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* @file
* Documentation landing page and topics, plus core library hooks.
* @mainpage
* Welcome to the Drupal API Documentation!
* This site is an API reference for Drupal, generated from comments embedded
* in the source code. More in-depth documentation can be found at
* https://drupal.org/developing/api.
* Here are some topics to help you get started developing with Drupal.
* @section essentials Essential background concepts
* - @link architecture Drupal's architecture @endlink
* - @link oo_conventions Object-oriented conventions used in Drupal @endlink
* - @link extending Extending and altering Drupal @endlink
* - @link best_practices Security and best practices @endlink
* @section interface User interface
* - @link menu Routing, page controllers, and menu entries @endlink
* - @link form_api Forms @endlink
* - @link block_api Blocks @endlink
* - @link ajax Ajax @endlink
* @section store_retrieve Storing and retrieving data
* - @link entity_api Entities @endlink
* - @link config_api Configuration API @endlink
* - @link state_api State API @endlink
* - @link field Fields @endlink
* - @link node_overview Node system @endlink
* - @link views_overview Views @endlink
* - @link database Database abstraction layer @endlink
* @section other_essentials Other essential APIs
* - @link i18n Internationalization @endlink
* - @link cache Caching @endlink
* - @link utility Utility classes and functions @endlink
* - @link user_api User accounts, permissions, and roles @endlink
* - @link theme_render Theme system and render API @endlink
* - @link migration Migration @endlink
* @section additional Additional topics
* - @link batch Batch API @endlink
* - @link queue Queue API @endlink
* - @link container Services and the Dependency Injection Container @endlink
* - @link typed_data Typed Data @endlink
* - @link testing Automated tests @endlink
* - @link third_party Integrating third-party applications @endlink
* @section more_info Further information
* - @link https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/groups/8 All topics @endlink
* - @link https://drupal.org/project/examples Examples project (sample modules) @endlink
* - @link https://drupal.org/list-changes API change notices @endlink
* - @link https://drupal.org/developing/api/8 Drupal 8 API longer references @endlink
* @defgroup block_api Block API
* @{
* Information about the classes and interfaces that make up the Block API.
* Blocks are a combination of a configuration entity and a plugin. The
* configuration entity stores placement information (theme, region, weight) and
* any other configuration that is specific to the block. The block plugin does
* the work of rendering the block's content for display.
* To define a block in a module you need to:
* - Define a Block plugin by creating a new class that implements the
* \Drupal\block\BlockPluginInterface. For more information about how block
* plugins are discovered see the @link plugin_api Plugin API topic @endlink.
* - Usually you will want to extend the \Drupal\block\BlockBase class, which
* provides a common configuration form and utility methods for getting and
* setting configuration in the block configuration entity.
* - Block plugins use the annotations defined by
* \Drupal\block\Annotation\Block. See the
* @link annotation Annotations topic @endlink for more information about
* annotations.
* Further information and examples:
* - \Drupal\system\Plugin\Block\SystemPoweredByBlock provides a simple example
* of defining a block.
* - \Drupal\book\Plugin\Block\BookNavigationBlock is an example of a block with
* a custom configuration form.
* - For a more in-depth discussion of the Block API see
* https://drupal.org/developing/api/8/block_api
* - The examples project also provides a Block example in
* https://drupal.org/project/examples.
* @defgroup third_party REST and Application Integration
* @{
* Integrating third-party applications using REST and related operations.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* @}
* @defgroup state_api State API
* @{
* Information about the State API.
* The State API is one of several methods in Drupal for storing information.
* See @link architecture Drupal's architecture topic @endlink for an
* overview of the different types of information.
* The basic entry point into the State API is \Drupal::state(), which returns
* an object of class \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface. This class has
* methods for storing and retrieving state information; each piece of state
* information is associated with a string-valued key. Example:
* @code
* // Get the state class.
* $state = \Drupal::state();
* // Find out when cron was last run; the key is 'system.cron_last'.
* $time = $state->get('system.cron_last');
* // Set the cron run time to the current request time.
* $state->set('system_cron_last', REQUEST_TIME);
* @endcode
* For more on the State API, see https://drupal.org/developing/api/8/state
* @}
* @defgroup config_api Configuration API
* @{
* Information about the Configuration API.
* The Configuration API is one of several methods in Drupal for storing
* information. See @link architecture Drupal's architecture topic @endlink for
* an overview of the different types of information. The sections below have
* more information about the configuration API; see
* https://drupal.org/developing/api/8/configuration for more details.
