2007-07-16 06:40:25 +00:00
< ? php
// $Id$
* @ file
* Admin page callbacks for the block module .
* Generate main block administration form .
function block_admin_display ( & $form_state , $theme = NULL ) {
global $theme_key , $custom_theme ;
// Add CSS
drupal_add_css ( drupal_get_path ( 'module' , 'block' ) . '/block.css' , 'module' , 'all' , FALSE );
// If non-default theme configuration has been selected, set the custom theme.
if ( $theme ) {
$custom_theme = $theme ;
else {
$custom_theme = variable_get ( 'theme_default' , 'garland' );
init_theme ();
// Fetch and sort blocks
$blocks = _block_rehash ();
usort ( $blocks , '_block_compare' );
$throttle = module_exists ( 'throttle' );
$block_regions = array ( BLOCK_REGION_NONE => '<' . t ( 'none' ) . '>' ) + system_region_list ( $theme_key );
// Build form tree
$form [ '#action' ] = arg ( 3 ) ? url ( 'admin/build/block/list/' . $theme_key ) : url ( 'admin/build/block' );
$form [ '#tree' ] = TRUE ;
foreach ( $blocks as $i => $block ) {
$form [ $i ][ 'module' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $block [ 'module' ]);
$form [ $i ][ 'delta' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $block [ 'delta' ]);
$form [ $i ][ 'info' ] = array ( '#value' => check_plain ( $block [ 'info' ]));
$form [ $i ][ 'theme' ] = array ( '#type' => 'hidden' , '#value' => $theme_key );
$form [ $i ][ 'weight' ] = array ( '#type' => 'weight' , '#default_value' => $block [ 'weight' ]);
$form [ $i ][ 'region' ] = array ( '#type' => 'select' ,
'#default_value' => $block [ 'status' ] ? ( isset ( $block [ 'region' ]) ? $block [ 'region' ] : system_default_region ( $theme_key )) : BLOCK_REGION_NONE ,
'#options' => $block_regions ,
if ( $throttle ) {
$form [ $i ][ 'throttle' ] = array ( '#type' => 'checkbox' , '#default_value' => isset ( $block [ 'throttle' ]) ? $block [ 'throttle' ] : FALSE );
$form [ $i ][ 'configure' ] = array ( '#value' => l ( t ( 'configure' ), 'admin/build/block/configure/' . $block [ 'module' ] . '/' . $block [ 'delta' ]));
if ( $block [ 'module' ] == 'block' ) {
$form [ $i ][ 'delete' ] = array ( '#value' => l ( t ( 'delete' ), 'admin/build/block/delete/' . $block [ 'delta' ]));
$form [ 'submit' ] = array ( '#type' => 'submit' , '#value' => t ( 'Save blocks' ));
return $form ;
* Process main block administration form submission .
function block_admin_display_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
foreach ( $form_state [ 'values' ] as $block ) {
$block [ 'status' ] = $block [ 'region' ] != BLOCK_REGION_NONE ;
$block [ 'region' ] = $block [ 'status' ] ? $block [ 'region' ] : '' ;
db_query ( " UPDATE { blocks} SET status = %d, weight = %d, region = '%s', throttle = %d WHERE module = '%s' AND delta = '%s' AND theme = '%s' " , $block [ 'status' ], $block [ 'weight' ], $block [ 'region' ], isset ( $block [ 'throttle' ]) ? $block [ 'throttle' ] : 0 , $block [ 'module' ], $block [ 'delta' ], $block [ 'theme' ]);
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The block settings have been updated.' ));
cache_clear_all ();
* Helper function for sorting blocks on admin / build / block .
* Active blocks are sorted by region , then by weight .
* Disabled blocks are sorted by name .
function _block_compare ( $a , $b ) {
$status = $b [ 'status' ] - $a [ 'status' ];
// Separate enabled from disabled.
if ( $status ) {
return $status ;
// Enabled blocks
if ( $a [ 'status' ]) {
$place = strcmp ( $a [ 'region' ], $b [ 'region' ]);
return $place ? $place : ( $a [ 'weight' ] - $b [ 'weight' ]);
// Disabled blocks
else {
return strcmp ( $a [ 'info' ], $b [ 'info' ]);
* Menu callback ; displays the block configuration form .
