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use Drupal\Component\Utility\SafeMarkup;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
2012-07-08 23:42:25 +00:00
use Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel;
use Drupal\Core\Config\BootstrapConfigStorageFactory;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Install\TaskException;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
use Drupal\Core\Installer\Exception\AlreadyInstalledException;
use Drupal\Core\Installer\Exception\InstallerException;
use Drupal\Core\Installer\Exception\NoProfilesException;
use Drupal\Core\Installer\InstallerKernel;
use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;
use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManager;
use Drupal\Core\Page\DefaultHtmlPageRenderer;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\Translator\FileTranslation;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
* @file
* API functions for installing Drupal.
* Do not run the task during the current installation request.
* This can be used to skip running an installation task when certain
* conditions are met, even though the task may still show on the list of
* installation tasks presented to the user. For example, the Drupal installer
* uses this flag to skip over the database configuration form when valid
* database connection information is already available from settings.php. It
* also uses this flag to skip language import tasks when the installation is
* being performed in English.
* Run the task on each installation request that reaches it.
* This is primarily used by the Drupal installer for bootstrap-related tasks.
* Run the task on each installation request until the database is set up.
* This is the default method for running tasks and should be used for most
* tasks that occur after the database is set up; these tasks will then run
* once and be marked complete once they are successfully finished. For
* example, the Drupal installer uses this flag for the batch installation of
* modules on the new site, and also for the configuration form that collects
* basic site information and sets up the site maintenance account.
* Installs Drupal either interactively or via an array of passed-in settings.
* The Drupal installation happens in a series of steps, which may be spread
* out over multiple page requests. Each request begins by trying to determine
* the last completed installation step (also known as a "task"), if one is
* available from a previous request. Control is then passed to the task
* handler, which processes the remaining tasks that need to be run until (a)
* an error is thrown, (b) a new page needs to be displayed, or (c) the
* installation finishes (whichever happens first).
* @param $settings
* An optional array of installation settings. Leave this empty for a normal,
* interactive, browser-based installation intended to occur over multiple
* page requests. Alternatively, if an array of settings is passed in, the
* installer will attempt to use it to perform the installation in a single
* page request (optimized for the command line) and not send any output
* intended for the web browser. See install_state_defaults() for a list of
* elements that are allowed to appear in this array.
* @see install_state_defaults()
function install_drupal($settings = array()) {
global $install_state;
// Initialize the installation state with the settings that were passed in,
// as well as a boolean indicating whether or not this is an interactive
// installation.
$interactive = empty($settings);
$install_state = $settings + array('interactive' => $interactive) + install_state_defaults();
try {
// Begin the page request. This adds information about the current state of
// the Drupal installation to the passed-in array.
// Based on the installation state, run the remaining tasks for this page
// request, and collect any output.
$output = install_run_tasks($install_state);
catch (InstallerException $e) {
// In the non-interactive installer, exceptions are always thrown directly.
if (!$install_state['interactive']) {
throw $e;
$output = array(
'#title' => $e->getTitle(),
'#markup' => $e->getMessage(),
// After execution, all tasks might be complete, in which case
// $install_state['installation_finished'] is TRUE. In case the last task
// has been processed, remove the global $install_state, so other code can
// reliably check whether it is running during the installer.
// @see drupal_installation_attempted()
$state = $install_state;
if (!empty($install_state['installation_finished'])) {
// All available tasks for this page request are now complete. Interactive
// installations can send output to the browser or redirect the user to the
// next page.
if ($state['interactive']) {
if ($state['parameters_changed']) {
// Redirect to the correct page if the URL parameters have changed.
elseif (isset($output)) {
// Display a page only if some output is available. Otherwise it is
// possible that we are printing a JSON page and theme output should
// not be shown.
install_display_output($output, $state);
elseif ($state['installation_finished']) {
// Redirect to the newly installed site.
* Returns an array of default settings for the global installation state.
* The installation state is initialized with these settings at the beginning
* of each page request. They may evolve during the page request, but they are
* initialized again once the next request begins.
* Non-interactive Drupal installations can override some of these default
* settings by passing in an array to the installation script, most notably
* 'parameters' (which contains one-time parameters such as 'profile' and
* 'langcode' that are normally passed in via the URL) and 'forms' (which can
* be used to programmatically submit forms during the installation; the keys
* of each element indicate the name of the installation task that the form
* submission is for, and the values are used as the $form_state->getValues()
* array that is passed on to the form submission via drupal_form_submit()).
* @see \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilderInterface::submitForm()
function install_state_defaults() {
$defaults = array(
// The current task being processed.
'active_task' => NULL,
// The last task that was completed during the previous installation
// request.
'completed_task' => NULL,
// TRUE when there are valid config directories.
'config_verified' => FALSE,
// TRUE when there is a valid database connection.
'database_verified' => FALSE,
// TRUE when a valid settings.php exists (containing both database
// connection information and config directory names).
'settings_verified' => FALSE,
// TRUE when the base system has been installed and is ready to operate.
'base_system_verified' => FALSE,
// Whether a translation file for the selected language will be downloaded
// from the translation server.
'download_translation' => FALSE,
// An array of forms to be programmatically submitted during the
// installation. The keys of each element indicate the name of the
// installation task that the form submission is for, and the values are
// used as the $form_state->getValues() array that is passed on to the form
// submission via drupal_form_submit().
'forms' => array(),
// This becomes TRUE only at the end of the installation process, after
// all available tasks have been completed and Drupal is fully installed.
// It is used by the installer to store correct information in the database
// about the completed installation, as well as to inform theme functions
// that all tasks are finished (so that the task list can be displayed
// correctly).
'installation_finished' => FALSE,
// Whether or not this installation is interactive. By default this will
// be set to FALSE if settings are passed in to install_drupal().
'interactive' => TRUE,
// An array of parameters for the installation, pre-populated by the URL
// or by the settings passed in to install_drupal(). This is primarily
// used to store 'profile' (the name of the chosen installation profile)
// and 'langcode' (the code of the chosen installation language), since
// these settings need to persist from page request to page request before
// the database is available for storage.
'parameters' => array(),
// Whether or not the parameters have changed during the current page
// request. For interactive installations, this will trigger a page
// redirect.
'parameters_changed' => FALSE,
// An array of information about the chosen installation profile. This will
// be filled in based on the profile's .info.yml file.
'profile_info' => array(),
// An array of available installation profiles.
'profiles' => array(),
// The name of the theme to use during installation.
'theme' => 'seven',
// The server URL where the interface translation files can be downloaded.
// Tokens in the pattern will be replaced by appropriate values for the
// required translation file.
'server_pattern' => 'http://ftp.drupal.org/files/translations/%core/%project/%project-%version.%language.po',
// Installation tasks can set this to TRUE to force the page request to
// end (even if there is no themable output), in the case of an interactive
// installation. This is needed only rarely; for example, it would be used
// by an installation task that prints JSON output rather than returning a
// themed page. The most common example of this is during batch processing,
// but the Drupal installer automatically takes care of setting this
// parameter properly in that case, so that individual installation tasks
// which implement the batch API do not need to set it themselves.
'stop_page_request' => FALSE,
// Installation tasks can set this to TRUE to indicate that the task should
// be run again, even if it normally wouldn't be. This can be used, for
// example, if a single task needs to be spread out over multiple page
// requests, or if it needs to perform some validation before allowing
// itself to be marked complete. The most common examples of this are batch
// processing and form submissions, but the Drupal installer automatically
// takes care of setting this parameter properly in those cases, so that
// individual installation tasks which implement the batch API or form API
// do not need to set it themselves.
'task_not_complete' => FALSE,
// A list of installation tasks which have already been performed during
// the current page request.