* @section sec_storage Configuration storage
* In Drupal, there is a concept of the "active" configuration, which is the
* configuration that is currently in use for a site. The storage used for the
* active configuration is configurable: it could be in the database, in files
* in a particular directory, or in other storage backends; the default storage
* is in the database. Module developers must use the configuration API to
* access the active configuration, rather than being concerned about the
* details of where and how it is stored.
* Configuration is divided into individual objects, each of which has a
* unique name or key. Some modules will have only one configuration object,
* typically called 'mymodule.settings'; some modules will have many. Within
* a configuration object, configuration settings have data types (integer,
* string, Boolean, etc.) and settings can also exist in a nested hierarchy,
* known as a "mapping".
* @section sec_yaml Configuration YAML files
* Whether or not configuration files are being used for the active
* configuration storage on a particular site, configuration files are always
* used for:
* - Defining the default configuration for a module, which is imported to the
* active storage when the module is enabled. Note that changes to this
* default configuration after a module is already enabled have no effect;
* to make a configuration change after a module is enabled, you would need
* to uninstall/reinstall or use a hook_update_N() function.
* - Exporting and importing configuration.
* The file storage format for configuration information in Drupal is @link
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML YAML files. @endlink Configuration is
* divided into files, each containing one configuration object. The file name
* for a configuration object is equal to the unique name of the configuration,
* with a '.yml' extension. The default configuration files for each module are
* placed in the config/install directory under the top-level module directory,
* so look there in most Core modules for examples.
* Each configuration file has a specific structure, which is expressed as a
* YAML-based configuration schema. The configuration schema details the
* structure of the configuration, its data types, and which of its values need
* to be translatable. Each module needs to define its configuration schema in
* files in the config/schema directory under the top-level module directory, so
* look there in most Core modules for examples.
* @section sec_simple Simple configuration
* The simple configuration API should be used for information that will always
* have exactly one copy or version. For instance, if your module has a
* setting that is either on or off, then this is only defined once, and it
* would be a Boolean-valued simple configuration setting.
* The first task in using the simple configuration API is to define the
* configuration file structure, file name, and schema of your settings (see
* @ref sec_yaml above). Once you have done that, you can retrieve the
* active configuration object that corresponds to configuration file
* mymodule.foo.yml with a call to:
* @code
* $config = \Drupal::config('mymodule.foo');
* @endcode
* This will be an object of class \Drupal\Core\Config\Config, which has methods
* for getting and setting configuration information. For instance, if your
* YAML file structure looks like this:
* @code
* enabled: '0'
* bar:
* baz: 'string1'
* boo: 34
* @endcode
* you can make calls such as:
* @code
* // Get a single value.
* $enabled = $config->get('enabled');
* // Get an associative array.
* $bar = $config->get('bar');
* // Get one element of the array.
* $bar_baz = $config->get('bar.baz');
* // Update a value. Nesting works the same as get().
* $config->set('bar.baz', 'string2');
* // Nothing actually happens with set() until you call save().
* $config->save();
* @endcode
* @section sec_entity Configuration entities
* In contrast to the simple configuration settings described in the previous
* section, if your module allows users to create zero or more items (where
* "items" are things like content type definitions, view definitions, and the
* like), then you need to define a configuration entity type to store your
* configuration. Creating an entity type, loading entites, and querying them
* are outlined in the @link entity_api Entity API topic. @endlink Here are a
* few additional steps and notes specific to configuration entities:
* - For examples, look for classes that implement
* \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface -- one good example is
* the \Drupal\user\Entity\Role entity type.
* - In the entity type annotation, you will need to define a 'config_prefix'
* string. When Drupal stores a configuration item, it will be given a name
* composed of your module name, your chosen config prefix, and the ID of
* the individual item, separated by '.'. For example, in the Role entity,
* the config prefix is 'role', so one configuration item might be named
* user.role.anonymous, with configuration file user.role.anonymous.yml.
* - You will need to define the schema for your configuration in your
* modulename.schema.yml file, with an entry for 'modulename.config_prefix.*'.
* For example, for the Role entity, the file user.schema.yml has an entry
* user.role.*; see @ref sec_yaml above for more information.
* - Your module may also provide a few configuration items to be installed by
* default, by adding configuration files to the module's config/install
* directory; see @ref sec_yaml above for more information.