function block_admin_configure ( & $form_state , $module = NULL , $delta = 0 ) {
$form [ 'module' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $module );
$form [ 'delta' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $delta );
$edit = db_fetch_array ( db_query ( " SELECT pages, visibility, custom, title FROM { blocks} WHERE module = '%s' AND delta = '%s' " , $module , $delta ));
$form [ 'block_settings' ] = array (
'#type' => 'fieldset' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Block specific settings' ),
'#collapsible' => TRUE ,
$form [ 'block_settings' ][ 'title' ] = array (
'#type' => 'textfield' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Block title' ),
'#maxlength' => 64 ,
'#description' => $module == 'block' ? t ( 'The title of the block as shown to the user.' ) : t ( 'Override the default title for the block. Use <em><none></em> to display no title, or leave blank to use the default block title.' ),
'#default_value' => $edit [ 'title' ],
'#weight' => - 18 ,
// Module-specific block configurations.
if ( $settings = module_invoke ( $module , 'block' , 'configure' , $delta )) {
foreach ( $settings as $k => $v ) {
$form [ 'block_settings' ][ $k ] = $v ;
// Get the block subject for the page title.
$info = module_invoke ( $module , 'block' , 'list' );
if ( isset ( $info [ $delta ])) {
drupal_set_title ( t ( " '%name' block " , array ( '%name' => $info [ $delta ][ 'info' ])));
// Standard block configurations.
$form [ 'user_vis_settings' ] = array (
'#type' => 'fieldset' ,
'#title' => t ( 'User specific visibility settings' ),
'#collapsible' => TRUE ,
$form [ 'user_vis_settings' ][ 'custom' ] = array (
'#type' => 'radios' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Custom visibility settings' ),
'#options' => array (
t ( 'Users cannot control whether or not they see this block.' ),
t ( 'Show this block by default, but let individual users hide it.' ),
t ( 'Hide this block by default but let individual users show it.' )
'#description' => t ( 'Allow individual users to customize the visibility of this block in their account settings.' ),
'#default_value' => $edit [ 'custom' ],
// Role-based visibility settings
$default_role_options = array ();
$result = db_query ( " SELECT rid FROM { blocks_roles} WHERE module = '%s' AND delta = '%s' " , $module , $delta );
while ( $role = db_fetch_object ( $result )) {
$default_role_options [] = $role -> rid ;
$result = db_query ( 'SELECT rid, name FROM {role} ORDER BY name' );
$role_options = array ();
while ( $role = db_fetch_object ( $result )) {
$role_options [ $role -> rid ] = $role -> name ;
$form [ 'role_vis_settings' ] = array (
'#type' => 'fieldset' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Role specific visibility settings' ),
'#collapsible' => TRUE ,
$form [ 'role_vis_settings' ][ 'roles' ] = array (
'#type' => 'checkboxes' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Show block for specific roles' ),
'#default_value' => $default_role_options ,
'#options' => $role_options ,
'#description' => t ( 'Show this block only for the selected role(s). If you select no roles, the block will be visible to all users.' ),
$form [ 'page_vis_settings' ] = array (
'#type' => 'fieldset' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Page specific visibility settings' ),
'#collapsible' => TRUE ,
$access = user_access ( 'use PHP for block visibility' );
if ( $edit [ 'visibility' ] == 2 && ! $access ) {
$form [ 'page_vis_settings' ] = array ();
$form [ 'page_vis_settings' ][ 'visibility' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => 2 );
$form [ 'page_vis_settings' ][ 'pages' ] = array ( '#type' => 'value' , '#value' => $edit [ 'pages' ]);
else {
$options = array ( t ( 'Show on every page except the listed pages.' ), t ( 'Show on only the listed pages.' ));
$description = t ( " Enter one page per line as Drupal paths. The '*' character is a wildcard. Example paths are %blog for the blog page and %blog-wildcard for every personal blog. %front is the front page. " , array ( '%blog' => 'blog' , '%blog-wildcard' => 'blog/*' , '%front' => '<front>' ));
if ( $access ) {
$options [] = t ( 'Show if the following PHP code returns <code>TRUE</code> (PHP-mode, experts only).' );
$description .= ' ' . t ( 'If the PHP-mode is chosen, enter PHP code between %php. Note that executing incorrect PHP-code can break your Drupal site.' , array ( '%php' => '<?php ?>' ));
$form [ 'page_vis_settings' ][ 'visibility' ] = array (
'#type' => 'radios' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Show block on specific pages' ),
'#options' => $options ,
'#default_value' => $edit [ 'visibility' ],
$form [ 'page_vis_settings' ][ 'pages' ] = array (
'#type' => 'textarea' ,
'#title' => t ( 'Pages' ),
'#default_value' => $edit [ 'pages' ],
'#description' => $description ,
$form [ 'submit' ] = array (
'#type' => 'submit' ,
'#value' => t ( 'Save block' ),
return $form ;
function block_admin_configure_validate ( $form , & $form_state ) {
if ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'module' ] == 'block' ) {
2007-08-12 15:55:36 +00:00
