- permissions menu link updates in a number of modules help
- anchor link fix in distributed auth help
- "my account" link fix in user help
- spelling correction in tracker.module help
- I also changed 'admin/access/perms' to 'admin/access/permissions'.
We added a 'severity' column to watchdog():
watchdog($type, $message, $link) --> watchdog($type, $message, $severity, $link);
* Specify a severity in case you are reporting a warning or error.
* The $link-parameter is now the fourth parameter instead of the third.
TODO: document this in the upgrade guide.
* Less logic in theme code.
* Encourages use of the menu system.
* Easier to find where a title or breadcrumb comes from in other people's code because there are less places to look. Look in menu and then grep for the appropriate set function. Looking for calls to theme_page() is hard because there are too many of them.
* Very slightly more efficient.
Read the manual for pg_escape_string: "Use of this function is recommended instead of addslashes()." Or read sqlite_escape_string: "addslashes() should NOT be used to quote your strings for SQLite queries; it will lead to strange results when retrieving your data."
The primary goal of this patch is to take the 'custom' and 'path' columns of the block overview page and make them into something understandable. As of Drupal 4.5 'custom' lacked an explanation which wasn't buried in help text and path required dealing with regular expressions.
Every block now has a configuration page to control these options. This gives more space to make form controls which do not require a lengthy explanation. This page also gives modules a chance to put their block configuration options in a place that makes sense using new operations in the block hook.
The only required changes to modules implementing hook_block() is to be careful about what is returned. Do not return anything if $op is not 'list' or 'view'. Once this change is made, modules will still be compatible with Drupal 4.5. Required changes to core modules are included in this path.
An additional optional change to modules is to implement the additional $op options added. 'configure' should return a string containing the configuration form for the block with the appropriate $delta. 'configure save' will come with an additional $edit argument, which will contain the submitted form data for saving. These changes to core modules are also included in this patch.
Note that book_location_down() was missing an explicit field b.weight in the SQL SELECT statement, but this value would usually be supplied implicitly because it is used to ORDER the result.
+ Made error strings in blog.module consistent.
+ Explained a bit better what the RSD setting is for in the blog module.
+ Removed the notes about PHP content from block module and book module, since everything is handled via the input formats now.
1) Menu problems with Postgres (this is a highly critical 1 line fix)
2) Archive module fails with Postgres
3) Postgres setup problems - changes to database.pgsql (although i made these changes myself before finding this patch)
4) Book module fails with Postgres
5) Postgres problems following creation of a new type of user - which is actually about a taxonomy.module bug.
6) Creating accregator_item_table in PostgreSQL
7) Postgres - Polls not displayed on Poll Page
8) Blog module has sql errors with postgres
This should not affect MySQL users (hopefully).
Here's an overview of the changes:
1) Multiple Input formats: they are complete filter configurations (what filters to use, in what order and with which settings). Input formats are admin-definable, and usage of them is role-dependant. For example, you can set it up so that regular users can only use limited HTML, while admins can free HTML without any tag limitations.
The input format can be chosen per content item (nodes, comments, blocks, ...) when you add/edit them. If only a single format is available, there is no choice, and nothing changes with before.
The default install (and the upgrade) contains a basic set of formats which should satisfy the average user's needs.
2) Filters have toggles
Because now you might want to enable a filter only on some input formats, an explicit toggle is provided by the filter system. Modules do not need to worry about it and filters that still have their own on/off switch should get rid of it.
3) Multiple filters per module
This was necessary to accomodate the next change, and it's also a logical extension of the filter system.
4) Embedded PHP is now a filter
Thanks to the multiple input formats, I was able to move the 'embedded PHP' feature from block.module, page.module and book.module into a simple filter which executes PHP code. This filter is part of filter.module, and by default there is an input format 'PHP', restricted to the administrator only, which contains this filter.
This change means that block.module now passes custom block contents through the filter system.
As well as from reducing code duplication and avoiding two type selectors for page/book nodes, you can now combine PHP code with other filters.
5) User-supplied PHP code now requires <?php ?> tags.
This is required for teasers to work with PHP code. Because PHP evaluation is now just another step in the filter process, we can't do this. Also, because teasers are generated before filtering, this would result in errors when the teaser generation would cut off a piece of PHP code.
Also, regular PHP syntax explicitly includes the <?php ?> tags for PHP files, so it makes sense to use the same convention for embedded PHP in Drupal.
6) Filter caching was added.
Benchmarking shows that even for a simple setup (basic html filtering + legacy URL rewriting), filtercache can offer speedups. Unlike the old filtercache, this uses the normal cache table.
7) Filtertips were moved from help into a hook_filter_tips(). This was required to accomodate the fact that there are multiple filters per module, and that filter settings are format dependant. Shoehorning filter tips into _help was ugly and silly. The display of the filter tips is done through the input format selector, so filter_tips_short() no longer exists.
8) A more intelligent linebreak convertor was added, which doesn't stop working if you use block-level tags and which adds <p> tags.
Here's a new patch that unifies the node/52 and book/view/52 paths for nodes. It involves a small change to hook_view(), which is discussed first:
Currently hook_view() expects node modules to return a themed node. However, each module does this the same way; they modify $node as necessary, then call theme('node', $node) and return the result. We can refactor this so that the calling function node_view() calls theme('node') instead. By doing this, it becomes possible for hook_nodeapi('view') to be called after hook_view() where the node contents are filtered, and before theme('node') where the body is enclosed in other HTML. This way the book module can insert its navigation into the body right before the theming.