* - Some configuration entities have dependencies on other configuration
* entities, and module developers need to consider this so that configuration
* can be imported, uninstalled, and synchronized in the right order. For
* example, a field display configuration entity would need to depend on
* field instance configuration, which depends on field and bundle
* configuration. Configuration entity classes expose dependencies by
* overriding the
* \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface::calculateDependencies()
* method.
* @}
* @defgroup entity_api Entity API
* @{
* Describes how to define and manipulate content and configuration entities.
* Entities, in Drupal, are objects that are used for persistent storage of
* content and configuration information. See the
* @link architecture Drupal's architecture topic @endlink for an overview of
* the different types of information, and the
* @link config_api Configuration API topic @endlink for more about the
* configuration API.
* Each entity is an instance of a particular "entity type". Some content entity
* types have sub-types, which are known as "bundles", while for other entity
* types, there is only a single bundle. For example, the Node content entity
* type, which is used for the main content pages in Drupal, has bundles that
* are known as "content types", while the User content type, which is used for
* user accounts, has only one bundle.
* The sections below have more information about entities and the Entity API;
* for more detailed information, see https://drupal.org/developing/api/entity
* @section define Defining an entity type
* Entity types are defined by modules, using Drupal's Plugin API (see the
* @link plugins Plugin API topic @endlink for more information about plugins
* in general). Here are the steps to follow to define a new entity type:
* - Choose a unique machine name, or ID, for your entity type. This normally
* starts with (or is the same as) your module's machine name. It should be
* as short as possible, and may not exceed 32 characters.
* - Define an interface for your entity's get/set methods, extending either
* \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface or
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface.
* - Define a class for your entity, implementing your interface and extending
* either \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase or
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase, with annotation for
* \@ConfigEntityType or \@ContentEntityType in its documentation block.
* - The 'id' annotation gives the entity type ID, and the 'label' annotation
* gives the human-readable name of the entity type. If you are defining a
* content entity type that uses bundles, the 'bundle_label' annotation gives
* the human-readable name to use for a bundle of this entity type (for
* example, "Content type" for the Node entity).
* - The annotation will refer to several controller classes, which you will
* also need to define:
* - list_builder: Define a class that extends
* \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityListBuilder (for configuration
* entities) or \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityListBuilder (for content
* entities), to provide an administrative overview for your entities.
* - add and edit forms, or default form: Define a class (or two) that
* extend(s) \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityForm to provide add and edit forms
* for your entities.
* - delete form: Define a class that extends
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityConfirmFormBase to provide a delete
* confirmation form for your entities.
* - view_buider: For content entities, define a class that extends
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder, to display a single entity.
* - translation: For translatable content entities (if the 'translatable'
* annotation has value TRUE), define a class that extends
* \Drupal\content_translation\ContentTranslationHandler, to translate
* the content. Configuration translation is handled automatically by the
* Configuration Translation module, without the need of a controller class.
* - access: If your configuration entity has complex permissions, you might
* need an access controller, implementing
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityAccessControllerInterface, but most entities
* can just use the 'admin_permission' annotation instead.
* - For content entities, the annotation will refer to a number of database
* tables and their fields. These annotation properties, such as 'base_table',
* 'data_table', 'entity_keys', etc., are documented on
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType. Your module will also need to set up its
* database tables using hook_schema().
* - For content entities that are displayed on their own pages, the annotation
* will refer to a 'uri_callback' function, which takes an object of the
* entity interface you have defined as its parameter, and returns routing
* information for the entity page; see node_uri() for an example. You will
* also need to add a corresponding route to your module's routing.yml file;
* see the node.view route in node.routing.yml for an example, and see the
* @link menu Menu and routing @endlink topic for more information about
* routing.
* - Define routing and links for the various URLs associated with the entity.
* These go into the 'links' annotation, with the link type as the key, and
* the route machine name (defined in your module's routing.yml file) as the
* value. Typical link types are:
* - canonical: Default link, either to view (if entities are viewed on their
* own pages) or edit the entity.
* - delete-form: Confirmation form to delete the entity.
* - edit-form: Editing form.
* - admin-form: Form for editing bundle or entity type settings.
* - Other link types specific to your entity type can also be defined.