'tasks_performed' => array(),
// An array of translation files URIs available for the installation. Keyed
// by the translation language code.
'translations' => array(),
return $defaults;
* Begins an installation request, modifying the installation state as needed.
* This function performs commands that must run at the beginning of every page
* request. It throws an exception if the installation should not proceed.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state. This is
* modified with information gleaned from the beginning of the page request.
function install_begin_request(&$install_state) {
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
// Add any installation parameters passed in via the URL.
if ($install_state['interactive']) {
$install_state['parameters'] += $request->query->all();
// Validate certain core settings that are used throughout the installation.
if (!empty($install_state['parameters']['profile'])) {
$install_state['parameters']['profile'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/', '', $install_state['parameters']['profile']);
if (!empty($install_state['parameters']['langcode'])) {
$install_state['parameters']['langcode'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z_0-9\-]/', '', $install_state['parameters']['langcode']);
// Allow command line scripts to override server variables used by Drupal.
require_once __DIR__ . '/bootstrap.inc';
// If the hash salt leaks, it becomes possible to forge a valid testing user
// agent, install a new copy of Drupal, and take over the original site.
// The user agent header is used to pass a database prefix in the request when
// running tests. However, for security reasons, it is imperative that no
// installation be permitted using such a prefix.
if ($install_state['interactive'] && strpos($request->server->get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'simpletest') !== FALSE && !drupal_valid_test_ua()) {
header($request->server->get('SERVER_PROTOCOL') . ' 403 Forbidden');
$site_path = DrupalKernel::findSitePath($request, FALSE);
// Ensure that procedural dependencies are loaded as early as possible,
// since the error/exception handlers depend on them.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../modules/system/system.install';
require_once __DIR__ . '/common.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/file.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/install.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/schema.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../' . Settings::get('path_inc', 'core/includes/path.inc');
require_once __DIR__ . '/database.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/form.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/batch.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/ajax.inc';
// Load module basics (needed for hook invokes).
include_once __DIR__ . '/module.inc';
require_once __DIR__ . '/entity.inc';
// Create a minimal mocked container to support calls to t() in the pre-kernel
// base system verification code paths below. The strings are not actually
// used or output for these calls.
// @todo Separate API level checks from UI-facing error messages.
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
$container->setParameter('language.default_values', Language::$defaultValues);
->register('language.default', 'Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageDefault')
->register('language_manager', 'Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManager')
->addArgument(new Reference('language.default'));
->register('string_translation', 'Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationManager')
->addArgument(new Reference('language_manager'));
->register('path.matcher', 'Drupal\Core\Path\PathMatcher')
->addArgument(new Reference('config.factory'));
// Determine whether base system services are ready to operate.
$install_state['config_verified'] = install_verify_config_directory(CONFIG_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY) && install_verify_config_directory(CONFIG_STAGING_DIRECTORY);
$install_state['database_verified'] = install_verify_database_settings();
$install_state['settings_verified'] = $install_state['config_verified'] && $install_state['database_verified'];
if ($install_state['settings_verified']) {
try {
$system_schema = system_schema();
$table = key($system_schema);
$install_state['base_system_verified'] = Database::getConnection()->schema()->tableExists($table);
catch (DatabaseExceptionWrapper $e) {
// The last defined table of the base system_schema() does not exist yet.
// $install_state['base_system_verified'] defaults to FALSE, so the code
// following below will use the minimal installer service container.
// As soon as the base system is verified here, the installer operates in
// a full and regular Drupal environment, without any kind of exceptions.
// Replace services with in-memory and null implementations. This kernel is
// replaced with a regular one in drupal_install_system().
if (!$install_state['base_system_verified']) {
$environment = 'install';
$GLOBALS['conf']['container_service_providers']['InstallerServiceProvider'] = 'Drupal\Core\Installer\InstallerServiceProvider';
else {
$environment = 'prod';
// Only allow dumping the container once the hash salt has been created.
$kernel = InstallerKernel::createFromRequest($request, drupal_classloader(), $environment, (bool) Settings::get('hash_salt', FALSE));
$container = $kernel->getContainer();
// Register the file translation service.
if (isset($GLOBALS['config']['locale.settings']['translation.path'])) {
$directory = $GLOBALS['config']['locale.settings']['translation.path'];
else {
$directory = $site_path . '/files/translations';
$container->set('string_translator.file_translation', new FileTranslation($directory));
// Set the default language to the selected language, if any.
if (isset($install_state['parameters']['langcode'])) {
$default_language = new Language(array('id' => $install_state['parameters']['langcode']));
// Add list of all available profiles to the installation state.
$listing = new ExtensionDiscovery();
$install_state['profiles'] += $listing->scan('profile');
// Prime drupal_get_filename()'s static cache.
foreach ($install_state['profiles'] as $name => $profile) {
drupal_get_filename('profile', $name, $profile->getPathname());
if ($profile = _install_select_profile($install_state)) {
$install_state['parameters']['profile'] = $profile;
if (isset($install_state['profile_info']['distribution']['install']['theme'])) {
$install_state['theme'] = $install_state['profile_info']['distribution']['install']['theme'];
// Override the module list with a minimal set of modules.
$module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
if (!$module_handler->moduleExists('system')) {
$module_handler->addModule('system', 'core/modules/system');
if ($profile && !$module_handler->moduleExists($profile)) {
$module_handler->addProfile($profile, $install_state['profiles'][$profile]->getPath());
// After setting up a custom and finite module list in a custom low-level
// bootstrap like here, ensure to use ModuleHandler::loadAll() so that
// ModuleHandler::isLoaded() returns TRUE, since that is a condition being
// checked by other subsystems (e.g., the theme system).
// Prepare for themed output. We need to run this at the beginning of the
// page request to avoid a different theme accidentally getting set. (We also
// need to run it even in the case of command-line installations, to prevent
// any code in the installer that happens to initialize the theme system from
// accessing the database before it is set up yet.)
if ($install_state['database_verified']) {
// Verify the last completed task in the database, if there is one.
$task = install_verify_completed_task();
else {
$task = NULL;
// Do not install over a configured settings.php.
if (Database::getConnectionInfo()) {
throw new AlreadyInstalledException($container->get('string_translation'));
// Ensure that the active configuration is empty before installation starts.
if ($install_state['config_verified'] && empty($task)) {
$config = BootstrapConfigStorageFactory::get()->listAll();
if (!empty($config)) {
$task = NULL;
throw new AlreadyInstalledException($container->get('string_translation'));
// Modify the installation state as appropriate.
$install_state['completed_task'] = $task;
* Runs all tasks for the current installation request.
* In the case of an interactive installation, all tasks will be attempted
* until one is reached that has output which needs to be displayed to the
* user, or until a page redirect is required. Otherwise, tasks will be
* attempted until the installation is finished.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state. This is
* passed along to each task, so it can be modified if necessary.
* @return
* HTML output from the last completed task.
function install_run_tasks(&$install_state) {
do {
// Obtain a list of tasks to perform. The list of tasks itself can be
// dynamic (e.g., some might be defined by the installation profile,
// which is not necessarily known until the earlier tasks have run),
// so we regenerate the remaining tasks based on the installation state,
// each time through the loop.
$tasks_to_perform = install_tasks_to_perform($install_state);
// Run the first task on the list.