Advantages of this refactoring:
- I can use it for book.module to remove the extra viewing path.
- The function of hook_nodeapi('view') becomes more like hook_view(), as neither will expect a return value.
- We more closely follow the flow of other nodeapi calls, which usually directly follow their corresponding specific node type hooks (instead of preceding them).
- The attachment.module people could use it to append their attachments in a list after the node.
- Gabor could use it instead of his filter perversion for his "articles in a series" module.
- A little less code in each view hook.
- The content hook is no longer needed, so that means even less code.
- Any modules written to use nodeapi('view') could be affected (but these would all be post-4.4 modules).
- Implementations of hook_view() would need to be updated (but return values would be ignored, so most would work without updates anyway).
Now the patch takes advantage of this API shift to inject its navigation at the end of all book nodes, regardless of the viewing path. In fact, since the paths become identical, I've removed the book/view handler entirely. We should probably provide an .htaccess rewrite for this (one is still needed for node/view/nn anyway). At the same time, there is a check in book_block() that shows the block appropriately on these pages.
forms using the $required argument of the form_ functions.
- Replaced all Optional's and Required's from the taxonomy forms with proper
use of the form_ functions.
Please check your contributed modules too!
* The _validate hook and the _nodeapi('validate') hook of the node API (1) no longer take an 'error' parameter and (2) should no longer return an error array. To set an error, call form_set_error().
* The _form hook of the node module no longer takes a form hook and should not worry about displaying errors. Ditto for _nodeapi('form_post') and _nodeapi('form_pre').
+ Introduced tabs. First, we extended the menu system to support tabs. Next, a tab was added for every link that was (1) an administrative action other than the implicit 'view' (2) relevant to that particular page only. This is illustrated by the fact that all tabs are verbs and that clicking a page's tab leads you to a subpage of that page.
+ Flattened the administration menu. The tabs helped simplify the navigation menu as I could separate 'actions' from 'navigation'. In addition, I removed the 'administer > configuration'-menu, renamed 'blocks' to 'sidebars' which I hope is a bit more descriptive, and made a couple more changes. Earlier, we already renamed 'taxonomy' to 'categorization' and we move 'statistics' under 'logs'.
+ Grouped settings. All settings have been grouped under 'administer > settings'.
+ Update core themes: only Xtemplate default supports tabs and even those look ugly. Need help.
+ Update contributed modules. The menu() hook changed drastically. Updating your code adhere the new menu() function should be 90% of the work. Moreover, ensure that your modue's admin links are still valid and that URLs to node get updated to the new scheme ('node/view/x' -> 'node/x').
administrators will be able to define a custom 403 page, just as they
can define 404 pages now.
This needs to be documented in the "Changes since / migrating to ..."
Contributed themes and modules need to be updated:
- modules: status() is no more; use drupal_set_message() instead.
- themes: use drupal_get_message() to check for status messages and
visualize them.
Phase 2 of the menu system integration project. This unifies the interface
used by admin and non-admin pages, and deprecates the _page hook in favor of
explicit callbacks from menu(). Breadcrumbs, titles, and help text go away
as a result of this patch; they will return in the phase 3 patch, printed
by the theme.
- Usability improvements to the user module: removed some redundant menu
items by taking advantage of the column sorting, added status messages
and so on. Patch by Moshe plus some fixes.
- Made the profile module use the table() function. Patch by Moshe.
- Fixed breadcrumb spacing. Patch by Moshe.
- Fixed colspan problem with node overview table. Patch by Stefan.
- Fixed inconsistency with table sorting. Patch 0122 by Al.
called but will be as soon the remaining links have been transformed to use
the menu system.)
- Made sure the menu does not render links with no callback and no children.
Like this, the 'create content' link is not being shown when the user has
no permission to add any content.
1) As explained by Al, there is still a glitch with the 'create content'
2) The user module part of the patch did not apply due to Kjartan's earlier
PostgreSQL and MSSQL database scheme as well.
- Made sure the update script updates the correct tables when database
prefixing is enabled. Patch by Bart Jansens.
- Improved the breadcrumb navigation of the book and the forum module as per
Keith Instone's suggestions.
- Updated page titles (or block titles) and links to match. Suggested by
Keith Instone.
- Added missing 'thread' field to the comment table of the MySQL database scheme.
Fixes bug #2590.
2) Beautified the forum module views; rewritten to use the table() rendering functions, X HTML-ified the emitted code, added additional CSS tags, and removed hard-coded markup. This improves themeabality; it should be able to mimic the view and color scheme of, say, http://www.phpbb.com/.
3) Reorganized forms and links (interactive elements) to improve usability. Also ensured that the link names and page titles match.
4) Temporary removed container functionality: this simplified the work and eliminated some usability issues.
* Removed 'handbook' title.
* Added a 'books' link to the book location bar: the link takes you to
the book overview page.
* Renamed a few 'collaborative books' to 'books' so that the links and
page/box titles match.
are those that have the "bypass input data check" permission set. Should
address bug #2147.
- Improvement: simplified index.php and modules/admin.module.
- Bugfix: fixed broken links in bloggerapi documentation. Patch by Chris
Johnson. Fixes bug #2030.
- Bugfix: fixed the date shown on a book module preview. Reported as part
of bug #2097.
- Bugfix: fixed broken URL in the book module documentation.