* - If your content entity has bundles, you will also need to define a second
* plugin to handle the bundles. This plugin is itself a configuration entity
* type, so follow the steps here to define it. The machine name ('id'
* annotation) of this configuration entity class goes into the
* 'bundle_entity_type' annotation on the entity type class. For example, for
* the Node entity, the bundle class is \Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType, whose
* machine name is 'node_type'. This is the annotation value for
* 'bundle_entity_type' on the \Drupal\node\Entity\Node class.
* - Additional annotations can be seen on entity class examples such as
* \Drupal\node\Entity\Node (content) and \Drupal\user\Entity\Role
* (configuration). These annotations are documented on
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityType.
* @section load_query Loading and querying entities
* To load entities, use the entity storage manager, which is a class
* implementing \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface that you can
* retrieve with:
* @code
* $storage = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('your_entity_type');
* @endcode
* Here, 'your_entity_type' is the machine name of your entity type ('id'
* annotation on the entity class).
* To query to find entities to load, use an entity query, which is a class
* implementing \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface that you can retrieve
* with:
* @code
* $storage = \Drupal::entityQuery('your_entity_type');
* @endcode
* @}
* @defgroup node_overview Nodes Overview
* @{
* Overview of how to interact with the Node system
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic. This topic should
* describe node access, the node classes/interfaces, and the node hooks that a
* developer would need to know about, at a high level, and link to more
* detailed information.
* @see node_access
* @see node_api_hooks
* @}
* @defgroup views_overview Views overview
* @{
* Overview of the Views module API
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic. Should link to all
* or most of the existing Views topics, and maybe this should be moved into
* a different file? This topic should be an overview so that developers know
* which of the many Views classes and topics are important if they want to
* accomplish tasks that they may have.
* @}
* @defgroup i18n Internationalization
* @{
* Internationalization and translation
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/2133321 and https://drupal.org/node/303984
* @}
* @defgroup cache Cache API
* @{
* Information about the Drupal Cache API
* @section basics Basics
* Note: If not specified, all of the methods mentioned here belong to
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.
* The Cache API is used to store data that takes a long time to
* compute. Caching can be permanent, temporary, or valid for a certain
* timespan, and the cache can contain any type of data.
* To use the Cache API:
* - Request a cache object through \Drupal::cache() or by injecting a cache
* service.
* - Define a Cache ID (cid) value for your data. A cid is a string, which must
* contain enough information to uniquely identify the data. For example, if
* your data contains translated strings, then your cid value must include the
* current interface language.
* - Call the get() method to attempt a cache read, to see if the cache already
* contains your data.
* - If your data is not already in the cache, compute it and add it to the
* cache using the set() method. The third argument of set() can be used to
* control the lifetime of your cache item.
* Example:
* @code
* $cid = 'mymodule_example:' . \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->id();
* $data = NULL;
* if ($cache = \Drupal::cache()->get($cid)) {
* $data = $cache->data;
* }
* else {
* $data = my_module_complicated_calculation();
* \Drupal::cache()->set($cid, $data);
* }
* @endcode
* Note the use of $data and $cache->data in the above example. Calls to
* \Drupal::cache()->get() return a record that contains the information stored
* by \Drupal::cache()->set() in the data property as well as additional meta
* information about the cached data. In order to make use of the cached data
* you can access it via $cache->data.
* @section bins Cache bins
* Cache storage is separated into "bins", each containing various cache items.
* Each bin can be configured separately; see @ref configuration.
* When you request a cache object, you can specify the bin name in your call to
* \Drupal::cache(). Alternatively, you can request a bin by getting service
* "cache.nameofbin" from the container. The default bin is called "default", with
* service name "cache.default", it is used to store common and frequently used
* caches.
* Other common cache bins are the following:
* - bootstrap: Small caches needed for the bootstrap on every request.
* - render: Contains cached HTML strings like cached pages and blocks, can
* grow to large size.
* - data: Contains data that can vary by path or similar context.
* - discovery: Contains cached discovery data for things such as plugins,
* views_data, or YAML discovered data such as library info.
* A module can define a cache bin by defining a service in its
* modulename.services.yml file as follows (substituting the desired name for
* "nameofbin"):
* @code
* cache.nameofbin:
* class: Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
* tags:
* - { name: cache.bin }
* factory_method: get
* factory_service: cache_factory
* arguments: [nameofbin]
* @endcode
* @section delete Deletion
* There are two ways to remove an item from the cache:
* - Deletion (using delete(), deleteMultiple() or deleteAll()) permanently
* removes the item from the cache.