$task_name = key($tasks_to_perform);
$task = array_shift($tasks_to_perform);
$install_state['active_task'] = $task_name;
$original_parameters = $install_state['parameters'];
$output = install_run_task($task, $install_state);
$install_state['parameters_changed'] = ($install_state['parameters'] != $original_parameters);
// Store this task as having been performed during the current request,
// and save it to the database as completed, if we need to and if the
// database is in a state that allows us to do so. Also mark the
// installation as 'done' when we have run out of tasks.
if (!$install_state['task_not_complete']) {
$install_state['tasks_performed'][] = $task_name;
$install_state['installation_finished'] = empty($tasks_to_perform);
if ($task['run'] == INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED || $install_state['installation_finished']) {
\Drupal::state()->set('install_task', $install_state['installation_finished'] ? 'done' : $task_name);
// Stop when there are no tasks left. In the case of an interactive
// installation, also stop if we have some output to send to the browser,
// the URL parameters have changed, or an end to the page request was
// specifically called for.
$finished = empty($tasks_to_perform) || ($install_state['interactive'] && (isset($output) || $install_state['parameters_changed'] || $install_state['stop_page_request']));
} while (!$finished);
return $output;
* Runs an individual installation task.
* @param $task
* An array of information about the task to be run.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state. This is
* passed in by reference so that it can be modified by the task.
* @return
* The output of the task function, if there is any.
function install_run_task($task, &$install_state) {
$function = $task['function'];
if ($task['type'] == 'form') {
return install_get_form($function, $install_state);
elseif ($task['type'] == 'batch') {
// Start a new batch based on the task function, if one is not running
// already.
$current_batch = \Drupal::state()->get('install_current_batch');
if (!$install_state['interactive'] || !$current_batch) {
$batch = $function($install_state);
if (empty($batch)) {
// If the task did some processing and decided no batch was necessary,
// there is nothing more to do here.
// For interactive batches, we need to store the fact that this batch
// task is currently running. Otherwise, we need to make sure the batch
// will complete in one page request.
if ($install_state['interactive']) {
\Drupal::state()->set('install_current_batch', $function);
else {
$batch =& batch_get();
$batch['progressive'] = FALSE;
// Process the batch. For progressive batches, this will redirect.
// Otherwise, the batch will complete.
$response = batch_process(install_redirect_url($install_state), install_full_redirect_url($install_state));
if ($response instanceof Response) {
// Save $_SESSION data from batch.
// Send the response.
// If we are in the middle of processing this batch, keep sending back
// any output from the batch process, until the task is complete.
elseif ($current_batch == $function) {
$output = _batch_page(\Drupal::request());
// Because Batch API now returns a JSON response for intermediary steps,
// but the installer doesn't handle Response objects yet, just send the
// output here and emulate the old model.
// @todo Replace this when we refactor the installer to use a request-
// response workflow.
if ($output instanceof Response) {
$output = NULL;
// The task is complete when we try to access the batch page and receive
// FALSE in return, since this means we are at a URL where we are no
// longer requesting a batch ID.
if ($output === FALSE) {
// Return nothing so the next task will run in the same request.
else {
// We need to force the page request to end if the task is not
// complete, since the batch API sometimes prints JSON output
// rather than returning a themed page.
$install_state['task_not_complete'] = $install_state['stop_page_request'] = TRUE;
return $output;
else {
// For normal tasks, just return the function result, whatever it is.
return $function($install_state);
* Returns a list of tasks to perform during the current installation request.
* Note that the list of tasks can change based on the installation state as
* the page request evolves (for example, if an installation profile hasn't
* been selected yet, we don't yet know which profile tasks need to be run).
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* A list of tasks to be performed, with associated metadata.
function install_tasks_to_perform($install_state) {
// Start with a list of all currently available tasks.
$tasks = install_tasks($install_state);
foreach ($tasks as $name => $task) {
// Remove any tasks that were already performed or that never should run.
// Also, if we started this page request with an indication of the last
// task that was completed, skip that task and all those that come before
// it, unless they are marked as always needing to run.
if ($task['run'] == INSTALL_TASK_SKIP || in_array($name, $install_state['tasks_performed']) || (!empty($install_state['completed_task']) && empty($completed_task_found) && $task['run'] != INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_REACHED)) {
if (!empty($install_state['completed_task']) && $name == $install_state['completed_task']) {
$completed_task_found = TRUE;
return $tasks;
* Returns a list of all tasks the installer currently knows about.
* This function will return tasks regardless of whether or not they are
* intended to run on the current page request. However, the list can change
* based on the installation state (for example, if an installation profile
* hasn't been selected yet, we don't yet know which profile tasks will be
* available).
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* A list of tasks, with associated metadata.
function install_tasks($install_state) {
// Determine whether a translation file must be imported during the
// 'install_import_translations' task. Import when a non-English language is
// available and selected.
$needs_translations = count($install_state['translations']) > 1 && !empty($install_state['parameters']['langcode']) && $install_state['parameters']['langcode'] != 'en';
// Determine whether a translation file must be downloaded during the
// 'install_download_translation' task. Download when a non-English language
// is selected, but no translation is yet in the translations directory.
$needs_download = isset($install_state['parameters']['langcode']) && !isset($install_state['translations'][$install_state['parameters']['langcode']]) && $install_state['parameters']['langcode'] != 'en';
// Start with the core installation tasks that run before handing control
// to the installation profile.
$tasks = array(
'install_select_language' => array(
'display_name' => t('Choose language'),
'install_download_translation' => array(
'install_select_profile' => array(
'display_name' => t('Choose profile'),
'display' => empty($install_state['profile_info']['distribution']['name']) && count($install_state['profiles']) != 1,
'install_load_profile' => array(
'install_verify_requirements' => array(
'display_name' => t('Verify requirements'),
'install_settings_form' => array(
'display_name' => t('Set up database'),
'type' => 'form',
// Even though the form only allows the user to enter database settings,
// we still need to display it if settings.php is invalid in any way,
// since the form submit handler is where settings.php is rewritten.
'run' => $install_state['settings_verified'] ? INSTALL_TASK_SKIP : INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED,
'function' => 'Drupal\Core\Installer\Form\SiteSettingsForm',
'install_base_system' => array(
'run' => $install_state['base_system_verified'] ? INSTALL_TASK_SKIP : INSTALL_TASK_RUN_IF_NOT_COMPLETED,
// All tasks below are executed in a regular, full Drupal environment.
'install_bootstrap_full' => array(
'install_profile_modules' => array(
'display_name' => t('Install site'),
'type' => 'batch',
'install_profile_themes' => array(
'install_import_translations' => array(
'display_name' => t('Set up translations'),
'display' => $needs_translations,
'type' => 'batch',
'install_configure_form' => array(
'display_name' => t('Configure site'),
'type' => 'form',
'function' => 'Drupal\Core\Installer\Form\SiteConfigureForm',
// Now add any tasks defined by the installation profile.
if (!empty($install_state['parameters']['profile'])) {
// Load the profile install file, because it is not always loaded when
// hook_install_tasks() is invoked (e.g. batch processing).
$profile = $install_state['parameters']['profile'];
$profile_install_file = $install_state['profiles'][$profile]->getPath() . '/' . $profile . '.install';
if (file_exists($profile_install_file)) {
include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $profile_install_file;
$function = $install_state['parameters']['profile'] . '_install_tasks';
if (function_exists($function)) {
$result = $function($install_state);
if (is_array($result)) {
$tasks += $result;
// Finish by adding the remaining core tasks.
$tasks += array(
'install_import_translations_remaining' => array(
'display_name' => t('Finish translations'),
'display' => $needs_translations,
'type' => 'batch',
'install_update_configuration_translations' => array(
'display_name' => t('Translate configuration'),
'display' => $needs_translations,
'type' => 'batch',
'install_finished' => array(
// Allow the installation profile to modify the full list of tasks.
if (!empty($install_state['parameters']['profile'])) {
$profile = $install_state['parameters']['profile'];
if ($install_state['profiles'][$profile]->load()) {
$function = $install_state['parameters']['profile'] . '_install_tasks_alter';
if (function_exists($function)) {
$function($tasks, $install_state);
// Fill in default parameters for each task before returning the list.
foreach ($tasks as $task_name => &$task) {
$task += array(
'display_name' => NULL,
'display' => !empty($task['display_name']),
'type' => 'normal',
'function' => $task_name,
return $tasks;
* Returns a list of tasks that should be displayed to the end user.