- Bugfix: fixed translation problems in the user module and the block module. Patch by Stefan.
- Improvement: made it impossible to delete user role #1 and #2. Patch #38 by Al.
- Improvement: fixed the "Allowed HTML tag" issues. Makes for better code and improved usability. Patch #35 by Al.
NOTE: as soon the compose tips make their way into CVS, most of this code can be removed.
- Improvement: renamed some theme functions of the forum module for sake of consistency/readability. Patch #2 by Kristjan.
- Improvement: usability improvements to the Xtemplate theme. Patch #3 by Kristjan.
- Improvement: CSS'ified the book module pages. Patch #3 by Al. (I simplified the "l
ocation" part. Al's approach gave you a bit more power but I'm not sure anyone wants
to change that. Besides, this will change as soon we integrate the menu system so I kept it easy for now.)
- Bugfix: made the "moderate" field behave. Patch 0030.queue.module.help.and.settings.form.patch by Al.
- Documentation: revised a large part of the help texts / documentation! Al's 0024.* patches.
- Documentation: added a glossary to the help module. Patch 0025.help.module.glossary.patch by Al and Michael.
- Usability: first step towards unifying the terminology used in the cloud module. Patch by 0028.site.cloud.rationalize.name.patch Al.
- Usability + CSS improvements: revamped the node form and removed all tables. Patch 0027.node.form.rewrite.patch by Al.
- CSS improvements: patch 0026.admin.css.small.improvement.patch by Al.
- Updated the MAINTAINERS file.
to avoid XSS attacks! Patch by Al, Moshe, Marco, Kjartan and me.
- Bugfix: the admin module does now import drupal.css prior to admin.css.
Patch by me.
- Bugfix: the admin module was still emitting a <base href=""> tag. I
removed this as it is been taken care of by theme_head(); Patch by me.
- Bugfix: made the tracker module's pager only consider published pages.
Patch by Moshe.
- Bugfix: cured some typos in the comment module's help function. Patch by
- Bugfix: fixed a typo in the pager_display() that caused optional
attributes to be discarded.
- Bugfix: made the Xtemplate emit empty boxes like any other theme does.
Patch by Al.
- Bugfix: fixed broken link on the statistics module's log page.
Reported by Kjartan.
- CSS improvements: made the HTML output emitted by the tracker module
look nicer. Patch by Moshe and Al.
- CSS improvements: added CSS classes for form elements. Patch by Al.
- CSS improvements: added a vertical gap between the last form item and the
submit button. Patch by Al. Note that Opera 6 is not picking up this
CSS but apparently others browsers such as Konqueror do.
- Xtemplate improvements: changed the color of the selected day in the
archive module's calendar. Patch by Al.
- Usability improvements: made the "birthday" field of the profile module
look nicer. Patch by Al.
- TODO: it might be a good idea to emit the following meta tag in the
theme_head() function:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
Currently, some themes (and modules!) emit this while others don't. This
would also make it possible to change the charset site-wide.
- TODO: now we added support for td.dark and td.light to drupal.css, maybe
it can be removed from admin.css as well as xtemplate.css?
- Fixed a typo in the MSSQL database scheme. Patch by Michael Frankowski.
- Removed dependency on "register_globals = on"! Patches by Michael Frankowski.
+ Updated the patches to use $foo["bar"] instead of $foo['bar'].
+ Updated the INSTALL and CHANGELOG files as well.
- Tiny improvement to the "./scripts/code-clean.sh" script.
The syntax for db_query_range() was enhanced so it matches db_query(). So
you may pass extra arguments of the SQL statement which are checked via
check_query() and then substituted into the SQL statement. After these
optional arguments, you always pass $from and $count parameters which
define your range. Most often, the $from is 0 and the count is the max
number of records you want returned. Patch by Moshe.
- The pager_query() function for PEAR was enhanced so that it adds proper
GROUP BY statement counting the number of records to be paged. Patch by
James Arthur.
- MSSQL database scheme by Moshe.
- the index link ("View this book's table of contents.") which pointed
to http://drupal/book instead of to ... this book's table of contents.
- it doesn't print "previous", "next", "up", "index" if there are no
"previous", "next", "up", "index"
- it doesn't print "index" if "up" /is/ the "index"
- it swaps the order of "up" and "index", ie. "up" is in the row above
"index", between "previous" and "next" now. this is more logical and the
way all tree-browsing apps (python doc, info, ...) do it.
- Added node_admin_settings() to let users set node defaults.
* Added _nodeapi("conf")
- Modified form_checkbox() to unset options. (Modified the patch from Ax.)
- Removed the _save() hook.
- Fixed a logical flaw in field_get() and field_set() which would break
- Moved some admin menus around and cleaned up some typos.
The following modules need updating:
* glossary module
* feed module (Breyten's version)
* mailhandler module
* notify module
* project module
* smileys module
* admin module
* style module
* taxonomy_dhtml module
To avoid unexpected problems menu_add() is deprecated (it will print an
error message when used) and menu() should be used instead.
+ Removed the "post content" permission and replaced it by more fine-grained permissions such as "maintain static pages", "maintain personal blog", "maintain stories", etc.
o Usability improvements to teasers:
+ Teaser forms are no more. Teasers are extracted automatically but can also be instructed using a delimiter "---". Furthermore, when a post it too short for a teaser, the user won't be bother with teaser stuff anymore.