* - Invalidation (using invalidate(), invalidateMultiple() or invalidateAll())
* is a "soft" delete that only marks items as "invalid", meaning "not fresh"
* or "not fresh enough". Invalid items are not usually returned from the
* cache, so in most ways they behave as if they have been deleted. However,
* it is possible to retrieve invalid items, if they have not yet been
* permanently removed by the garbage collector, by passing TRUE as the second
* argument for get($cid, $allow_invalid).
* Use deletion if a cache item is no longer useful; for instance, if the item
* contains references to data that has been deleted. Use invalidation if the
* cached item may still be useful to some callers until it has been updated
* with fresh data. The fact that it was fresh a short while ago may often be
* sufficient.
* Invalidation is particularly useful to protect against stampedes. Rather than
* having multiple concurrent requests updating the same cache item when it
* expires or is deleted, there can be one request updating the cache, while the
* other requests can proceed using the stale value. As soon as the cache item
* has been updated, all future requests will use the updated value.
* @section tags Cache Tags
* The fourth argument of the set() method can be used to specify cache tags,
* which are used to identify what type of data is included in each cache item.
* Each cache item can have multiple cache tags, and each cache tag has a string
* key and a value. The value can be:
* - TRUE, to indicate that this type of data is present in the cache item.
* - An array of values. For example, the "node" tag indicates that particular
* node's data is present in the cache item, so its value is an array of node
* IDs.
* Data that has been tagged can be deleted or invalidated as a group: no matter
* the Cache ID (cid) of the cache item, no matter in which cache bin a cache
* item lives; as long as it is tagged with a certain cache tag, it will be
* deleted or invalidated.
* Because of that, cache tags are a solution to the cache invalidation problem:
* - For caching to be effective, each cache item must only be invalidated when
* absolutely necessary. (i.e. maximizing the cache hit ratio.)
* - For caching to be correct, each cache item that depends on a certain thing
* must be invalidated whenever that certain thing is modified.
* A typical scenario: a user has modified a node that appears in two views,
* three blocks and on twelve pages. Without cache tags, we couldn't possibly
* know which cache items to invalidate, so we'd have to invalidate everything:
* we had to sacrifice effectiveness to achieve correctness. With cache tags, we
* can have both.
* Example:
* @code
* // A cache item with nodes, users, and some custom module data.
* $tags = array(
* 'my_custom_tag' => TRUE,
* 'node' => array(1, 3),
* 'user' => array(7),
* );
* \Drupal::cache()->set($cid, $data, CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, $tags);
* // Delete or invalidate all cache items with certain tags.
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::deleteTags(array('node' => array(1));
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::invalidateTags(array('user' => array(1)));
* @endcode
* Drupal is a content management system, so naturally you want changes to your
* content to be reflected everywhere, immediately. That's why we made sure that
* every entity type in Drupal 8 automatically has support for cache tags: when
* you save an entity, you can be sure that the cache items that have the
* corresponding cache tags will be invalidated.
* This also is the case when you define your own entity types: you'll get the
* exact same cache tag invalidation as any of the built-in entity types, with
* the ability to override any of the default behavior if needed.
* See \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface::getCacheTag(),
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface::getListCacheTags(),
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity::invalidateTagsOnSave() and
* \Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity::invalidateTagsOnDelete().
* @todo Update cache tag deletion in https://drupal.org/node/918538
* @section configuration Configuration
* By default cached data is stored in the database. This can be configured
* though so that all cached data, or that of an individual cache bin, uses a
* different cache backend, such as APC or Memcache, for storage.
* In a settings.php file, you can override the service used for a particular
* cache bin. For example, if your service implementation of
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface was called cache.custom, the
* following line would make Drupal use it for the 'cache_render' bin:
* @code
* $settings['cache']['bins']['render'] = 'cache.custom';
* @endcode
* Additionally, you can register your cache implementation to be used by
* default for all cache bins with:
* @code
* $settings['cache']['default'] = 'cache.custom';
* @endcode
* @see https://drupal.org/node/1884796
* @}
* @defgroup user_api User Accounts System
* @{
* API for user accounts, access checking, roles, and permissions.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* @}
* @defgroup theme_render Theme system and Render API
* @{
* Overview of the Theme system and Render API.
