
* Helper module for the image tests.
* Implementation of hook_image_toolkits().
function image_test_image_toolkits() {
return array(
'test' => array(
'title' => t('A dummy toolkit that works'),
'available' => TRUE,
'broken' => array(
'title' => t('A dummy toolkit that is "broken"'),
'available' => FALSE,
* Reset/initialize the history of calls to the toolkit functions.
* @see image_test_get_all_calls().
function image_test_reset() {
// Keep track of calls to these operations
$results = array(
'load' => array(),
'save' => array(),
'settings' => array(),
'resize' => array(),
'crop' => array(),
'desaturate' => array(),
variable_set('image_test_results', $results);
* Get an array with the all the calls to the toolkits since image_test_reset()
* was called.
* @return
* An array keyed by operation name ('load', 'save', 'settings', 'resize',
* 'crop', 'desaturate') with values being arrays of parameters passed to
* each call.
function image_test_get_all_calls() {
return variable_get('image_test_results', array());
* Store the values passed to a toolkit call.
* @param $op
* One of the image toolkit operations: 'load', 'save', 'settings', 'resize',
* 'crop', 'desaturate'.
* @param $args
* Values passed to hook.
* @see image_test_get_all_calls()
* @see image_test_reset()
function _image_test_log_call($op, $args) {
$results = variable_get('image_test_results', array());
$results[$op][] = $args;
variable_set('image_test_results', $results);
* Image tookit's settings operation.
function image_test_settings() {
_image_test_log_call('settings', array());
return array();
* Image tookit's load operation.
function image_test_load(stdClass $image) {
_image_test_log_call('load', array($image));
return $image;
* Image tookit's save operation.
function image_test_save(stdClass $image, $destination) {
_image_test_log_call('save', array($image, $destination));
// Return false so that image_save() doesn't try to chmod the destination
// file that we didn't bother to create.
return FALSE;
* Image tookit's crop operation.
function image_test_crop(stdClass $image, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
_image_test_log_call('crop', array($image, $x, $y, $width, $height));
return TRUE;
* Image tookit's resize operation.
function image_test_resize(stdClass $image, $width, $height) {
_image_test_log_call('resize', array($image, $width, $height));
return TRUE;
* Image tookit's desaturate operation.
function image_test_desaturate(stdClass $image) {
_image_test_log_call('desaturate', array($image));
return TRUE;