+ Added an option to set the teaser length, or to disable teasers all together.
+ When previewing a post, both the short (if any) and the full version of a post are shown. This addresses a common complaint; for example, when writing a book page there was no way you could preview the short version of your post.
+ Forum posts can be teasered now. This is particularly helpful in the context of drupal.org where we promote forum topics.
o Bugfix: replaced all PHP short tags (<?) with long tags (<?php).
o Bugfix: removed hard-coded dependence on comment module.
o Bugfix: when the queue module was disabled, it was not possible to approve updated book pages.
o Bugfix: applied modified version of Marco's node_teaser() fix.
- Fixed a bug with get_tree and multiple parents.
- Fixed 3 wrong caches (this will avoid some queries).
- Extension to taxonomy_term_count_nodes() (feature #159): "currently
calling taxonomy_term_count_nodes() returns the amount of nodes in each
term, would it be possible to extend this function so that it would only
return the amount of nodes of a certain type under each term.
- Confirm deleting a vocabulary or a term (requested by Moshe).
- Use form_weight() in vocabulary and term forms.
- After submitting a term, we end up at the term page (requested by Moshe).
- Added status messages when adding, editing and deleting vocabularies and
- Minor clean ups
* Made sure all modules use the same link delimiter; "|" for now.
now be changed on the book overview page in the admin page. Editing the
"Drupal handbook" (100+ pages?) on drupal.org became a time-consuming
process, hence these improvements ...
- fixed comment flat list view missing 1 comment.
- changed update.php around a bit.
* security check isn't in effect if the db hasn't been updated.
* instructions re-organized.
* fixed some minor updates.
- updated database.mysql done by UnConeD.
- changelog update.
- fixed access checks on the register form, do this before you enter the
_save function. If registrations are disabled the register link will
no longer show (again).
- changed » to », using the names of entities are better than
the numbers.
- fixed user information being set when account is registered (properly this
time, really!)
- reversed the if(!...) commit.
- node_add specifies more defaults.
- added link to blog entries from user page.
- updated node modules not to cause errors when taxonomy module is disabled.
- added %date variable to user mail configuration.
- added hyperlinks to admin.php?mod=system (site configuration) for easy access.
- usual coding style and xhtml fixes.
* fixed mails not being parsed properly.
* tracker now shows user name when you view your own recent
* link to submission queue now points to the right place.
* fixed jabber module.
* theme is now activated when changed.
- applied Gerhards coding style patch.
+ Changed the db_query() API.
+ Wrapped all links in l(), lm(), la(), ..., drupal_url() functions.
+ XHTML-ified some HTML.
+ Wrapped a lot of text in the administrative pages in a t()
+ Replaced all $REQUEST_URI/$PATH_INFOs by request_uri().
+ Small bugfixes (eg. bug in book_export_html() and clean-ups (eg.
RSS code).
+ Fixed some bugs in the taxonomy module (eg. tree making bug), added
new functionality (eg. new APIs for use by other modules), included
Moshe's taxonomy extensions, and some documentation udpates.
+ ...
Committing Changes by Moshe Weitzman:
- admin_user_account(), user_edit(), and user_view() no longer have any
hard code for authentication modules. instead authentication modules
implement the _user hook.
- fixed a couple 'help' typos.
- linked the 'REGISTER' text in the login block to the register page.
this page now advertises DA better if site employs DA.
- admins may now edit everything about a user account (was a feature
- user #1 may now login immediately, in addition to receiving his
password via email.
Other changes:
- modules and themes are now enabled/disabled in the administrative /
settings / modules | themes pages. Requires SQL update and things must
be enabled before your site returns to normal. TODO: enable all
functionality. (For now just do UPDATE system SET status = 1;)
- removed $themes from conf.php.
- added a $theme->system() function where theme can specify settings.
All themes in the Drupal CVS have been updated to use this.
- added _system hook to modules. TODO: update modules to use this.
- changed strange use of sprintf to the usual strtr. The disadvantage of
sprintf is that it requires translations to keep the string order,
which may not be possible in all languages.
- an invalid/nonexisting theme in a user profile will now fallback to the
BaseTheme instead of crashing.
login and one for user information.
- added link to help in book module (post-patch, see below).
- applied various patches:
Patch by Greg Tyrelle <greg@tyrelle.net>
- tracker module now shows usernames next to comments.
Patch by Moshe Weitzman <moshe@wallaware.com>
- book module has a more complete help.
- added administrative link to export book to html
- fixed non book nodes not showing up in trees.
Patch by moshe weitzman <weitzman@tejasa.com>
- links can be defined in the configuration file.
can jump directly to a certain date in the archives. Also made
the calendar link to itself such that it is self-contained.
- Code beautifications: quoted a lot of arrays, removed dead code
and simplified a few things.
- Replaced the Calendar class by one function "calendar_display":
using a class (or class instance, or object) doesn't make sense
in the archives' case.
- Renamed "calendar.module" to "archive.module".
- Fixed a /problem/ with node settings not always being saved like
- Reorganized the user menu: renamed a couple of links for clarity
and structure.
- Fixed a few typos.
+ Improved input filtering; this should make the news items look
more consistent in terms of mark-up.
+ Quoted all array indices: converted all instances of $foo[bar]
to $foo["bar"]. Made various other changes to make the import
module compliant with the coding style.
- theme.inc:
+ Fixed small XHTML glitch
- comment system:
+ Made it possible for users to edit their comments (when certain
criteria are matched).