* The main purpose of Drupal's Theme system is to give themes complete control
* over the appearance of the site, which includes the markup returned from HTTP
* requests and the CSS files used to style that markup. In order to ensure that
* a theme can completely customize the markup, module developers should avoid
* directly writing HTML markup for pages, blocks, and other user-visible output
* in their modules, and instead return structured "render arrays" (described
* below). Doing this also increases usability, by ensuring that the markup used
* for similar functionality on different areas of the site is the same, which
* gives users fewer user interface patterns to learn.
* The core structure of the Render API is the render array, which is a
* hierarchical associative array containing data to be rendered and properties
* describing how the data should be rendered. A render array that is returned
* by a function to specify markup to be sent to the web browser or other
* services will eventually be rendered by a call to drupal_render(), which will
* recurse through the render array hierarchy if appropriate, making calls into
* the theme system to do the actual rendering. If a function or method actually
* needs to return rendered output rather than a render array, the best practice
* would be to create a render array, render it by calling drupal_render(), and
* return that result, rather than writing the markup directly. See the
* documentation of drupal_render() for more details of the rendering process.
* Each level in the hierarchy of a render array (including the outermost array)
* has one or more array elements. Array elements whose names start with '#' are
* known as "properties", and the array elements with other names are "children"
* (constituting the next level of the hierarchy); the names of children are
* flexible, while property names are specific to the Render API and the
* particular type of data being rendered. A special case of render arrays is a
* form array, which specifies the form elements for an HTML form; see the
* @link form_api Form generation topic @endlink for more information on forms.
* Render arrays (at each level in the hierarchy) will usually have one of the
* following three properties defined:
* - #type: Specifies that the array contains data and options for a particular
* type of "render element" (examples: 'form', for an HTML form; 'textfield',
* 'submit', and other HTML form element types; 'table', for a table with
* rows, columns, and headers). Modules define render elements by implementing
* hook_element_info(), which specifies the properties that are used in render
* arrays to provide the data and options, and default values for these
* properties. Look through implementations of hook_element_info() to discover
* what render elements are available.
* - #theme: Specifies that the array contains data to be themed by a particular
* theme hook. Modules define theme hooks by implementing hook_theme(), which
* specifies the input "variables" used to provide data and options; if a
* hook_theme() implementation specifies variable 'foo', then in a render
* array, you would provide this data using property '#foo'. Modules
* implementing hook_theme() also need to provide a default implementation for
* each of their theme hooks, normally in a Twig file. For more information
* and to discover available theme hooks, see the documentation of
* hook_theme() and the
* @link themeable Default theme implementations topic. @endlink
* - #markup: Specifies that the array provides HTML markup directly. Unless the
* markup is very simple, such as an explanation in a paragraph tag, it is
* normally preferable to use #theme or #type instead, so that the theme can
* customize the markup.
* For further information on the Theme and Render APIs, see:
* - https://drupal.org/documentation/theme
* - https://drupal.org/developing/modules/8
* - https://drupal.org/node/722174
* - https://drupal.org/node/933976
* - https://drupal.org/node/930760
* @todo Check these links. Some are for Drupal 7, and might need updates for
* Drupal 8.
* @}
* @defgroup container Services and Dependency Injection Container
* @{
* Overview of the Dependency Injection Container and Services.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/2133171
* @}
* @defgroup typed_data Typed Data API
* @{
* API for defining what type of data is used in fields, configuration, etc.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/1794140
* @}
* @defgroup migration Migration API
* @{
* Overview of the Migration API, which migrates data into Drupal.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/2127611
* @}
* @defgroup testing Automated tests
* @{
* Overview of PHPUnit tests and Simpletest tests.
* The Drupal project has embraced a philosophy of using automated tests,
* consisting of both unit tests (which test the functionality of classes at a
* low level) and functional tests (which test the functionality of Drupal
* systems at a higher level, usually involving web output). The goal is to
* have test coverage for all or most of the components and features, and to
* run the automated tests before any code is changed or added, to make sure
* it doesn't break any existing functionality (regression testing).
* In order to implement this philosophy, developers need to do the following:
* - When making a patch to fix a bug, make sure that the bug fix patch includes
* a test that fails without the code change and passes with the code change.
* This helps reviewers understand what the bug is, demonstrates that the code
* actually fixes the bug, and ensures the bug will not reappear due to later
* code changes.
* - When making a patch to implement a new feature, include new unit and/or
* functional tests in the patch. This serves to both demonstrate that the
* code actually works, and ensure that later changes do not break the new
* functionality.
