Dries Buytaert
- Patch #20255 by Cvbge: simplified a query in the throttle.module. Fixes a PostgreSQL compatibility bug too.
2005-08-30 15:04:54 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Renamed _node() to _node_info()! We reserve _node for _nodeapi.
2005-08-29 19:58:49 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #22911 by Cvgbe: fixed table locking in PostgreSQL. You'll have to
use db_lock_table() and db_unlock_tables() for your code to be compatible.
2005-08-29 19:32:55 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #22911 by Cvgbe: fixed table locking in PostgreSQL. You'll have to
use db_lock_table() and db_unlock_tables() for your code to be compatible.
2005-08-29 19:17:17 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29737 by m3avrck: fixed broken link in upload.module.
2005-08-29 19:01:18 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29669 by Neil: micro-performance improvement for update.php + removed
PHP warning.
2005-08-29 18:48:25 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29385 by chx: removed remaining "?>"s at the end of some files.
2005-08-28 18:26:20 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29506 by Nedjo: block regions were not initiated for newly enabled themes.
2005-08-28 18:17:47 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16452 by chx: allow modules to rewrite taxonomy-related SQL queries much
like we do with node-related SQL queries.
(chx promised to document this, check his documentation as soon it is available.)
2005-08-28 16:30:50 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Unrolled patch #29103 : always encode apostrophes.
2005-08-28 16:19:24 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29102 by chx: fixed bug in forum module and tidied up the taxonomy_save_*() functions.
2005-08-28 15:58:52 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29785 by Chx: multiple node types were broken so we refactored
part of the node system! If you have a module that implements node
types, you'll have to udpate its CVS HEAD version.
We replaced _node_name() and _node_types() by _node(). The new _node()
hook let's you define one or more node types, including their names.
The implementation of the _node() hook needs to:
return array($type1 => array('name' => $name1, 'base' => $base1),
$type2 => array('name' => $name2, 'base' => $base2));
where $type is the node type, $name is the human readable name of the type
and $base is used instead of <hook> for <hook>_load, <hook>_view, etc.
For example, the story module's node hook looks like this:
function story_node() {
return array('story' => array('name' => t('story'), 'base' => 'story'));
The page module's node hook module like:
function page_node() {
return array('page' => array('name' => t('page'), 'base' => 'page'));
However, more complex node modules like the project module and the
flexinode module can use the 'base' parameter to specify a different base.
The project module implements two node types, proejcts and issues, so it
can do:
function project_node() {
return array(
array('project_project' => array('name' => t('project'), 'base' => 'project'),
array('project_issue' => array('name' => t('issue'), 'base' => 'project_issue'));
In the flexinode module's case there can only one base ...
This hook will simplify the CCK, and will make it easy (or easier) to merge
the story and page module.
In addition, node_list() became node_get_types(). In addition, we created
the following functions: node_get_name($type) and node_get_base($type).
2005-08-28 15:29:34 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Renamed 'user comments' to 'comment options' for consistency.'
2005-08-28 15:16:58 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Made Cvgbe the PostgreSQL maintainer.
2005-08-28 15:13:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29593 by tostinni: fixed display of title on admin/settings/content-type/ pages.
2005-08-25 21:22:00 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29385 by chx: no ?> add end of files.
2005-08-25 21:14:17 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Bug #22911 : PostgreSQL doesn't like "LOCK TABLES", but does like "LOCK TABLE". MySQL likes both.
2005-08-25 21:11:52 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29597 by Neil: removing some Drupal 4.2 and Drupal 4.3 left-overs.
2005-08-25 21:03:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Removed some debug code.
2005-08-25 20:56:32 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #21658 by Uwe: fixed broken link in help text.
2005-08-24 15:40:43 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29283 : bluemarine mistakenly loads home page every time.
2005-08-24 15:28:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Modified patch #22637 : added OPML export for aggregator categories.
2005-08-23 05:45:08 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #25084 by Uwe: fixed code comments of error_handler().