* The output of this function is a list suitable for sending to
* theme_task_list().
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* A list of tasks, with keys equal to the machine-readable task name and
* values equal to the name that should be displayed.
* @see theme_task_list()
function install_tasks_to_display($install_state) {
$displayed_tasks = array();
foreach (install_tasks($install_state) as $name => $task) {
if ($task['display']) {
$displayed_tasks[$name] = $task['display_name'];
return $displayed_tasks;
* Builds and processes a form for the installer environment.
* Ensures that FormBuilder does not redirect after submitting a form, since the
* installer uses a custom step/flow logic via install_run_tasks().
* @param string|array $form_id
* The form ID to build and process.
* @param array $install_state
* The current state of the installation.
* @return array|null
* A render array containing the form to render, or NULL in case the form was
* successfully submitted.
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Installer\Exception\InstallerException
function install_get_form($form_id, array &$install_state) {
// Ensure the form will not redirect, since install_run_tasks() uses a custom
// redirection logic.
$form_state = new FormState(array(
'build_info' => array(
'args' => array(&$install_state),
'no_redirect' => TRUE,
$form_builder = \Drupal::formBuilder();
if ($install_state['interactive']) {
$form = $form_builder->buildForm($form_id, $form_state);
// If the form submission was not successful, the form needs to be rendered,
// which means the task is not complete yet.
if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
$install_state['task_not_complete'] = TRUE;
return $form;
else {
// For non-interactive installs, submit the form programmatically with the
// values taken from the installation state.
$install_form_id = $form_builder->getFormId($form_id, $form_state);
if (!empty($install_state['forms'][$install_form_id])) {
$form_state->set('values', $install_state['forms'][$install_form_id]);
$form_builder->submitForm($form_id, $form_state);
// Throw an exception in case of any form validation error.
if ($errors = $form_state->getErrors()) {
throw new InstallerException(implode("\n", $errors));
* Returns the URL that should be redirected to during an installation request.
* The output of this function is suitable for sending to install_goto().
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* The URL to redirect to.
* @see install_full_redirect_url()
function install_redirect_url($install_state) {
return 'core/install.php?' . UrlHelper::buildQuery($install_state['parameters']);
* Returns the complete URL redirected to during an installation request.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* The complete URL to redirect to.
* @see install_redirect_url()
function install_full_redirect_url($install_state) {
global $base_url;
return $base_url . '/' . install_redirect_url($install_state);
* Displays themed installer output and ends the page request.
* Installation tasks should use #title to set the desired page
* title, but otherwise this function takes care of theming the overall page
* output during every step of the installation.
* @param $output
* The content to display on the main part of the page.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
function install_display_output($output, $install_state) {
// Ensure the maintenance theme is initialized.
// The regular initialization call in install_begin_request() may not be
// reached in case of an early installer error.
// Prevent install.php from being indexed when installed in a sub folder.
// robots.txt rules are not read if the site is within domain.com/subfolder
// resulting in /subfolder/install.php being found through search engines.
// When settings.php is writeable this can be used via an external database
// leading a malicious user to gain php access to the server.
$noindex_meta_tag = array(
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => array(
'name' => 'robots',
'content' => 'noindex, nofollow',
drupal_add_html_head($noindex_meta_tag, 'install_meta_robots');
// Only show the task list if there is an active task; otherwise, the page
// request has ended before tasks have even been started, so there is nothing
// meaningful to show.
$regions = array();
if (isset($install_state['active_task'])) {
// Let the theming function know when every step of the installation has
// been completed.
$active_task = $install_state['installation_finished'] ? NULL : $install_state['active_task'];
$task_list = array(
'#theme' => 'task_list',
'#items' => install_tasks_to_display($install_state),
'#active' => $active_task,
$regions['sidebar_first'] = $task_list;
print DefaultHtmlPageRenderer::renderPage($output, $output['#title'], 'install', $regions);
* Verifies the requirements for installing Drupal.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* A themed status report, or an exception if there are requirement errors.
function install_verify_requirements(&$install_state) {
// Check the installation requirements for Drupal and this profile.
$requirements = install_check_requirements($install_state);
// Verify existence of all required modules.
$requirements += drupal_verify_profile($install_state);
return install_display_requirements($install_state, $requirements);
* Installation task; install the base functionality Drupal needs to bootstrap.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
function install_base_system(&$install_state) {
// Install system.module.
// Call file_ensure_htaccess() to ensure that all of Drupal's standard
// directories (e.g., the public files directory and config directory) have
// appropriate .htaccess files. These directories will have already been
// created by this point in the installer, since Drupal creates them during
// the install_verify_requirements() task. Note that we cannot call
// file_ensure_access() any earlier than this, since it relies on
// system.module in order to work.
// Enable the user module so that sessions can be recorded during the
// upcoming bootstrap step.
\Drupal::moduleHandler()->install(array('user'), FALSE);
// Save the list of other modules to install for the upcoming tasks.
// State can be set to the database now that system.module is installed.
$modules = $install_state['profile_info']['dependencies'];
// The installation profile is also a module, which needs to be installed
// after all the dependencies have been installed.
$modules[] = drupal_get_profile();
\Drupal::state()->set('install_profile_modules', array_diff($modules, array('system')));
$install_state['base_system_verified'] = TRUE;
* Verifies and returns the last installation task that was completed.
* @return
* The last completed task, if there is one. An exception is thrown if Drupal
* is already installed.
function install_verify_completed_task() {
try {
$task = \Drupal::state()->get('install_task');
// Do not trigger an error if the database query fails, since the database
// might not be set up yet.
catch (\Exception $e) {
if (isset($task)) {
if ($task == 'done') {
throw new AlreadyInstalledException(\Drupal::service('string_translation'));
return $task;
* Verifies that settings.php specifies a valid database connection.
function install_verify_database_settings() {
if ($database = Database::getConnectionInfo()) {
$database = $database['default'];
$settings_file = './' . conf_path(FALSE) . '/settings.php';
$errors = install_database_errors($database, $settings_file);
if (empty($errors)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Checks a database connection and returns any errors.
function install_database_errors($database, $settings_file) {
$errors = array();
// Check database type.
$database_types = drupal_get_database_types();
$driver = $database['driver'];
if (!isset($database_types[$driver])) {
$errors['driver'] = t("In your %settings_file file you have configured @drupal to use a %driver server, however your PHP installation currently does not support this database type.", array('%settings_file' => $settings_file, '@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(), '%driver' => $driver));
else {
// Run driver specific validation
$errors += $database_types[$driver]->validateDatabaseSettings($database);
if (!empty($errors)) {
// No point to try further.
return $errors;
// Run tasks associated with the database type. Any errors are caught in the
// calling function.
Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'default', $database);
try {
catch (TaskException $e) {
// These are generic errors, so we do not have any specific key of the
// database connection array to attach them to; therefore, we just put
// them in the error array with standard numeric keys.
$errors[$driver . '][0'] = $e->getMessage();
return $errors;
* Selects which profile to install.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state. The chosen
* profile will be added here, if it was not already selected previously, as
* will a list of all available profiles.