if ( empty ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'info' ]) || db_result ( db_query ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM { boxes} WHERE bid != %d AND info = '%s' " , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'delta' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'info' ]))) {
2007-07-16 06:40:25 +00:00
form_set_error ( 'info' , t ( 'Please ensure that each block description is unique.' ));
function block_admin_configure_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
if ( ! form_get_errors ()) {
db_query ( " UPDATE { blocks} SET visibility = %d, pages = '%s', custom = %d, title = '%s' WHERE module = '%s' AND delta = '%s' " , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'visibility' ], trim ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'pages' ]), $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'custom' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'title' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'module' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'delta' ]);
db_query ( " DELETE FROM { blocks_roles} WHERE module = '%s' AND delta = '%s' " , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'module' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'delta' ]);
foreach ( array_filter ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'roles' ]) as $rid ) {
db_query ( " INSERT INTO { blocks_roles} (rid, module, delta) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s') " , $rid , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'module' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'delta' ]);
module_invoke ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'module' ], 'block' , 'save' , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'delta' ], $form_state [ 'values' ]);
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The block configuration has been saved.' ));
cache_clear_all ();
$form_state [ 'redirect' ] = 'admin/build/block' ;
return ;
* Menu callback : display the custom block addition form .
function block_add_block_form ( & $form_state ) {
return block_admin_configure ( $form_state , 'block' , NULL );
function block_add_block_form_validate ( $form , & $form_state ) {
2007-08-12 15:55:36 +00:00
if ( empty ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'info' ]) || db_result ( db_query ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM { boxes} WHERE info = '%s' " , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'info' ]))) {
2007-07-16 06:40:25 +00:00
form_set_error ( 'info' , t ( 'Please ensure that each block description is unique.' ));
* Save the new custom block .
function block_add_block_form_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
db_query ( " INSERT INTO { boxes} (body, info, format) VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d) " , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'body' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'info' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'format' ]);
$delta = db_last_insert_id ( 'boxes' , 'bid' );
foreach ( list_themes () as $key => $theme ) {
if ( $theme -> status ) {
2007-08-19 08:08:45 +00:00
db_query ( " INSERT INTO { blocks} (visibility, pages, custom, title, module, theme, status, weight, delta, cache) VALUES(%d, '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d) " , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'visibility' ], trim ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'pages' ]), $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'custom' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'title' ], $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'module' ], $theme -> name , 0 , 0 , $delta , BLOCK_NO_CACHE );
2007-07-16 06:40:25 +00:00
foreach ( array_filter ( $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'roles' ]) as $rid ) {
db_query ( " INSERT INTO { blocks_roles} (rid, module, delta) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s') " , $rid , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'module' ], $delta );
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The block has been created.' ));
cache_clear_all ();
$form_state [ 'redirect' ] = 'admin/build/block' ;
return ;
* Menu callback ; confirm deletion of custom blocks .
function block_box_delete ( & $form_state , $bid = 0 ) {
$box = block_box_get ( $bid );
$form [ 'info' ] = array ( '#type' => 'hidden' , '#value' => $box [ 'info' ] ? $box [ 'info' ] : $box [ 'title' ]);
$form [ 'bid' ] = array ( '#type' => 'hidden' , '#value' => $bid );
return confirm_form ( $form , t ( 'Are you sure you want to delete the block %name?' , array ( '%name' => $box [ 'info' ])), 'admin/build/block' , '' , t ( 'Delete' ), t ( 'Cancel' ));
* Deletion of custom blocks .
function block_box_delete_submit ( $form , & $form_state ) {
db_query ( 'DELETE FROM {boxes} WHERE bid = %d' , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'bid' ]);
db_query ( " DELETE FROM { blocks} WHERE module = 'block' AND delta = %d " , $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'bid' ]);
drupal_set_message ( t ( 'The block %name has been removed.' , array ( '%name' => $form_state [ 'values' ][ 'info' ])));
cache_clear_all ();
$form_state [ 'redirect' ] = 'admin/build/block' ;
return ;