+ Renamed the SQL table field "lid" to "nid" and updated the code
to reflect this change: this is a rather /annoying/ change that
has been asked for a few times. It will impact the contributed
BBS/forum modules and requires a tiny SQL update:
sql> ALTER TABLE comments CHANGE lid nid int(10) NOT NULL;
+ Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
comment.module where it belongs. This also marks a first step
towards removing/reducing "node.php".
+ Added a delete button to the comment admin form and made it so
that Drupal prompts for confirmation prior to deleting a comment
from the database. This behavior is similar to that of deleting
+ Disabled comment moderation for now.
+ Some of the above changes will make it easier to integrate the
upcomcing mail-to-web and web-to-mail gateways. They are part
of a bigger plan. ;)
- node system:
+ Made it so that updating nodes (like for instance updating blog
entries) won't trigger the submission rate throttle.
+ Fixed a small glitch where a node's title wasn't always passed
to the $theme->header() function.
+ Made "node_array()" and "node_object()" more generic and named
them "object2array()" and "array2object()".
+ Moved most (all?) of the comment related logic from node.php to
comment.module where it belongs. This also marks a first step
towards removing/reducing "node.php".
- misc:
+ Applied three patches by Foxen. One to improve performance of
the book module, and two other patches to fix small glitches in
common.inc. Thanks Foxen!
+ made a small change in the node overview page in the admin section
such that it lists both new and updated pages by default.
+ reworked the filter-mechanism: it is not 100% finished yet but it
sure is taking shape.
+ Added (1) support for "PHP pages" (dynamic pages), and (2) made
it possible to link other node types into the book's tree/outline.
It works just fine, yet the only (obvious) downside of (2) is
that the navigation tree/links gets "interrupted" when you view
non-book pages in the book.
[SQL update required, see update.php]
+ Tidied up the book table.
[SQL update required, see update.php]
- various updates:
+ Fine-tuned the new node system.
+ Updated the inline/code documentation.
+ Improved teaser handling of all node types.
+ Made several small usability improvements to the node admin
- Fixed a glitch in the book overview in the admin section.
- When updating a book page through the admin section, no new revision
is created unless explictely specified.
- Improved the usability of the node and book pages a little.
load the most recent revision that matches the specified conditions.
Like that we can load the last good revision of a book page using the
line: book_revision_load($page, array("moderate" => 0, "status" => 1)).
- Bugfix: the "Edit comments" part of the node administration pages did not
display the correct comments.
- Bugfix: somethimes, update in a book page would mess up the book.
- Improvement: when "node administrators" update a book page through the
"update this book page"-link (like regular users do), their update will
be subject to moderation.
- Improvement: made some intermediate changes to the filter mechanism. Needs
more work.
+ Re-introduced and re-wrote the book admin pages; there is a separate
page for every book and a page with all "orphan pages" (= pages that
got de-linked).
+ Added the "delete node"-link: apparently it got lost during the last
commit. Odd.
+ Changed "Edit node" to "Edit <node_name>" on the 'edit node'-page of
the admin section. (There a 4 "Node"s that still need to be removed
+ Updated the initial submission page (the old submit.php) to include
some descriptions.
+ Changed node_form() to use good ol' tables instead of div/CSS-tags.
+ Revised the "revision API": I think we have both an easy and powerful
API now that should make everyone happy.
+ Improved the usability of the rollback functionality a bit.
+ Removed the "view node" link from the "node overview" page in the
admin section and added a "delete node" link instead.
+ Added a few missing translations; there might be missing more
translations though.
- book.module:
+ Made the book module use the "revision API" instead of having it poke
and use the innards and underlying details of the revision system.
- queue.module:
+ Made the queue module use the improved revision number.
- module.inc:
+ Applied Moshe's patch: added more arguments to module_invoke()
- mail-to-sql.pl:
+ Added support for more header fields and for folded fields
- no database updates required
+ fixed a typo in node_load(): it should be faster now
- book module:
+ removed the functions book_parent() and book_parent_query() as
they were no longer needed. Gerhard & co: this should fix the
occasional SQL errors you get, and should improve performance.
+ made the "next", "previous" and "up" links work correctly ...
+ XHTML-ified the code
+ added some missing translations
I'm working on the book module now to make it possible to update book
Drupal to display submission guidelines, or any other kind of explanation
such as "NO TEST POSTS", for example.
- Added node versioning: it is possible to create revisions, to view old
revisions and to roll-back to older revisions. You'll need to apply a
SQL update.
I'm going to work on the book module now, so I might be changing a few
things to enable collaborative, moderated revisions - but feel free to
send some first feedback, if you like.
- Added some configuration options which can be used to set the minimum
number of words a blog/story should consist of. Hopefully this will
be usefull to stop the (almost empty) test blogs.
- Various improvements:
+ Fine-tuned new node permission system.
+ Fine-tuned the functions in node.inc.
+ Fine-tuned some forms.
+ XHTML-ified some code.
+ introduced basic node permissions ("create", "delete", "update" and
"view") at the node level: it's up to the "<$node->type>_module" to
hide gory details (if any).
+ made the "blog it"-feature in the blog and import module work with
the new node system, in specific with the new centralized forms.
+ made it possible to update blogs.
+ made the page module work with the new node system.
+ various smaller improvements.
'updates/3.00-to.x.xx.mysql' for the required MySQL updates.