* @return
* For interactive installations, a form allowing the profile to be selected,
* if the user has a choice that needs to be made. Otherwise, an exception is
* thrown if a profile cannot be chosen automatically.
function install_select_profile(&$install_state) {
if (empty($install_state['parameters']['profile'])) {
// If there are no profiles at all, installation cannot proceed.
if (empty($install_state['profiles'])) {
throw new NoProfilesException(\Drupal::service('string_translation'));
// Try to automatically select a profile.
if ($profile = _install_select_profile($install_state)) {
$install_state['parameters']['profile'] = $profile;
else {
// The non-interactive installer requires a profile parameter.
if (!$install_state['interactive']) {
throw new InstallerException(t('Missing profile parameter.'));
// Otherwise, display a form to select a profile.
return install_get_form('Drupal\Core\Installer\Form\SelectProfileForm', $install_state);
* Determines the installation profile to use in the installer.
* A profile will be selected in the following order of conditions:
* 1. Only one profile is available.
* 2. A specific profile name is requested in installation parameters:
* - for interactive installations via request query parameters.
* - for non-interactive installations via install_drupal() settings.
* 3. A discovered profile that is a distribution.
* If multiple profiles are distributions, then the first discovered profile
* will be selected.
* @param array $install_state
* The current installer state, containing a 'profiles' key, which is an
* associative array of profiles with the machine-readable names as keys.
* @return
* The machine-readable name of the selected profile or NULL if no profile was
* selected.
function _install_select_profile(&$install_state) {
// Don't need to choose profile if only one available.
if (count($install_state['profiles']) == 1) {
return key($install_state['profiles']);
if (!empty($install_state['parameters']['profile'])) {
$profile = $install_state['parameters']['profile'];
if (isset($install_state['profiles'][$profile])) {
return $profile;
// Check for a distribution profile.
foreach ($install_state['profiles'] as $profile) {
$profile_info = install_profile_info($profile->getName());
if (!empty($profile_info['distribution'])) {
return $profile->getName();
* Finds all .po files that are useful to the installer.
* @return
* An associative array of file URIs keyed by language code. URIs as
* returned by file_scan_directory().
* @see file_scan_directory()
function install_find_translations() {
$translations = array();
$files = \Drupal::service('string_translator.file_translation')->findTranslationFiles();
// English does not need a translation file.
array_unshift($files, (object) array('name' => 'en'));
foreach ($files as $uri => $file) {
// Strip off the file name component before the language code.
$langcode = preg_replace('!^(.+\.)?([^\.]+)$!', '\2', $file->name);
// Language codes cannot exceed 12 characters to fit into the {language}
// table.
if (strlen($langcode) <= 12) {
$translations[$langcode] = $uri;
return $translations;
* Selects which language to use during installation.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state. The chosen
* langcode will be added here, if it was not already selected previously, as
* will a list of all available languages.
* @return
* For interactive installations, a form or other page output allowing the
* language to be selected or providing information about language selection,
* if a language has not been chosen. Otherwise, an exception is thrown if a
* language cannot be chosen automatically.
function install_select_language(&$install_state) {
// Find all available translation files.
$files = install_find_translations();
$install_state['translations'] += $files;
// If a valid language code is set, continue with the next installation step.
// When translations from the localization server are used, any language code
// is accepted because the standard language list is kept in sync with the
// languages available at http://localize.drupal.org.
// When files from the translation directory are used, we only accept
// languages for which a file is available.
if (!empty($install_state['parameters']['langcode'])) {
$standard_languages = LanguageManager::getStandardLanguageList();
$langcode = $install_state['parameters']['langcode'];
if ($langcode == 'en' || isset($files[$langcode]) || isset($standard_languages[$langcode])) {
$install_state['parameters']['langcode'] = $langcode;
if (empty($install_state['parameters']['langcode'])) {
// If we are performing an interactive installation, we display a form to
// select a right language. If no translation files were found in the
// translations directory, the form shows a list of standard languages. If
// translation files were found the form shows a select list of the
// corresponding languages to choose from.
if ($install_state['interactive']) {
return install_get_form('Drupal\Core\Installer\Form\SelectLanguageForm', $install_state);
// If we are performing a non-interactive installation. If only one language
// (English) is available, assume the user knows what he is doing. Otherwise
// thow an error.
else {
if (count($files) == 1) {
$install_state['parameters']['langcode'] = current(array_keys($files));
else {
throw new InstallerException(t('Sorry, you must select a language to continue the installation.'));
* Download a translation file for the selected langaguage.
* @param array $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return string
* A themed status report, or an exception if there are requirement errors.
* Upon successful download the page is reloaded and no output is returned.
function install_download_translation(&$install_state) {
// Check whether all conditions are met to download. Download the translation
// if possible.
$requirements = install_check_translations($install_state);
if ($output = install_display_requirements($install_state, $requirements)) {
return $output;
// The download was successful, reload the page in the new lanagage.
* Attempts to get a file using a HTTP request and to store it locally.
* @param string $uri
* The URI of the file to grab.
* @param string $destination
* Stream wrapper URI specifying where the file should be placed. If a
* directory path is provided, the file is saved into that directory under its
* original name. If the path contains a filename as well, that one will be
* used instead.
* @return boolean
* TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
function install_retrieve_file($uri, $destination) {
$parsed_url = parse_url($uri);
if (is_dir(drupal_realpath($destination))) {
// Prevent URIs with triple slashes when gluing parts together.
$path = str_replace('///', '//', "$destination/") . drupal_basename($parsed_url['path']);
else {
$path = $destination;
try {
$request = \Drupal::httpClient()->get($uri, array('headers' => array('Accept' => 'text/plain')));
$data = $request->getBody(TRUE);
if (empty($data)) {
return FALSE;
catch (RequestException $e) {
return FALSE;
return file_put_contents($path, $data) !== FALSE;
* Checks if the localization server can be contacted.
* @param string $uri
* The URI to contact.
* @return string
* TRUE if the URI was contacted successfully, FALSE if not.
function install_check_localization_server($uri) {
try {
return TRUE;
catch (RequestException $e) {
return FALSE;
* Gets the core release version and release alternatives for localization.
* In case core is a development version or the translation file for the release
* is not available, fall back to the latest stable release. For example,
* 8.2-dev might fall back to 8.1 and 8.0-dev might fall back to 7.0. Fallback
* is required because the localization server only provides translation files
* for stable releases.
* @param string $version
* (optional) Version of core trying to find translation files for.
* @return array
* Array of release data. Each array element is an associative array with:
* - core: Core compatibility version (e.g., 8.x).
* - version: Release version (e.g., 8.1).
function install_get_localization_release($version = \Drupal::VERSION) {
$releases = array();
$alternatives = array();
// The version string is broken up into:
// - major: Major version (e.g., "8").
// - minor: Minor version (e.g., "0").
// - extra: Extra version info (e.g., "alpha2").
// - extra_text: The text part of "extra" (e.g., "alpha").
// - extra_number: The number part of "extra" (e.g., "2").
$info = _install_get_version_info($version);
// Check if the version is a regular stable release (no 'rc', 'beta', 'alpha',
// 'dev', etc.)
if (!isset($info['extra_text'])) {
// First version alternative: the current version.
