Commit Graph

235 Commits (2c51074d59aee9ae21ee4c8dce41b1453580485e)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Alex Pott 2c51074d59 Issue #2210197 by sun, longwave: Remove public access to Extension::$type, ::$name, ::$filename. 2014-03-07 11:18:08 +00:00
Dries 1d58c60abc Issue #2184653 by amateescu: Rename Drupal\Component\Utility\Url to UrlHelper. 2014-03-05 15:22:39 -05:00
webchick 13ada2ac3e Issue #2187717 by sun, dawehner: Remove code duplication in system_list() and ThemeHandler::rebuildThemeData(). 2014-03-04 12:49:41 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 07cd3c9922 Issue #2188721 by Cottser, aspilicious: Theme suggestions don't load necessary include files. 2014-03-04 12:32:28 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 668d277ff6 Issue #2188661 by sun, Berdir, andypost: Extension System, Part II: ExtensionDiscovery. 2014-02-28 11:51:38 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 78b48c89ad Issue #2092095 by tstoeckler, ParisLiakos: Remove \Drupal\Component\Utility\MapArray. 2014-02-28 10:43:51 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 6727b8146e Revert "Issue #2188661 by sun, Berdir: Extension System, Part II: ExtensionDiscovery."
This reverts commit ae8be3cc96.
2014-02-27 14:30:43 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole ae8be3cc96 Issue #2188661 by sun, Berdir: Extension System, Part II: ExtensionDiscovery. 2014-02-27 13:31:02 +00:00
webchick 5d0729f07a Issue #2070369 by herom, bdgreen, Mac_Weber, InternetDevels, sidharthap, JeroenT: Remove all calls to deprecated function language(). 2014-02-26 11:16:54 -08:00
Alex Pott 78e5e9bfd9 Issue #2045927 by herom, martin107, ianthomas_uk, Xano, michaellander, Sutharsan: Replace all drupal_alter() deprecated function calls. 2014-02-24 10:10:52 +00:00
webchick f19fadd3a4 Issue #1996238 by sun, nod_, damiankloip, Wim Leers, longwave, alexpott, Xano, mdrummond, Mark Carver, Jeff Burnz, highrockmedia, joelpittet, et al: Replace hook_library_info() by *.libraries.yml file. 2014-02-22 20:56:51 -08:00
Alex Pott eb53ecc555 Issue #2187735 by ianthomas_uk, Sutharsan, andypost: Add removal information to docblock of all @deprecated functions. 2014-02-20 13:49:37 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a840af8381 Issue #2173655 by Cottser, xjm, jessebeach, alexpott, rlmumford: Refactor theme() to _theme(); make it a private API to discourage module developers from circumventing the renderable build system. 2014-02-18 10:54:10 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 435de27cfb Issue #2072647 by thedavidmeister, herom, jwilson3, Cottser, LinL: #theme 'maintenance_page' should support render arrays in #content. 2014-02-11 13:06:50 +00:00
catch def9926978 Issue #2095959 by dawehner, Berdir, InternetDevels: Remove instances of menu_get_object('node'). 2014-02-09 20:10:17 +00:00
webchick bc6681c456 Issue #1939064 by joelpittet, pwieck, farrington, mark.labrecque, Cottser, InternetDevels, mdrummond, drupalninja99, BarisW, jenlampton: Convert theme_links() to Twig. 2014-02-06 20:28:14 -08:00
webchick 7a695724a3 Issue #2152207 by steveoliver, joelpittet, gnuget, idflood, hussainweb, shanethehat, jenlampton, kpa, AnythonyR, EVIIILJ, kgoel, Cottser, dsdeiz, hanpersand: Convert theme_details() to Twig 2014-02-06 20:26:52 -08:00
webchick 062127e7bc Issue #1939062 by steveoliver, mdrummond, jenlampton, hussainweb, Cottser, joelpittet, jerdavis, ekl1773, dale42, drupalninja99, gabesullice, c4rl: Convert theme_item_list() to Twig. 2014-02-06 20:24:53 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 2d5ce0d213 Issue #2177663 by chakrapani, InternetDevels: Replace theme() with drupal_render() in 2014-02-06 10:37:03 +00:00
webchick b9de0424f2 Issue #2152229 by steveoliver, rteijeiro, joelpittet, JeroenT, InternetDevels, michamilz, burgerboydaddy, hussainweb, shanethehat, jenlampton, kpa, AnythonyR, EVIIILJ, kgoel, Cottser, dsdeiz, hanpersand: Convert theme_textarea() to Twig 2014-02-04 09:28:23 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole dc265f784f Issue #2152213 by steveoliver, joelpittet, hussainweb, shanethehat, jenlampton, kpa, AnythonyR, EVIIILJ, kgoel, Cottser, dsdeiz, hanpersand: Convert theme_form_element() to Twig 2014-02-04 13:24:34 +00:00
webchick bc058bada9 Issue #2168011 by xjm, jessebeach, Damien Tournoud, znerol, Xano: Remove all 7.x to 8.x update hooks and disallow updates from the previous major version. 2014-01-31 09:26:04 -08:00
Alex Pott acd3a59ea8 Issue #2047633 by pwolanin, dawehner, kim.pepper, Xano, amateescu, tim.plunkett: Move definition of menu links to hook_menu_link_defaults(), decouple key name from path, and make 'parent' explicit. 2014-01-29 08:25:00 +00:00
webchick 394442e270 Issue #2152231 by rteijeiro, steveoliver, joelpittet, hussainweb, shanethehat, jenlampton, kpa, AnythonyR, EVIIILJ, kgoel, Cottser, dsdeiz, hanpersand: Convert theme_vertical_tabs() to Twig 2014-01-25 21:13:33 -08:00
Alex Pott 42e2c36937 Revert "Issue #2047633 by dawehner, pwolanin, Xano, amateescu, tim.plunkett: Move definition of menu links to hook_menu_link_defaults(), decouple key name from path, and make 'parent' explicit."
