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* @file
* Documentation landing page and topics, plus core library hooks.
* @mainpage
* Welcome to the Drupal API Documentation!
* This site is an API reference for Drupal, generated from comments embedded
* in the source code. More in-depth documentation can be found at
* https://drupal.org/developing/api.
* Here are some topics to help you get started developing with Drupal.
* @section essentials Essential background concepts
* - @link architecture Drupal's architecture @endlink
* - @link oo_conventions Object-oriented conventions used in Drupal @endlink
* - @link extending Extending Drupal @endlink
* - @link best_practices Security and best practices @endlink
* @section interface User interface
* - @link menu Routing, page controllers, and menu entries @endlink
* - @link form_api Forms @endlink
* - @link block_api Blocks @endlink
* - @link ajax Ajax @endlink
* @section store_retrieve Storing and retrieving data
* - @link config_state Configuration and State systems @endlink
* - @link entity_api Entities @endlink
* - @link field Fields @endlink
* - @link node_overview Node system @endlink
* - @link views_overview Views @endlink
* - @link database Database abstraction layer @endlink
* @section utility Other essential APIs
* - @link i18n Internationalization @endlink
* - @link cache Caching @endlink
* - @link user_api User accounts, permissions, and roles @endlink
* - @link theme_render Theme system and render API @endlink
* - @link migration Migration @endlink
* @section additional Additional topics
* - @link container Services and the Dependency Injection Container @endlink
* - @link typed_data Typed Data @endlink
* - @link testing Automated tests @endlink
* - @link third_party Integrating third-party applications @endlink
* @section more_info Further information
* - @link https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/groups/8 All topics @endlink
* - @link https://drupal.org/project/examples Examples project (sample modules) @endlink
* - @link https://drupal.org/list-changes API change notices @endlink
* - @link https://drupal.org/developing/api/8 Drupal 8 API longer references @endlink
* @defgroup block_api Block API
* @{
* Information about the classes and interfaces that make up the Block API.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and classes and
* interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/2168137
* @}
* @defgroup third_party REST and Application Integration
* @{
* Integrating third-party applications using REST and related operations.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* @}
* @defgroup config_state Configuration and State Systems
* @{
* Information about the Configuration system and the State system.
* @todo write this
* This topic needs to describe simple configuration, configuration entities,
* and the state system, at least at an overview level, and link to more
* information (either drupal.org or more detailed topics in the API docs).
* See https://drupal.org/node/1667894
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* @}
* @defgroup entity_api Entity API
* @{
* Describes how to define and manipulate content and configuration entities.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic. Should describe
* bundles, entity types, configuration vs. content entities, etc. at an
* overview level. And link to more detailed documentation.
* See https://drupal.org/developing/api/entity
* @}
* @defgroup node_overview Nodes Overview
* @{
* Overview of how to interact with the Node system
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic. This topic should
* describe node access, the node classes/interfaces, and the node hooks that a
* developer would need to know about, at a high level, and link to more
* detailed information.
* @see node_access
* @see node_api_hooks
* @}
* @defgroup views_overview Views overview
* @{
* Overview of the Views module API
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic. Should link to all
* or most of the existing Views topics, and maybe this should be moved into
* a different file? This topic should be an overview so that developers know
* which of the many Views classes and topics are important if they want to
* accomplish tasks that they may have.
* @}
* @defgroup i18n Internationalization
* @{
* Internationalization and translation
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/2133321 and https://drupal.org/node/303984
* @}
* @defgroup cache Cache API
* @{
* Information about the Drupal Cache API
* @section basics Basics
* Note: If not specified, all of the methods mentioned here belong to
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface.
* The Cache API is used to store data that takes a long time to
* compute. Caching can be permanent, temporary, or valid for a certain
* timespan, and the cache can contain any type of data.
* To use the Cache API:
* - Request a cache object through \Drupal::cache() or by injecting a cache
* service.