$alternatives[] = $version;
// Point-releases: previous minor release (e.g., 8.2 falls back to 8.1).
if ($info['minor'] > 0) {
$alternatives[]= $info['major'] . '.' . ($info['minor'] - 1);
// Zero release: first release candidate (e.g., 8.0 falls back to 8.0-rc1).
else {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-rc1';
else {
switch ($info['extra_text']) {
// Alpha release: current alpha or previous alpha release (e.g. 8.0-alpha2
// falls back to 8.0-alpha1).
case 'alpha':
$alternatives[] = $version;
if ($info['extra_number'] > 1) {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-alpha' . ($info['extra_number'] - 1);
// Beta release: current beta or previous beta release (e.g. 8.0-beta2
// falls back to 8.0-beta1) or first alpha release.
case 'beta':
$alternatives[] = $version;
if ($info['extra_number'] > 1) {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-beta' . ($info['extra_number'] - 1);
else {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-alpha2';
// Dev release: the previous point release (e.g., 8.2-dev falls back to
// 8.1) or any unstable release (e.g., 8.0-dev falls back to 8.0-rc1,
// 8.0-beta1 or 8.0-alpha12)
case 'dev':
if ($info['minor'] >= 1) {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.' . ($info['minor'] - 1);
else {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-rc1';
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-beta1';
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-alpha12';
// Release candidate: the current or previous release candidate (e.g.,
// 8.0-rc2 falls back to 8.0-rc1) or the first beta release.
case 'rc':
$alternatives[] = $version;
if ($info['extra_number'] >= 2) {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-rc' . ($info['extra_number'] - 1);
else {
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] . '.0-beta1';
// All releases may fall back to the previous major release (e.g., 8.1 falls
// back to 7.0, 8.x-dev falls back to 7.0). This will probably only be used
// for early dev releases or languages with an inactive translation team.
$alternatives[] = $info['major'] - 1 . '.0';
foreach ($alternatives as $alternative) {
list($core) = explode('.', $alternative);
$releases[] = array(
'core' => $core . '.x',
'version' => $alternative,
return $releases;
* Extracts version information from a drupal core version string.
* @param string $version
* Version info string (e.g., 8.0, 8.1, 8.0-dev, 8.0-unstable1, 8.0-alpha2,
* 8.0-beta3, and 8.0-rc4).
* @return array
* Associative array of version info:
* - major: Major version (e.g., "8").
* - minor: Minor version (e.g., "0").
* - extra: Extra version info (e.g., "alpha2").
* - extra_text: The text part of "extra" (e.g., "alpha").
* - extra_number: The number part of "extra" (e.g., "2").
function _install_get_version_info($version) {
(?P<major>[0-9]+) # Major release number.
\. # .
(?P<minor>[0-9]+) # Minor release number.
) #
( #
- # - separator for "extra" version information.
(?P<extra> #
(?P<extra_text>[a-z]+) # Release extra text (e.g., "alpha").
(?P<extra_number>[0-9]*) # Release extra number (no separator between text and number).
) #
| # OR no "extra" information.
/sx', $version, $matches);
return $matches;
* Loads information about the chosen profile during installation.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state. The loaded
* profile information will be added here.
function install_load_profile(&$install_state) {
$profile = $install_state['parameters']['profile'];
$install_state['profile_info'] = install_profile_info($profile, isset($install_state['parameters']['langcode']) ? $install_state['parameters']['langcode'] : 'en');
* Performs a full bootstrap of Drupal during installation.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
function install_bootstrap_full() {
* Installs required modules via a batch process.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* The batch definition.
function install_profile_modules(&$install_state) {
$modules = \Drupal::state()->get('install_profile_modules') ?: array();
$files = system_rebuild_module_data();
// Always install required modules first. Respect the dependencies between
// the modules.
$required = array();
$non_required = array();
// Although the profile module is marked as required, it needs to go after
// every dependency, including non-required ones. So clear its required
// flag for now to allow it to install late.
$files[$install_state['parameters']['profile']]->info['required'] = FALSE;
// Add modules that other modules depend on.
foreach ($modules as $module) {
if ($files[$module]->requires) {
$modules = array_merge($modules, array_keys($files[$module]->requires));
$modules = array_unique($modules);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
if (!empty($files[$module]->info['required'])) {
$required[$module] = $files[$module]->sort;
else {
$non_required[$module] = $files[$module]->sort;
$operations = array();
foreach ($required + $non_required as $module => $weight) {
$operations[] = array('_install_module_batch', array($module, $files[$module]->info['name']));
$batch = array(
'operations' => $operations,
'title' => t('Installing @drupal', array('@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name())),
'error_message' => t('The installation has encountered an error.'),
return $batch;
* Installs themes.
* This does not use a batch, since installing themes is faster than modules and
* because an installation profile typically enables 1-3 themes only (default
* theme, base theme, admin theme).
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
function install_profile_themes(&$install_state) {
$theme_handler = \Drupal::service('theme_handler');
// ThemeHandler::enable() resets the current list of themes. The theme used in
// the installer is not necessarily in the list of themes to install, so
// retain the current list.
// @see _drupal_maintenance_theme()
$current_themes = $theme_handler->listInfo();
// Install the themes specified by the installation profile.
$themes = $install_state['profile_info']['themes'];
foreach ($current_themes as $theme) {
* Imports languages via a batch process during installation.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* The batch definition, if there are language files to import.
function install_import_translations(&$install_state) {
include_once __DIR__ . '/../modules/locale/locale.bulk.inc';
$langcode = $install_state['parameters']['langcode'];
$standard_languages = LanguageManager::getStandardLanguageList();
if (!isset($standard_languages[$langcode])) {
// Drupal does not know about this language, so we prefill its values with
// our best guess. The user will be able to edit afterwards.
$language = new Language(array(
'id' => $langcode,
'name' => $langcode,
'default' => TRUE,
else {
// A known predefined language, details will be filled in properly.
$language = new Language(array(
'id' => $langcode,
'default' => TRUE,
// If a non-English language was selected, remove English and import the
// translations.
if ($langcode != 'en') {
// Set up a batch to import translations for the newly added language.
module_load_include('fetch.inc', 'locale');
if ($batch = locale_translation_batch_fetch_build(array(), array($langcode))) {
return $batch;
* Tells the translation import process that Drupal core is installed.
* @param string $langcode
* Language code used for the translation.
function _install_prepare_import($langcode) {
$matches = array();
global $install_state;
// Get the translation files located in the translations directory.
$files = locale_translate_get_interface_translation_files(array('drupal'), array($langcode));
// We pick the first file which matches the installation language.
$file = reset($files);
$filename = $file->filename;
preg_match('/drupal-([0-9a-z\.-]+)\.' . $langcode . '\.po/', $filename, $matches);
// Get the version information.
if ($version = $matches[1]) {
$info = _install_get_version_info($version);
// Picking the first file does not necessarily result in the right file. So
// we check if at least the major version number is available.
if ($info['major']) {
$core = $info['major'] . '.x';
'name' => 'drupal',
'project_type' => 'module',
'core' => $core,
'version' => $version,
'server_pattern' => $install_state['server_pattern'],
'status' => 1,
module_load_include('compare.inc', 'locale');
locale_translation_check_projects_local(array('drupal'), array($install_state['parameters']['langcode']));
* Finishes importing files at end of installation.
* If other projects besides Drupal core have been installed, their translation
* will be imported here.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* The batch definition, if there are language files to import.
function install_import_translations_remaining(&$install_state) {
module_load_include('fetch.inc', 'locale');
module_load_include('compare.inc', 'locale');
// Build a fresh list of installed projects. When more projects than core are
// installed, their translations will be downloaded (if required) and imported
// using a batch.
$projects = locale_translation_build_projects();
if (count($projects) > 1) {
$options = _locale_translation_default_update_options();
if ($batch = locale_translation_batch_update_build(array(), array($install_state['parameters']['langcode']), $options)) {
return $batch;
* Creates configuration translations.
* @param array $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return array
* The batch definition, if there are configuration objects to update.
* @see install_tasks()
function install_update_configuration_translations(&$install_state) {
\Drupal::moduleHandler()->loadInclude('locale', 'bulk.inc');
return locale_config_batch_update_components(array(), array($install_state['parameters']['langcode']));
* Performs final installation steps and displays a 'finished' page.