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@ -11,13 +11,6 @@
* @{
* Retrieve information about the toolkit.
function image_gd_info() {
return array('name' => 'gd', 'title' => t('GD2 image manipulation toolkit'));
* Retrieve settings for the GD2 toolkit.
@ -76,146 +69,176 @@ function image_gd_check_settings() {
* Scale an image to the specified size using GD.
* @param $image
* An image object. The $image->resource, $image->info['width'], and
* $image->info['height'] values will be modified by this call.
* @param $width
* The new width of the resized image, in pixels.
* @param $height
* The new height of the resized image, in pixels.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_resize()
function image_gd_resize($source, $destination, $width, $height) {
if (!file_exists($source)) {
function image_gd_resize(stdClass $image, $width, $height) {
$res = image_gd_create_tmp($image, $width, $height);
if (!imagecopyresampled($res, $image->resource, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $image->info['width'], $image->info['height'])) {
return FALSE;
$info = image_get_info($source);
if (!$info) {
return FALSE;
$im = image_gd_open($source, $info['extension']);
if (!$im) {
return FALSE;
$res = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
if ($info['extension'] == 'png') {
$transparency = imagecolorallocatealpha($res, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagealphablending($res, FALSE);
imagefilledrectangle($res, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparency);
imagealphablending($res, TRUE);
imagesavealpha($res, TRUE);
elseif ($info['extension'] == 'gif') {
// If we have a specific transparent color.
$transparency_index = imagecolortransparent($im);
if ($transparency_index >= 0) {
// Get the original image's transparent color's RGB values.
$transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($im, $transparency_index);
// Allocate the same color in the new image resource.
$transparency_index = imagecolorallocate($res, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']);
// Completely fill the background of the new image with allocated color.
imagefill($res, 0, 0, $transparency_index);
// Set the background color for new image to transparent.
imagecolortransparent($res, $transparency_index);
// Find number of colors in the images palette.
$number_colors = imagecolorstotal($im);
// Convert from true color to palette to fix transparency issues.
imagetruecolortopalette($res, TRUE, $number_colors);
imagecopyresampled($res, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $info['width'], $info['height']);
$result = image_gd_close($res, $destination, $info['extension']);
return $result;
* Rotate an image the given number of degrees.
function image_gd_rotate($source, $destination, $degrees, $background = 0x000000) {
if (!function_exists('imageRotate')) {
return FALSE;
$info = image_get_info($source);
if (!$info) {
return FALSE;
$im = image_gd_open($source, $info['extension']);
if (!$im) {
return FALSE;
$res = imageRotate($im, $degrees, $background);
$result = image_gd_close($res, $destination, $info['extension']);
return $result;
// Update image object.
$image->resource = $res;
$image->info['width'] = $width;
$image->info['height'] = $height;
return TRUE;
* Crop an image using the GD toolkit.
* @param $image
* An image object. The $image->resource, $image->info['width'], and
* $image->info['height'] values will be modified by this call.
* @param $x
* The starting x offset at which to start the crop, in pixels.
* @param $y
* The starting y offset at which to start the crop, in pixels.
* @param $width
* The width of the cropped area, in pixels.
* @param $height
* The height of the cropped area, in pixels.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_crop()
function image_gd_crop($source, $destination, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
$info = image_get_info($source);
if (!$info) {
function image_gd_crop(stdClass $image, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
$res = image_gd_create_tmp($image, $width, $height);
if (!imagecopyresampled($res, $image->resource, 0, 0, $x, $y, $width, $height, $width, $height)) {
return FALSE;
$im = image_gd_open($source, $info['extension']);
$res = imageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
imageCopy($res, $im, 0, 0, $x, $y, $width, $height);
$result = image_gd_close($res, $destination, $info['extension']);
// Destroy the original image and return the modified image.
$image->resource = $res;
$image->info['width'] = $width;
$image->info['height'] = $height;
return TRUE;
return $result;
* Convert an image resource to grayscale.
* Note that transparent GIFs loose transparency when desaturated.
* @param $image
* An image object. The $image->resource value will be modified by this call.
* @return
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_desaturate()
function image_gd_desaturate(stdClass $image) {
return imagefilter($image->resource, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
* GD helper function to create an image resource from a file.
* @param $file
* A string file path where the image should be saved.
* @param $extension
* A string containing one of the following extensions: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
* @param $image
* An image object. The $image->resource value will populated by this call.
* @return
* An image resource, or FALSE on error.
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_load()
function image_gd_open($file, $extension) {
$extension = str_replace('jpg', 'jpeg', $extension);
$open_func = 'imageCreateFrom' . $extension;
if (!function_exists($open_func)) {
return FALSE;
return $open_func($file);
function image_gd_load(stdClass $image) {
$extension = str_replace('jpg', 'jpeg', $image->info['extension']);
$function = 'imagecreatefrom'. $extension;
return (function_exists($function) && $image->resource = $function($image->source));
* GD helper to write an image resource to a destination file.
* @param $res
* An image resource created with image_gd_open().
* @param $image
* An image object.
* @param $destination
* A string file path where the image should be saved.
* @param $extension
* A string containing one of the following extensions: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
* @return
* Boolean indicating success.
* TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
* @see image_save()
function image_gd_close($res, $destination, $extension) {
$extension = str_replace('jpg', 'jpeg', $extension);
$close_func = 'image' . $extension;
if (!function_exists($close_func)) {
function image_gd_save(stdClass $image, $destination) {
$extension = str_replace('jpg', 'jpeg', $image->info['extension']);
$function = 'image'. $extension;
if (!function_exists($function)) {
return FALSE;
if ($extension == 'jpeg') {
return $close_func($res, $destination, variable_get('image_jpeg_quality', 75));
return $function($image->resource, $destination, variable_get('image_jpeg_quality', 75));
else {
return $close_func($res, $destination);
// Always save PNG images with full transparency.
if ($extension == 'png') {
imagealphablending($image->resource, FALSE);
imagesavealpha($image->resource, TRUE);
return $function($image->resource, $destination);
* Create a truecolor image preserving transparency from a provided image.
* @param $image
* An image object.
* @param $width
* The new width of the new image, in pixels.
* @param $height
* The new height of the new image, in pixels.
* @return
* A GD image handle.
function image_gd_create_tmp(stdClass $image, $width, $height) {
$res = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
if ($image->info['extension'] == 'gif') {
// Grab transparent color index from image resource.
$transparent = imagecolortransparent($image->resource);
if ($transparent >= 0) {
// The original must have a transparent color, allocate to the new image.
$transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($image->resource, $transparent);
$transparent = imagecolorallocate($res, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']);
// Flood with our new transparent color.
imagefill($res, 0, 0, $transparent);
imagecolortransparent($res, $transparent);
elseif ($image->info['extension'] == 'png') {
imagealphablending($res, FALSE);
$transparency = imagecolorallocatealpha($res, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($res, 0, 0, $transparency);
imagealphablending($res, TRUE);
imagesavealpha($res, TRUE);
else {
imagefill($res, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($res, 255, 255, 255));
return $res;
* @} End of "ingroup image".