* @section write_unit Writing PHPUnit tests for classes
* PHPUnit tests for classes are written using the industry-standard PHPUnit
* framework. Use a PHPUnit test to test functionality of a class if the Drupal
* environment (database, settings, etc.) and web browser are not needed for the
* test, or if the Drupal environment can be replaced by a "mock" object. To
* write a PHPUnit test:
* - Define a class that extends \Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase.
* - The class name needs to end in the word Test.
* - The namespace must be a subspace/subdirectory of \Drupal\yourmodule\Tests,
* where yourmodule is your module's machine name.
* - The test class file must be named and placed under the yourmodule/tests/src
* directory, according to the PSR-4 standard.
* - Your test class needs a getInfo() method, which gives information about
* the test.
* - Methods in your test class whose names start with 'test' are the actual
* test cases. Each one should test a logical subset of the functionality.
* For more details, see:
* - https://drupal.org/phpunit for full documentation on how to write PHPUnit
* tests for Drupal.
* - http://phpunit.de for general information on the PHPUnit framework.
* - @link oo_conventions Object-oriented programming topic @endlink for more
* on PSR-4, namespaces, and where to place classes.
* @section write_functional Writing functional tests
* Functional tests are written using a Drupal-specific framework that is, for
* historical reasons, known as "Simpletest". Use a Simpletest test to test the
* functionality of sub-system of Drupal, if the functionality depends on the
* Drupal database and settings, or to test the web output of Drupal. To
* write a Simpletest test:
* - For functional tests of the web output of Drupal, define a class that
* extends \Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase, which contains an internal web
* browser and defines many helpful test assertion methods that you can use
* in your tests. You can specify modules to be enabled by defining a
* $modules member variable -- keep in mind that by default, WebTestBase uses
* a "testing" install profile, with a minimal set of modules enabled.
* - For functional tests that do not test web output, define a class that
* extends \Drupal\simpletest\KernelTestBase. This class is much faster
* than WebTestBase, because instead of making a full install of Drupal, it
* uses an in-memory pseudo-installation (similar to what the installer and
* update scripts use). To use this test class, you will need to create the
* database tables you need and install needed modules manually.
* - The namespace must be a subspace/subdirectory of \Drupal\yourmodule\Tests,
* where yourmodule is your module's machine name.
* - The test class file must be named and placed under the yourmodule/src/Tests
* directory, according to the PSR-4 standard.
* - Your test class needs a getInfo() method, which gives information about
* the test.
* - You may also override the default setUp() method, which can set be used to
* set up content types and similar procedures.
* - In some cases, you may need to write a test module to support your test;
* put such modules under the yourmodule/tests/modules directory.
* - Methods in your test class whose names start with 'test', and which have
* no arguments, are the actual test cases. Each one should test a logical
* subset of the functionality, and each one runs in a new, isolated test
* environment, so it can only rely on the setUp() method, not what has
* been set up by other test methods.
* For more details, see:
* - https://drupal.org/simpletest for full documentation on how to write
* functional tests for Drupal.
* - @link oo_conventions Object-oriented programming topic @endlink for more
* on PSR-4, namespaces, and where to place classes.
* @section running Running tests
* You can run both Simpletest and PHPUnit tests by enabling the core Testing
* module (core/modules/simpletest). Once that module is enabled, tests can be
* run usin the core/scripts/run-tests.sh script, using
* @link https://drupal.org/project/drush Drush @endlink, or from the Testing
* module user interface.
* PHPUnit tests can also be run from the command line, using the PHPUnit
* framework. See https://drupal.org/node/2116263 for more information.
* @}
* @defgroup architecture Architecture overview
* @{
* Overview of Drupal's architecture for developers.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* Should include: modules, info.yml files, location of files, etc.
* @section Types of information in Drupal
* Drupal has several distinct types of information, each with its own methods
* for storage and retrieval:
* - Content: Information meant to be displayed on your site: articles, basic
* pages, images, files, custom blocks, etc. Content is stored and accessed
* using @link entity_api Entities @endlink.
* - Session: Information about individual users' interactions with the site,
* such as whether they are logged in. This is really "state" information, but
* it is not stored the same way so it's a separate type here. Session
* information is managed ...
* - State: Information of a temporary nature, generally machine-generated and
* not human-edited, about the current state of your site. Examples: the time
* when Cron was last run, whether node access permissions need rebuilding,
* etc. See @link state_api the State API topic @endlink for more information.