* @param $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @return
* A message informing the user that the installation is complete.
function install_finished(&$install_state) {
$profile = drupal_get_profile();
// Installation profiles are always loaded last.
module_set_weight($profile, 1000);
// Build the router once after installing all modules.
// This would normally happen upon KernelEvents::TERMINATE, but since the
// installer does not use an HttpKernel, that event is never triggered.
// Run cron to populate update status tables (if available) so that users
// will be warned if they've installed an out of date Drupal version.
// Will also trigger indexing of profile-supplied content or feeds.
// Save a snapshot of the initially installed configuration.
$active = \Drupal::service('config.storage');
$snapshot = \Drupal::service('config.storage.snapshot');
\Drupal::service('config.manager')->createSnapshot($active, $snapshot);
if ($install_state['interactive']) {
// Load current user and perform final login tasks.
// This has to be done after drupal_flush_all_caches()
// to avoid session regeneration.
$account = user_load(1);
// @todo Temporary hack to satisfy PIFR.
// @see https://drupal.org/node/1317548
$pifr_assertion = '<span style="display: none;">Drupal installation complete</span>';
$success_message = t('Congratulations, you installed @drupal!', array(
'@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
drupal_set_message(SafeMarkup::set($success_message . $pifr_assertion));
* Batch callback for batch installation of modules.
function _install_module_batch($module, $module_name, &$context) {
// Install and enable the module right away, so that the module will be
// loaded by drupal_bootstrap in subsequent batch requests, and other
// modules possibly depending on it can safely perform their installation
// steps.
\Drupal::moduleHandler()->install(array($module), FALSE);
$context['results'][] = $module;
$context['message'] = t('Installed %module module.', array('%module' => $module_name));
* Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
function install_check_translations($install_state) {
$requirements = array();
$readable = FALSE;
$writable = FALSE;
// @todo: Make this configurable.
$files_directory = conf_path() . '/files';
$translations_directory = conf_path() . '/files/translations';
$translations_directory_exists = FALSE;
$translation_available = FALSE;
$online = FALSE;
// First attempt to create or make writable the files directory.
file_prepare_directory($files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
// Then, attempt to create or make writable the translations directory.
file_prepare_directory($translations_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
// Get values so the requirements errors can be specific.
if (drupal_verify_install_file($translations_directory, FILE_EXIST|FILE_WRITABLE, 'dir')) {
$readable = is_readable($translations_directory);
$writable = is_writable($translations_directory);
$translations_directory_exists = TRUE;
// Build URLs for the translation file and the translation server.
$releases = install_get_localization_release();
$langcode = $install_state['parameters']['langcode'];
$translation_urls = array();
foreach ($releases as $release) {
$variables = array(
'%project' => 'drupal',
'%version' => $release['version'],
'%core' => $release['core'],
'%language' => $langcode,
$translation_urls[] = strtr($install_state['server_pattern'], $variables);
$elements = parse_url(reset($translation_urls));
$server_url = $elements['scheme'] . '://' . $elements['host'];
// Build the language name for display.
$languages = LanguageManager::getStandardLanguageList();
$language = isset($languages[$langcode]) ? $languages[$langcode][0] : $langcode;
// Check if any of the desired translation files are available or if the
// translation server can be reached. In other words, check if we are online
// and have an internet connection.
foreach ($translation_urls as $translation_url) {
if ($translation_available = install_check_localization_server($translation_url)) {
$online = TRUE;
if (!$translation_available) {
if (install_check_localization_server($server_url)) {
$online = TRUE;
// If the translations directory does not exists, throw an error.
if (!$translations_directory_exists) {
$requirements['translations directory exists'] = array(
'title' => t('Translations directory'),
'value' => t('The translations directory does not exist.'),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The installer requires that you create a translations directory as part of the installation process. Create the directory %translations_directory . More details about installing Drupal are available in <a href="@install_txt">INSTALL.txt</a>.', array('%translations_directory' => $translations_directory, '@install_txt' => base_path() . 'core/INSTALL.txt')),
else {
$requirements['translations directory exists'] = array(
'title' => t('Translations directory'),
'value' => t('The directory %translations_directory exists.', array('%translations_directory' => $translations_directory)),
// If the translations directory is not readable, throw an error.
if (!$readable) {
$requirements['translations directory readable'] = array(
'title' => t('Translations directory'),
'value' => t('The translations directory is not readable.'),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The installer requires read permissions to %translations_directory at all times. If you are unsure how to grant file permissions, consult the <a href="@handbook_url">online handbook</a>.', array('%translations_directory' => $translations_directory, '@handbook_url' => 'http://drupal.org/server-permissions')),
// If translations directory is not writable, throw an error.
if (!$writable) {
$requirements['translations directory writable'] = array(
'title' => t('Translations directory'),
'value' => t('The translations directory is not writable.'),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The installer requires write permissions to %translations_directory during the installation process. If you are unsure how to grant file permissions, consult the <a href="@handbook_url">online handbook</a>.', array('%translations_directory' => $translations_directory, '@handbook_url' => 'http://drupal.org/server-permissions')),
else {
$requirements['translations directory writable'] = array(
'title' => t('Translations directory'),
'value' => t('The translations directory is writable.'),
// If the translations server can not be contacted, throw an error.
if (!$online) {
$requirements['online'] = array(
'title' => t('Internet'),
'value' => t('The translation server is offline.'),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The installer requires to contact the translation server to download a translation file. Check your internet connection and verify that your website can reach the translation server at <a href="!server_url">!server_url</a>.', array('!server_url' => $server_url)),
else {
$requirements['online'] = array(
'title' => t('Internet'),
'value' => t('The translation server is online.'),
// If translation file is not found at the translation server, throw an
// error.
if (!$translation_available) {
$requirements['translation available'] = array(
'title' => t('Translation'),
'value' => t('The %language translation is not available.', array('%language' => $language)),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The %language translation file is not available at the translation server. <a href="!url">Choose a different language</a> or select English and translate your website later.', array('%language' => $language, '!url' => check_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))),
else {
$requirements['translation available'] = array(
'title' => t('Translation'),
'value' => t('The %language translation is available.', array('%language' => $language)),
if ($translations_directory_exists && $readable && $writable && $translation_available) {
$translation_downloaded = install_retrieve_file($translation_url, $translations_directory);
if (!$translation_downloaded) {
$requirements['translation downloaded'] = array(
'title' => t('Translation'),
'value' => t('The %language translation could not be downloaded.', array('%language' => $language)),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The %language translation file could not be downloaded. <a href="!url">Choose a different language</a> or select English and translate your website later.', array('%language' => $language, '!url' => check_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))),
return $requirements;
* Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
function install_check_requirements($install_state) {
$profile = $install_state['parameters']['profile'];
// Check the profile requirements.
$requirements = drupal_check_profile($profile, $install_state);
if ($install_state['settings_verified']) {
return $requirements;
// If Drupal is not set up already, we need to try to create the default
// settings and services files.
$default_files = array();
$default_files['settings.php'] = array(
'file' => 'settings.php',
'file_default' => 'default.settings.php',
'title_default' => t('Default settings file'),
'description_default' => t('The default settings file does not exist.'),
'title' => t('Settings file'),
$default_files['services.yml'] = array(
'file' => 'services.yml',
'file_default' => 'default.services.yml',
'title_default' => t('Default services file'),
'description_default' => t('The default services file does not exist.'),
'title' => t('Services file'),
foreach ($default_files as $default_file_info) {
$readable = FALSE;
$writable = FALSE;
$conf_path = './' . conf_path(FALSE);
$file = $conf_path . "/{$default_file_info['file']}";
$default_file = "./sites/default/{$default_file_info['file_default']}";
$exists = FALSE;
// Verify that the directory exists.
if (drupal_verify_install_file($conf_path, FILE_EXIST, 'dir')) {
if (drupal_verify_install_file($file, FILE_EXIST)) {
// If it does, make sure it is writable.