This reverts commit 531fd59314.
2014-01-24 19:01:38 +01:00
Alex Pott 531fd59314 Issue #2047633 by dawehner, pwolanin, Xano, amateescu, tim.plunkett: Move definition of menu links to hook_menu_link_defaults(), decouple key name from path, and make 'parent' explicit. 2014-01-23 23:14:32 +01:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 5d4d6b1c80 Issue #1979468 by Wim Leers, nod_, pwolanin, longwave, thedavidmeister, jessebeach, larowlan | catch: .active from linkGenerator(), l() and theme_links() forces an upper limit of per-page caching for all content containing links. 2014-01-23 18:04:41 +00:00
webchick 4fbb1a1be5 Issue #2160735 by Cottser, aspilicious: Add hook_theme_suggestions_alter(). 2014-01-22 00:31:03 -08:00
webchick 2214ca4e27 Revert "Issue #2171071 by jessebeach, Wim Leers: Remove drupal_add_library()."
Somehow this broke PHPUnit, so rolling back for now.

This reverts commit 91b465bdc5.
2014-01-15 12:08:12 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 0b55dcd841 Issue #1862202 by plach, Berdir, katbailey, ParisLiakos, alexpott, chx, sun, larowlan, Gábor Hojtsy, cosmicdreams, vijaycs85, YesCT, penyaskito, andypost, Albert Volkman, joelpitett: Objectify the language system. 2014-01-15 16:27:37 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 9c5aac97be Issue #1649780 by effulgentsia, jibran, Wim Leers, nod_, hefox, joelpittet, kaare, BarisW, sun, rbayliss, Cottser, fubhy: Remove first/last/odd/even classes in favor of CSS3 pseudo selectors. 2014-01-15 11:02:11 +00:00
webchick 91b465bdc5 Issue #2171071 by jessebeach, Wim Leers: Remove drupal_add_library(). 2014-01-13 14:01:32 -08:00
webchick 99d3490f9f Issue #2168113 by penyaskito, jessebeach, catch: Add leading underscore and other discouragement to drupal_add_css() and drupal_add_js(). 2014-01-07 22:44:57 -08:00
Nathaniel Catchpole e4124f0a27 Revert "Issue #1979468 by Wim Leers, pwolanin, nod_, thedavidmeister, larowlan: .active from linkGenerator(), l() and theme_links() forces an upper limit of per-page caching for all content containing links."
This reverts commit 624296e715.
2014-01-06 22:00:22 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 624296e715 Issue #1979468 by Wim Leers, pwolanin, nod_, thedavidmeister, larowlan: .active from linkGenerator(), l() and theme_links() forces an upper limit of per-page caching for all content containing links. 2014-01-04 20:05:38 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole fe2e11a26e Issue #2159501 by sun: Remove DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_DATABASE. 2014-01-03 19:40:40 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a0152d5ccf Issue #2160589 by vijaycs85: Remove drupal_add_js() from 2014-01-03 17:22:34 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 4c6440288d Issue #2068471 by dawehner, Crell, tim.plunkett, jibran, fubhy, larowlan: Normalize Controller/View-listener behavior with a Page object. 2014-01-01 20:32:52 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole aa6d6fb729 Issue #732022 by vijaycs85, Wim Leers, dawehner, nod_, kscheirer: Drupal_add_tabledrag() still using drupal_add_(js|library)(), should return array for #attached. 2013-12-20 12:05:47 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole a6cdd740f8 Issue #1954892 by dawehner, David_Rothstein, tim.plunkett: Replace 'theme callback' and hook_custom_theme() with a clean theme negotiation system. 2013-12-17 11:03:15 +00:00
webchick a3d8888369 Issue #2008270 by typhonius, mcjim, Wim Leers, vijaycs85, mr.baileys, JohnAlbin: Remove drupal_add_css() from template_preprocess_maintenance_page() — use #attached. 2013-12-15 09:57:31 -08:00
Alex Pott 090d5d1355 Issue #2136641 by damiankloip: Remove boolean usage of ajax property in Views UI link operation building. 2013-12-14 21:13:17 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole f392d38ee8 Issue #2096591 by mr.baileys, vijaycs85, Wim Leers: Remove drupal_add_css() from the theme system. 2013-12-12 12:53:23 +00:00
Dries 0fc8ab6bb8 Issue #2152261 by joelpittet: Clean up for tablesort-indicator.html.twig. 2013-12-10 17:13:35 -05:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 31c48739ae Issue #2150083 by BarisW: Front page misses page title in <title> tag. 2013-12-06 10:56:07 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 67e93b23ac Issue #2109287 by dawehner, Cottser, tim.plunkett, kim.pepper: Replace list_themes() with a service. 2013-12-05 10:06:32 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 2e928d56c2 Issue #2087239 by ellishettinga, lauriii, c4rl: Remove theme_exposed_filters(). 2013-12-03 12:01:24 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 172cd2652a Revert "Issue #1954892 by dawehner, tim.plunkett, David_Rothstein, effulgentsia: Replace 'theme callback' and hook_custom_theme() with a clean theme negotiation system."
This reverts commit fc04601c35.
2013-11-22 13:56:50 +00:00
Nathaniel Catchpole 390d04eef7 Issue #2115061 by JeroenT, tim.plunkett: Remove direct calls to drupal_add_html_head_link(). 2013-11-21 10:05:28 +00:00
Jennifer Hodgdon 48f155834e Issue #2102777 by tstoeckler, Gábor Hojtsy: Fix docs for update to theme_links 2013-11-20 10:26:39 -08:00