Issue #1939062 by steveoliver, mdrummond, jenlampton, hussainweb, Cottser, joelpittet, jerdavis, ekl1773, dale42, drupalninja99, gabesullice, c4rl: Convert theme_item_list() to Twig.
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ use Drupal\Core\Template\RenderWrapper;
use Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeSettings;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\MapArray;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
* @defgroup content_flags Content markers
@ -1762,25 +1763,39 @@ function theme_mark($variables) {
* Preprocesses variables for theme_item_list().
* Prepares variables for item list templates.
* Default template: item-list.html.twig.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing theme variables for theme_item_list().
* 'items' in variables will be preprocessed to automatically inherit the
* variables of this list to any possibly contained nested lists that do not
* specify custom render properties. This allows callers to specify larger
* nested lists, without having to explicitly specify and repeat the render
* properties for all nested child lists.
* An associative array containing:
* - items: An array of items to be displayed in the list. Each item can be
* either a string or a render array. If #type, #theme, or #markup
* properties are not specified for child render arrays, they will be
* inherited from the parent list, allowing callers to specify larger
* nested lists without having to explicitly specify and repeat the
* render properties for all nested child lists.
* - title: A title to be prepended to the list.
* - list_type: The type of list to return (e.g. "ul", "ol").
* @see
function template_preprocess_item_list(&$variables) {
$variables['title'] = (string) $variables['title'];
foreach ($variables['items'] as &$item) {
$attributes = array();
// If the item value is an array, then it is a render array.
if (is_array($item)) {
// List items support attributes via the '#wrapper_attributes' property.
if (isset($item['#wrapper_attributes'])) {
$attributes = $item['#wrapper_attributes'];
// Determine whether there are any child elements in the item that are not
// fully-specified render arrays. If there are any, then the child
// elements present nested lists and we automatically inherit the render
// array properties of the current list to them.
foreach (element_children($item) as $key) {
foreach (Element::children($item) as $key) {
$child = &$item[$key];
// If this child element does not specify how it can be rendered, then
// we need to inherit the render properties of the current list.
@ -1805,62 +1820,15 @@ function template_preprocess_item_list(&$variables) {
// Set the item's value and attributes for the template.
$item = array(
'value' => $item,
'attributes' => new Attribute($attributes),
* Returns HTML for a list or nested list of items.
* @param $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - items: A list of items to render. Allowed values are strings or
* render arrays. Render arrays can specify list item attributes in the
* #wrapper_attributes property.
* - title: The title of the list.
* - list_type: The type of HTML list (e.g. "ul", "ol").
* - attributes: The attributes applied to the list element.
* - empty: A message to display when there are no items. Allowed value is a
* string or render array.
function theme_item_list($variables) {
$items = $variables['items'];
$title = (string) $variables['title'];
$list_type = $variables['list_type'];
$list_attributes = $variables['attributes'];
$output = '';
if ($items) {
$output .= '<' . $list_type . new Attribute($list_attributes) . '>';
foreach ($items as &$item) {
$attributes = array();
if (is_array($item)) {
if (isset($item['#wrapper_attributes'])) {
$attributes = $item['#wrapper_attributes'];
$item = drupal_render($item);
$output .= '<li' . new Attribute($attributes) . '>' . $item . '</li>';
$output .= "</$list_type>";
elseif (!empty($variables['empty'])) {
$output .= render($variables['empty']);
// Only output the list container and title, if there are any list items.
// Check to see whether the block title exists before adding a header.
// Empty headers are not semantic and present accessibility challenges.
if ($output !== '') {
if ($title !== '') {
$title = '<h3>' . $title . '</h3>';
$output = '<div class="item-list">' . $title . $output . '</div>';
return $output;
* Prepares variables for feed icon templates.
@ -2647,6 +2615,7 @@ function drupal_common_theme() {
'item_list' => array(
'variables' => array('items' => array(), 'title' => '', 'list_type' => 'ul', 'attributes' => array(), 'empty' => NULL),
'template' => 'item-list',
'feed_icon' => array(
'variables' => array('url' => NULL, 'title' => NULL),
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* @file
* Default theme implementation for an item list.
* Available variables:
* - items: A list of renderable items. Each item has a #wrapper_attributes
* property which contains any HTML attributes which should be applied to the
* <li> tag.
* - title: The title of the list.
* - list_type: The tag for list element ("ul" or "ol").
* - attributes: HTML attributes to be applied to the list.
* - empty: A message to display when there are no items. Allowed value is a
* string or render array.
* @see template_preprocess_item_list()
* @ingroup themeable
{%- if items or empty -%}
<div class="item-list">
{%- if title -%}
<h3>{{ title }}</h3>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if items -%}
<{{ list_type }}{{ attributes }}>
{%- for item in items -%}
<li{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item.value }}</li>
{%- endfor -%}
</{{ list_type }}>
{%- endif -%}
{{- empty -}}
{%- endif %}
Reference in New Issue