View File

@ -1462,19 +1462,33 @@ function system_file_system_settings() {
function system_image_toolkit_settings() {
$toolkits_available = image_get_available_toolkits();
$current_toolkit = image_get_toolkit();
if (count($toolkits_available) == 0) {
$form['image_toolkit_help'] = array(
'#markup' => t("No image toolkits were detected. Drupal includes support for <a href='!gd-link'>PHP's built-in image processing functions</a> but they were not detected on this system. You should consult your system administrator to have them enabled, or try using a third party toolkit.", array('gd-link' => url('http://php.net/gd'))),
return $form;
if (count($toolkits_available) > 1) {
$form['image_toolkit'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Select an image processing toolkit'),
'#default_value' => image_get_toolkit(),
'#default_value' => $current_toolkit,
'#options' => $toolkits_available
elseif (count($toolkits_available) == 1) {
else {
variable_set('image_toolkit', key($toolkits_available));
$form['image_toolkit_settings'] = image_toolkit_invoke('settings');
// Get the toolkit's settings form.
$function = 'image_' . $current_toolkit . '_settings';
if (drupal_function_exists($function)) {
$form['image_toolkit_settings'] = $function();
return system_settings_form($form, TRUE);

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@ -365,17 +365,40 @@ function hook_init() {
* Define image toolkits provided by this module.
* The file which includes each toolkit's functions must be declared as part of
* the files array in the module .info file so that the registry will find and
* parse it.
* @return
* An array of image toolkit names.
* Define image toolkits provided by this module.
* The file which includes each toolkit's functions must be declared as part of
* the files array in the module .info file so that the registry will find and
* parse it.
* The toolkit's functions must be named image_toolkitname_operation().
* where the operation may be:
* - 'load': Required. See image_gd_load() for usage.
* - 'save': Required. See image_gd_save() for usage.
* - 'settings': Optional. See image_gd_settings() for usage.
* - 'resize': Optional. See image_gd_resize() for usage.
* - 'crop': Optional. See image_gd_crop() for usage.
* - 'desaturate': Optional. See image_gd_desaturate() for usage.
* @return
* An array with the toolkit name as keys and sub-arrays with these keys:
* - 'title': A string with the toolkit's title.
* - 'available': A Boolean value to indicate that the toolkit is operating
* properly, e.g. all required libraries exist.
* @see system_image_toolkits()
function hook_image_toolkits() {
return array('gd');
return array(
'working' => array(
'title' => t('A toolkit that works.'),
'available' => TRUE,
'broken' => array(
'title' => t('A toolkit that is "broken" and will not be listed.'),
'available' => FALSE,

View File

@ -2290,5 +2290,10 @@ function theme_meta_generator_header($version = VERSION) {
* Implementation of hook_image_toolkits().
function system_image_toolkits() {
return array('gd');
return array(
'gd' => array(
'title' => t('GD2 image manipulation toolkit'),
'available' => drupal_function_exists('image_gd_check_settings') && image_gd_check_settings(),