* - Configuration: Information about your site that is generally (or at least
* can be) human-edited, but is not Content, and is meant to be relatively
* permanent. Examples: the name of your site, the content types and views
* you have defined, etc. See
* @link config_api the Configuration API topic @endlink for more information.
* @todo Add something relevant to the list item about sessions.
* @todo Add some information about Settings, the key-value store in general,
* and maybe the cache to this list (not sure if cache belongs here?).
* @}
* @defgroup extending Extending and altering Drupal
* @{
* Overview of add-ons and alteration methods for Drupal.
* Drupal's core behavior can be extended and altered via these three basic
* types of add-ons:
* - Themes: Themes alter the appearance of Drupal sites. They can include
* template files, which alter the HTML markup and other raw output of the
* site; CSS files, which alter the styling applied to the HTML; and
* JavaScript, Flash, images, and other files. For more information, see the
* @link theme_render Theme system and render API topic @endlink and
* https://drupal.org/theme-guide/8
* - Modules: Modules add to or alter the behavior and functionality of Drupal,
* by using one or more of the methods listed below. For more information
* about creating modules, see https://drupal.org/developing/modules/8
* - Installation profiles: Installation profiles can be used to
* create distributions, which are complete specific-purpose packages of
* Drupal including additional modules, themes, and data. For more
* information, see https://drupal.org/documentation/build/distributions.
* Here is a list of the ways that modules can alter or extend Drupal's core
* behavior, or the behavior of other modules:
* - Hooks: Specially-named functions that a module defines, which are
* discovered and called at specific times, usually to alter behavior or data.
* See the @link hooks Hooks topic @endlink for more information.
* - Plugins: Classes that a module defines, which are discovered and
* instantiated at specific times to add functionality. See the
* @link plugins Plugin API topic @endlink for more information.
* - Entities: Special plugins that define entity types for storing new types
* of content or configuration in Drupal. See the
* @link entity_api Entity API topic @endlink for more information.
* - Services: Classes that perform basic operations within Drupal, such as
* accessing the database and sending email. See the
* @link container Dependency Injection Container and Services topic @endlink
* for more information.
* - Routing: Providing or altering "routes", which are URLs that Drupal
* responds to, or altering routing behavior with event listener classes.
* See the @link menu Routing and menu topic @endlink for more information.
* @}
* @defgroup plugins Plugin API
* @{
* Overview of the Plugin API
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/developing/api/8/plugins and links therein for
* references. This should be an overview and link to details.
* @see annotation
* @}
* @defgroup oo_conventions Objected-oriented programming conventions
* @{
* PSR-4, namespaces, class naming, and other conventions.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/608152 and links therein for references. This
* should be an overview and link to details. It needs to cover: PSR-*,
* namespaces, link to reference on OO, class naming conventions (base classes,
* etc.), and other things developers should know related to object-oriented
* coding.
* @}
* @defgroup best_practices Best practices for developers
* @{
* Overview of standards and best practices for developers
* Ideally, all code that is included in Drupal Core and contributed modules,
* themes, and distributions will be secure, internationalized, maintainable,
* and efficient. In order to facilitate this, the Drupal community has
* developed a set of guidelines and standards for developers to follow. Most of
* these standards can be found under
* @link https://drupal.org/developing/best-practices Best practices on Drupal.org @endlink
* Standards and best practices that developers should be aware of include:
* - Security: https://drupal.org/writing-secure-code and the
* @link sanitization Sanitization functions topic @endlink
* - Coding standards: https://drupal.org/coding-standards
* and https://drupal.org/coding-standards/docs
* - Accessibility: https://drupal.org/node/1637990 (modules) and
* https://drupal.org/node/464472 (themes)
* - Usability: https://drupal.org/ui-standards
* - Internationalization: @link i18n Internationalization topic @endlink
* - Automated testing: @link testing Automated tests topic @endlink
* @}
* @defgroup utility Utility classes and functions
* @{
* Overview of utility classes and functions for developers.
* Drupal provides developers with a variety of utility functions that make it
* easier and more efficient to perform tasks that are either really common,
* tedious, or difficult. Utility functions help to reduce code duplication and
* should be used in place of one-off code whenever possible.
* @see common.inc
* @see file
* @see format
* @see mail.inc
* @see php_wrappers
* @see sanitization
* @see transliteration
* @see validation
* @}