$readable = drupal_verify_install_file($file, FILE_READABLE);
$writable = drupal_verify_install_file($file, FILE_WRITABLE);
$exists = TRUE;
// If the default $default_file does not exist, or is not readable,
// report an error.
if (!drupal_verify_install_file($default_file, FILE_EXIST | FILE_READABLE)) {
$requirements["default $file file exists"] = array(
'title' => $default_file_info['title_default'],
'value' => $default_file_info['description_default'],
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The @drupal installer requires that the %default-file file not be modified in any way from the original download.', array(
'@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
'%default-file' => $default_file
// Otherwise, if $file does not exist yet, we can try to copy
// $default_file to create it.
elseif (!$exists) {
$copied = drupal_verify_install_file($conf_path, FILE_EXIST | FILE_WRITABLE, 'dir') && @copy($default_file, $file);
if ($copied) {
// If the new $file file has the same owner as $default_file this means
// $default_file is owned by the webserver user. This is an inherent
// security weakness because it allows a malicious webserver process to
// append arbitrary PHP code and then execute it. However, it is also a
// common configuration on shared hosting, and there is nothing Drupal
// can do to prevent it. In this situation, having $file also owned by
// the webserver does not introduce any additional security risk, so we
// keep the file in place.
if (fileowner($default_file) === fileowner($file)) {
$readable = drupal_verify_install_file($file, FILE_READABLE);
$writable = drupal_verify_install_file($file, FILE_WRITABLE);
$exists = TRUE;
// If $file and $default_file have different owners, this probably means
// the server is set up "securely" (with the webserver running as its
// own user, distinct from the user who owns all the Drupal PHP files),
// although with either a group or world writable sites directory.
// Keeping $file owned by the webserver would therefore introduce a
// security risk. It would also cause a usability problem, since site
// owners who do not have root access to the file system would be unable
// to edit their settings file later on. We therefore must delete the
// file we just created and force the administrator to log on to the
// server and create it manually.
else {
$deleted = @drupal_unlink($file);
// We expect deleting the file to be successful (since we just
// created it ourselves above), but if it fails somehow, we set a
// variable so we can display a one-time error message to the
// administrator at the bottom of the requirements list. We also try
// to make the file writable, to eliminate any conflicting error
// messages in the requirements list.
$exists = !$deleted;
if ($exists) {
$settings_file_ownership_error = TRUE;
$readable = drupal_verify_install_file($file, FILE_READABLE);
$writable = drupal_verify_install_file($file, FILE_WRITABLE);
// If the $file does not exist, throw an error.
if (!$exists) {
$requirements["$file file exists"] = array(
'title' => $default_file_info['title'],
'value' => t('The %file does not exist.', array('%file' => $default_file_info['title'])),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The @drupal installer requires that you create a %file as part of the installation process. Copy the %default_file file to %file. More details about installing Drupal are available in <a href="@install_txt">INSTALL.txt</a>.', array(
'@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
'%file' => $file,
'%default_file' => $default_file,
'@install_txt' => base_path() . 'core/INSTALL.txt'
else {
$requirements["$file file exists"] = array(
'title' => $default_file_info['title'],
'value' => t('The %file exists.', array('%file' => $file)),
// If the $file is not readable, throw an error.
if (!$readable) {
$requirements["$file file readable"] = array(
'title' => $default_file_info['title'],
'value' => t('The %file is not readable.', array('%file' => $default_file_info['title'])),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('@drupal requires read permissions to %file at all times. If you are unsure how to grant file permissions, consult the <a href="@handbook_url">online handbook</a>.', array(
'@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
'%file' => $file,
'@handbook_url' => 'http://drupal.org/server-permissions'
// If the $file is not writable, throw an error.
if (!$writable) {
$requirements["$file file writeable"] = array(
'title' => $default_file_info['title'],
'value' => t('The %file is not writable.', array('%file' => $default_file_info['title'])),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The @drupal installer requires write permissions to %file during the installation process. If you are unsure how to grant file permissions, consult the <a href="@handbook_url">online handbook</a>.', array(
'@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
'%file' => $file,
'@handbook_url' => 'http://drupal.org/server-permissions'
else {
$requirements["$file file"] = array(
'title' => $default_file_info['title'],
'value' => t('The @file is writable.', array('@file' => $default_file_info['title'])),
if (!empty($settings_file_ownership_error)) {
$requirements["$file file ownership"] = array(
'title' => $default_file_info['title'],
'value' => t('The @file is owned by the web server.', array('@file' => $default_file_info['title'])),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => t('The @drupal installer failed to create a %file file with proper file ownership. Log on to your web server, remove the existing %file file, and create a new one by copying the %default_file file to %file. More details about installing Drupal are available in <a href="@install_txt">INSTALL.txt</a>. If you have problems with the file permissions on your server, consult the <a href="@handbook_url">online handbook</a>.', array(
'@drupal' => drupal_install_profile_distribution_name(),
'%file' => $file,
'%default_file' => $default_file,
'@install_txt' => base_path() . 'core/INSTALL.txt',
'@handbook_url' => 'http://drupal.org/server-permissions'
return $requirements;
* Displays installation requirements.
* @param array $install_state
* An array of information about the current installation state.
* @param array $requirements
* An array of requirements, in the same format as is returned by
* hook_requirements().
* @return
* A themed status report, or an exception if there are requirement errors.
* If there are only requirement warnings, a themed status report is shown
* initially, but the user is allowed to bypass it by providing 'continue=1'
* in the URL. Otherwise, no output is returned, so that the next task can be
* run in the same page request.
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Installer\Exception\InstallerException
function install_display_requirements($install_state, $requirements) {
// Check the severity of the requirements reported.
$severity = drupal_requirements_severity($requirements);
// If there are errors, always display them. If there are only warnings, skip
// them if the user has provided a URL parameter acknowledging the warnings
// and indicating a desire to continue anyway. See drupal_requirements_url().
if ($severity == REQUIREMENT_ERROR || ($severity == REQUIREMENT_WARNING && empty($install_state['parameters']['continue']))) {
if ($install_state['interactive']) {
$build['report']['#theme'] = 'status_report';
$build['report']['#requirements'] = $requirements;
if ($severity == REQUIREMENT_WARNING) {
$build['#title'] = t('Requirements review');
$build['#suffix'] = t('Check the messages and <a href="!retry">retry</a>, or you may choose to <a href="!cont">continue anyway</a>.', array('!retry' => check_url(drupal_requirements_url(REQUIREMENT_ERROR)), '!cont' => check_url(drupal_requirements_url($severity))));
else {
$build['#title'] = t('Requirements problem');
$build['#suffix'] = t('Check the messages and <a href="!url">try again</a>.', array('!url' => check_url(drupal_requirements_url($severity))));
return $build;
else {
// Throw an exception showing any unmet requirements.
$failures = array();
foreach ($requirements as $requirement) {
// Skip warnings altogether for non-interactive installations; these
// proceed in a single request so there is no good opportunity (and no
// good method) to warn the user anyway.
if (isset($requirement['severity']) && $requirement['severity'] == REQUIREMENT_ERROR) {
$failures[] = $requirement['title'] . ': ' . $requirement['value'] . "\n\n" . $requirement['description'];
if (!empty($failures)) {
throw new InstallerException(implode("\n\n", $failures));