- Renamed some "author" fields to "uid" fields for sake of consistency.
- Fixed the coding style of some PHP files.
- Fixed the moderation queue (fairly untested though).
- Re-introduced the temporary SQL table in _node_get().
- Added a missing 'auto_increment' to 'updates/3.00-to-x.xx.mysql'.
range of databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and others.
For additional information and an 'how to upgrade', check the mails
sent to the mailing list.
- fixed small glitch in comment_del()
- changed the API of the form() function. The first parameter, the
"action"-attribute in the <form>-tag has been made optional. By
default, it will be set to "$REQUEST_URI".
Why? Because in 98% of the cases we would do:
global $REQUEST_URI;
$form = form($REQUEST_URI, $form_content);
while we can do:
$form = form($form_content);
Update your modules (and sorry for the inconvenience)!
- fixed book.module not generating next/prev links properly
- re-added default node options to the admin page
- fixed a potential bug in node.php. Nodes with same titles were confusing it
at times, should fix the bug reported by Gerhard Killesreiter.
- format_username() now takes a second optional parameter which gives the
real name of the user.
- updated the calls to format_username() where appropriate to show the name
of the user instead of the account id. Clicking on a name will still give you
the account info etc. If you find a place where the real name is not shown
let me know.
- Fixed tiny quote problem in account.php.
- Fixed tiny bug in comment.inc.
- Fixed tiny bug in comment.module.
- Fixed tiny bug in meta.module.
- Simplified user_access() API.
- Rewrote link system: still needs fine-tuning and testing so don't
upgrade if you are running a production site. ;)
Updated all modules and themes to reflect this change. All other
themes and modules need updating too!
(groups) and 'permissions' ... (inspired by Zope's system).
+ Once installed, click the help-link for more information.
+ See updates/2.00-to-x.xx.sql for the SQL updates.
- Modified loads of code to use our new access.module. The system
still has to mature though: new permissions have to be added and
existing permissions need stream-lining. Awaiting suggestions.
- As a direct result of the new access system, I had to rewrite the
way the top-level links in admin.php are rendered and displayed,
and xhtml-ified admin.php while I was at it.
- Home-brewed modules need updating, home-brewed themes not.
(Examples: file.module, trip_link.module)
- As soon we *finished* the refactoring of the user system (KJ has
been working on this refactoring already) we should consider to
embed this role and permission code into account.module ...
- Changed meta.module, node.module and index.php to use comma-seperated
lists of attributes rather then "foo=a,bar=b" lists. This makes it a
a lot easier to use both modules. In addition, error handling can be
discarded as it can't be made any simpler, really ...
It fits rather nicely in Drupal's design so I'm getting more and more
happy with this meta.module (but we are not 100% there yet).
- node.module, node.inc:
+ Improved the node-related admin interface so that navigating back
and forth the administrative menus is made both easier and faster.
+ Removed some redundant database fields from the node table. See
+ Added 2 news hooks called "node_insert" and "node_update". Just
like this is the case with the existing hook "node_delete" these
new hooks will automatically get called when a node has been
inserted or udpated. Note that this is an optional call-back that
only needs to be implemented when required. With the addition of
these two hooks, the node mechanism (version 1) is pretty well
- watchdog.module:
+ Fixed bug whit the 'regular messages' query in the watchdog.module.
- book.module:
+ Fixed bug in book.module: the 'parent' was not set properly when
updating a book page.
+ Made it so that older versions of a book page are automatically
reactived upon deletion of the most recent version, i.e. when
doing a version roll-back.
- comment.inc:
+ Undid Remco's patch to comment.inc; it does not work in some cases.
- conf.module:
+ Fine-tuned some of the options in conf.module a bit.
- marvin.theme:
+ Visual changes to make it look better on Windows browsers. Mind
to give some feedback on this?
+ Fixed 3 HTML typos/bugs.
+ XHTML-ified the theme at a best effort basis; I didn't carry the
XHTML specification with me.
+ Made use of the theme_slogan variable to display the site's slogan.
+ As soon we have at least one valid XHTML theme we can wonder on how
to integrate other XML namespaces (cfr. MathML story at drop.org).
- database.mysql:
+ Updated database.mysql so that it contains all the latest "database
The export feature should be expanded to allow titles to be used, and made
more flexible. Will look more at this during the weekend.
update, you'll break your site as you need switching from structure
to index.module: so this can be considered an intermediate commit.
If you upgrade, and you are welcome to, just create a collection
called "section" (for now) and assign your nodes some attributes
in the described format.
Feedback and bugreports are welcomed. Questions will be answered.
- comment system:
+ when replying to a node (rather then to a comment), that
node is displayed above the reply form.
+ when replying to a comment (rather then to a node), that
comment is displayd above the reply form.
- removed structure.inc, removed structure.module.
- node.inc:
+ added 2 new node functions called 'node_attribute_edit()' and
'node_attribute_save()' used to 'hook in' any indexing system
including your home-brewed stuff if you'd want to. Currently,
index.module is the facto default index system.
See story.module for usage.
- book.module, story.module, poll.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ added preview functionality to administration section (via node
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- moderate.module:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- book.module, story.module, page.module, forum.module:
+ increased the sizes of some textareas.
- submit.php:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- marvin.theme:
+ removed dead code: function story() was depricated.
- unconed.theme:
+ removed hardcoded references to drop.org.