2005-08-23 05:19:44 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #13941 by Promotheus6: Atom feeds have a CONTENT and/or SUMMARY tag instead of a DESCRIPTION tag. Currently, if both tags are present the aggregator appends the content of both fields to replace the content of the DESCRIPTION tag.
2005-08-23 05:16:50 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #17592 by killes: improved access denied messages.
2005-08-22 20:39:43 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29075 by fago: made the collapsible fieldset icons work in IE 5.
2005-08-22 20:29:00 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28629 by chx: fixed handling of cookies in drupal_http_request().
2005-08-22 20:24:53 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29275 by Uwe: I'm currently trying to get aggregator.module in shape for being used as a planet-like software for a Planet Drupal. Here's a patch which allows the site admin to specify which HTML tags are stripped from feeds (or not). This is hardcoded in aggregator.module right now, the attached 2-line patch (for HEAD) makes it configurable.
2005-08-22 19:45:42 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #26311 by Ber: no more floating node admin groups.
TODO: simplify the node admin HTML code.
2005-08-22 11:48:58 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29335 by jonbob: shuffled the case-statements around for performance's sake.
2005-08-22 10:11:15 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29274 by Jeremy: the "fuzzy cache" mechanism is supposed to enforce a minimum time before the cache table is flushed. Logical errors in the fuzzy cache implementation are leading to the cache table being flushed more frequently. Configuration is simplified by removing all references to "strict" and "loose" caches. Instead, the cache is either "disabled" or "enabled". Additionally, the site administrator can now configure the "minimum cache lifetime", the minimum amount of time cached data will remain cached.
2005-08-22 05:09:01 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29103 by chx: do not encode apostrophes.
2005-08-19 11:10:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29002 by Neil: list_themes() currently returns all themes, not just enabled themes. This functionality is only used in one place- configuration for disabled themes. These configuration pages can be removed with a usability improvement since you shouldn't be able to configure things which are disabled. Additionally, this allows us to remove some extra logic in system_user(). And it it more consistent with the module API which only lists enabled modules.
list_themes() sorts the results by name. This uses filesort in MySQL since there aren't any indexes. Sorting is not used except in system_user(). This one use can be handled with ksort since it is not often executed (only on the user edit screen when multiple themes are enabled).
And a one line fix to remove a variable in system_user() is in here too.
2005-08-18 22:07:14 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29133 by DriesK: forum vid remains when vocabulary is deleted. Prevents forum topics from getting lost.
2005-08-18 21:53:55 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #29095 by Moshe: fixed parse error in drupal.js.
2005-08-18 05:14:06 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Added a note about the 'block regions'.
2005-08-17 20:09:12 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #23620 by Robin: don't hard code forms into comment.module. Will be
depricated by form API patch though. Hopefully helps migration.
2005-08-17 20:07:35 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Alternative solution for #28721 : expand "File attachments"-group on node edit form when files are attached.
2005-08-17 19:27:03 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #7458 by chx: fixed spaces.
2005-08-17 19:14:08 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #7458 by chx: merged the XML-RPC multicall support into xmlrpc() and use lazy-loading for the XML-RPC libraries.(performance improvement).
2005-08-17 15:01:14 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #29006 : Reorganize code in update.php to be cleaner.
2005-08-17 01:44:14 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- Remove left-over commented out statement.
2005-08-17 01:25:07 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #28728 : Fix broken link in contact module help.
2005-08-17 00:55:50 +00:00
Steven Wittens
- #28944 : Remove old bugfix code from update.php.
2005-08-17 00:49:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #12381 by killes: removed old updates.
2005-08-16 20:17:54 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28986 : fixed Incorrect order of PosgreSQL statements.
2005-08-16 19:54:36 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28924 by Jeremy: simplified 'group by'-clause to improve performance.
2005-08-16 19:48:04 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #16216 by nedjo: multiple block regions!
2005-08-16 18:06:18 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Patch #28871 by Malthus: added missing quotes.
2005-08-15 11:47:09 +00:00
Dries Buytaert
- Updating CHANGELOG.txt.
2005-08-15 00:43:26 +00:00