- marvin.theme, unconed.theme, jeroen.theme, yaroon.theme, example.theme:
+ removed all references to structure.inc (category, topic).
- file.module, trip_link.module:
+ update preview functionality:
see story.module for example.
+ remove references to 'cid' and 'tid', use 'attribute' instead:
see story.module for example.
- extend and build upon index.module as well as making it configurable
structure.module either needs work, or replacement by index.module:
see "admin > node > node settings".
It will do for now and it can always made better when we can think
of a better solution; it is the best I could think of. Now what?
index.module or structure.module? I'm currently pro index.module.
- Drastically simplified "variable.inc".
- Removed most dependecies on structure.module from all content related
modules. Thus making our modules more modular. ;)
- Fixed calculation glitch in queue.module.
- Fixed potential function name clash/conflict in rating.module, and
simplified some code on my way.
- Started removing all global variables $status and $rstatus. Global
variables are "yucky" so in near future, we will replace all global
$status variables by a call to node_status(). Originally, $status
was only introduced as a temporary hack and nothing is as permanent
as a temporary hack so I took it out when still possible.
- Changed the watchdog messages a bit.
- Redid settings.module and even renamed it to conf.module.
* Settings are now grouped in basic categories like "system
settings", "module settings" and "filters".
* Added new settings to make Drupal easier to configure and
to make some aspects like the watchdog scale better.
- Renamed includes/settings.php to includes/conf.php.
- Added filter support to conf.module and introduced filter hooks so
modules can implement and export new filters. Example filters are
an HTML filter (implemented), a profanity filter, an url converter,
ASCII smileys to images filter and so on ...
- Reworked the check_* functions: user contributed content/input is
only verified and filtered once in its lifespan.
- Altough this is a large commit, no database changes are required.
+ path_uri(): returns the fully-qualified URI of your drupal site.
+ path_img(): returns the image directory or http://image-server.com/
in case you prefer to load-balance bandwidth usage.
Replaced all occurences of the variable "site_url" with path_uri()
and removed "site_url" from "setting.module".
- Drastically simplified the node_save() API, which should make the
node-forms more secure. Updated "story.module", "book.module",
"forum.module", "page.module" and "node.module" to reflect this
change. This is needs more testing so hit it, beat it, tease it.
- Fixed an occasional glitch in the configuration file loading logic.
- Made "queue.module" display an informative notice when an anonymous
user tries accessing the moderation queue.
- Updated the hard-coded information in drupal.module a bit.
overhead, and a lot better (simpler) module API. I had to edit a
LOT of files to get this refactored but I'm sure it was worth the
For module writers / maintainers:
None of the hooks changed, so 95% of the old modules should still
work. You can remove some code instead as "$module = array(...)"
just became obsolete. Also - and let's thank God for this - the
global variable "$repository" has been eliminated to avoid modules
relying on, and poking in drupal's internal data structures. Take
a look at include/module.inc to investigate the details/changes.
- Improved design of the content modules "story", "book" and "node"
(to aid smooth integration of permisions + moderate.module). I'm
still working on the permissions but I got side tracked for which
I "Oops!".
- Added moderator information to forum.module.
- Simplified story.module, page.module, forum.module and book.module
by removing redundant code, and by doing other small house-keeping
- Added moderator permissions to nodes.
- Added moderator support to structure.module.
- Added new moderate.module.
- Renamed moderation.module to queue.module to avoid confusing.
Updated theme yaroon as it seems to have a hard-coded reference
to moderation.module.
- Polished on:
+ account.module: improved access list
+ fixed HTML typo in node.module
- Jeroen: can jeroen2.theme be removed from ./themes/yaroon?
- Added "read" and "write" permissions into drupal but removed
it again because - when finished after 3 hours of work - it
was considered nothing but added complexity that didn't buy
us anything. :I
(I'll explain this in detail on the mailing list, I guess.)
- Added a very simple help.module to group all available
documentation on a single page.
- Fixed bug in node_control(), book.module: UnConeD forgot to
global $user when updating the combobox code.
- Removed static wishlist.module: in future, the wishlist can
be maintained as a page in our collaborative book.
- Revised most of settings.module: tidied up the code and the
descriptions to accompany the settings and introduced a new
"default maximum number of nodes to display on the main page"
- Revised most of comment.module: the administration interface
looks better now, integrated node permissions, and -finally-
made it possible to delete comments.
- Polished on:
+ account.module
+ structure.module
+ locale.module
+ module.module
+ forum.module
- Form-ified:
+ account.php
+ account.module
+ setting.module
+ cvs.module
+ submit.php
+ comment.module
+ forum.module
+ book.module
+ page.module
+ locale.module
- Designed a "generic tracker system with optional backends"
on paper. The idea is to allow registered users to hot-list
certain topics, individual nodes or threads (comments) and
to "plug-in" output backends like - for instance - an e-mail
digest. The design requires "intelligent blocks" though.
- I want to tidy up the headline.module and backend.class as
well as merge in headlineRSS10.module. Julian spent quite
some time working on headline.module but I'm not sure what
he changed and whether he'd contribute it back?
- Added new form_* functions to common.inc, used for building
forms: it should improve 'stability' (no form typos, every-
thing properly escaped/unescaped) and should help providing
a very consistent user interface (wrt forms).
- Adjusted node.module to use the new form functions.
(Can be used as an example.)
- Adjusted book.module to use the new form functions.
(Can be used as an example.)
- Merged function.inc into common.inc!
- Slowly removing all global $status and $rstatus variables:
use node_status() instead.
- Apart from implementing the permission system, I'll spend
some time updating most modules today and tomorrow to use
the new form functions.
makes "promoting nodes" to the main page possible. Stories
and reviews could be promoted by default, but - on accasion
a good book entry could be manually promoted too. Thus all
existing content types can be shown on the main page, not
just stories.
Requires a SQL update, see 2.00-to-x.xx.sql!
- Addition: implemented "auto-post new submissions" feature
to disable or by-pass the moderation queue in addition to
"moderate new submissions".
TODO: admin moderation versus registered user moderation.
- Addition: added category and topic support to page.module.
a node per node basis, rather then on a category per category
basis. The default settings for each individual category can
be changed though.
Example: it can be setup so that - by default - all stories
posted to the category "article" will have comments enabled
but stories submitted to "announcement" not.
Different configuration schemes can easily be added later.
Requires a SQL update, see 2.00-to-x.xx.sql/database.mysql.
- Addition: made submit.php only use categories that users can
actually submit new content to.
Made it so that we can disable/enable comments on a category by category basis. In order to accomplish this I had to make a few (*temporary*) changes.
I moved all comment code from the "module level" (eg. story.module) to the "node level". It was nothing but the logical next step in nodifying drupal. This enables us to add comments to all existing content types including book entries. But also for book entries, this to can be toggled on and off. :-)
Moreover module writers don't have to worry about the complex comment logic: it is "abstracted" away. This implies that story.module got smaller, faster and easier to comprehend. :-)
In order to accomplish this, I had to update ALL THEMES, which I did - and on my way I updated Goofy, Oranzh and UnConeD - with the previous changes. All themes are up-to-date now! I also had to remove the [ reply to this story ] links, and temporally re-introcuded the "Add comment" button in the "Comment control". Tempora lly that is, UnConeD. ;)
I plan to upgrade drop.org either tommorow or wednesday so test away if you have some time to kill. ;)
Oh, I also fixed a few bugs and made various small improvements.
your theme:
- corrected some missing translations in story.module. Oops!
- grealty simplified the "moderation threshold mechanism"(tm) so
that module writers don't have to worry about this. As a result
story.module and book.module became a bit smaller and easier to
- greatly simplified new "category" and "topic" code which is soon
going to replace the "section" code. Needs more work though so
hang on thight.
- includes/section.inc and modules/section.module are replaced by
includes/structure.module and modules/structure.module.
- beautified example.theme a bit without adding HTML complexity:
it is a good example but still useful as a theme
- made theme example use "categories" and "topics"
- made theme marvin use "categories" and "topics"
- added 2 new "story listings" to administrator interface of
story.module to verify story integrity.
- optimized comment table a bit (work in progress)
it now uses the new category code, incl content bindings.
You can setup different "categories" which map on a content
type. Example:
review -> review.module
article -> story.module
column -> story.module
announc. -> story.module
addons -> file.module
themes -> file.module
- "generalised" story.module and book.module's output.
- fixed bug in includes/timer.inc
- fixed glitch in theme example.theme: it said "$how by" but
the variable $how has never been declared.
- added "drupal development settings" to display some timings
- more work on the categories/topics -> does NOT work yet
- slightly improved story.module, node.module and book.module
- made the "default theme" a setting from the setting page
- polished a bit on the export function: we can now export the
book or parts thereof through the following url:
1. http://drop.org/export/book/
(full book)
2. http://drop.org/export/book/nid
(where nid is the node id to start with)
The export routine demonstrates how it can be done yet the
output is too basic and can only improve over time.
- streamlined method invocation in node.inc
- added node_status() function to modules
- added NEW (mostly static) page module
- added NEW settings module
- fixed update bug in book.module
- provide a log message when both adding and updating book pages
- all configurable variables are now accessed through "variable_get()":
- rewrote watchdog and submission throttle and removed watchdog.inc
- improved robustness of sections.inc
- imporved story.module
- updated ./database/database.sql
- improved "track drop.org": it has now 2 boxes, one for "track
comments" and one for "track nodes"
- various small improvements to the book module based on the
feedback we got.
- fixed typo in moderation module
- ...
- removed ban.inc and ban.module and integrated it in account.module
under the name "access control" --> the ban code was not really up
to standard so this has now been dealt with. This refactoring and
reintegration cuts down the code size with 100 lines too. :-)
(The ban.module code was really old and it showed.)
- added node.module and made the other modules reuse some of this
code --> cut down the code size of modules by at least 100 lines
and adds stability.
- added a status() function to admin.php to display a conform status
message where appropriate. See admin.php for usage.
- removed $theme->control() and made comments.inc handle this itself
wrapped in a $theme->box(). No need to clutter the themes with
such complexity --> updated all themes already. :-)
- some small visual changes to some administration pages to be more
consistent across different modules.
(reported by UnConeD)
- added "add node" link to book selection box and made it display the
current location
- removed tabs and whitespaces from themes - done automatically
- fixed small visual glitch in includes/function.inc
- changed SQL tables around a bit to be more consistent
(result: small changes to a lot of different files)
- improved robustness of includes/node.inc
- improved output of cron.module
- improved output of node.php
into a much more powerful and easier to maintain "book module": each
"page" in the big "drop.org/drupal book" is a node and everyone with
a user account can suggest new pages or updates of existing pages.