* - Define a Cache ID (cid) value for your data. A cid is a string, which must
* contain enough information to uniquely identify the data. For example, if
* your data contains translated strings, then your cid value must include the
* current interface language.
* - Call the get() method to attempt a cache read, to see if the cache already
* contains your data.
* - If your data is not already in the cache, compute it and add it to the
* cache using the set() method. The third argument of set() can be used to
* control the lifetime of your cache item.
* Example:
* @code
* $cid = 'mymodule_example:' . \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->id();
* $data = NULL;
* if ($cache = \Drupal::cache()->get($cid)) {
* $data = $cache->data;
* }
* else {
* $data = my_module_complicated_calculation();
* \Drupal::cache()->set($cid, $data);
* }
* @endcode
* Note the use of $data and $cache->data in the above example. Calls to
* \Drupal::cache()->get() return a record that contains the information stored
* by \Drupal::cache()->set() in the data property as well as additional meta
* information about the cached data. In order to make use of the cached data
* you can access it via $cache->data.
* @section bins Cache bins
* Cache storage is separated into "bins", each containing various cache items.
* Each bin can be configured separately; see @ref configuration.
* When you request a cache object, you can specify the bin name in your call to
* \Drupal::cache(). Alternatively, you can request a bin by getting service
* "cache.nameofbin" from the container. The default bin is called "cache", with
* service name "cache.cache", it is used to store common and frequently used
* caches like plugin information.
* Other common cache bins are the following:
* - bootstrap: Small caches needed for the bootstrap on every request.
* - render: Contains cached HTML strings like cached pages and blocks, can
* grow to large size.
* - data: Contains data that can vary by path or similar context.
* A module can define a cache bin by defining a service in its
* modulename.services.yml file as follows (substituting the desired name for
* "nameofbin"):
* @code
* cache.nameofbin:
* class: Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
* tags:
* - { name: cache.bin }
* factory_method: get
* factory_service: cache_factory
* arguments: [nameofbin]
* @endcode
* @section delete Deletion
* There are two ways to remove an item from the cache:
* - Deletion (using delete(), deleteMultiple() or deleteAll()) permanently
* removes the item from the cache.
* - Invalidation (using invalidate(), invalidateMultiple() or invalidateAll())
* is a "soft" delete that only marks items as "invalid", meaning "not fresh"
* or "not fresh enough". Invalid items are not usually returned from the
* cache, so in most ways they behave as if they have been deleted. However,
* it is possible to retrieve invalid items, if they have not yet been
* permanently removed by the garbage collector, by passing TRUE as the second
* argument for get($cid, $allow_invalid).
* Use deletion if a cache item is no longer useful; for instance, if the item
* contains references to data that has been deleted. Use invalidation if the
* cached item may still be useful to some callers until it has been updated
* with fresh data. The fact that it was fresh a short while ago may often be
* sufficient.
* Invalidation is particularly useful to protect against stampedes. Rather than
* having multiple concurrent requests updating the same cache item when it
* expires or is deleted, there can be one request updating the cache, while the
* other requests can proceed using the stale value. As soon as the cache item
* has been updated, all future requests will use the updated value.
* @section tags Cache Tags
* The fourth argument of the set() method can be used to specify cache tags,
* which are used to identify what type of data is included in each cache. Each
* cache can have multiple tags, and each tag has a string key and a value. The
* value can be:
* - TRUE, to indicate that this type of data is present in the cache.
* - An array of values. For example, the "node" tag indicates that particular
* nodes' data is present in the cache, so its value is an array of node IDs.
* Data that has been tagged can be deleted or invalidated as a group.
* Example:
* @code
* // A cache item with nodes, users, and some custom module data.
* $tags = array(
* 'my_custom_tag' => TRUE,
* 'node' => array(1, 3),
* 'user' => array(7),
* );
* \Drupal::cache()->set($cid, $data, CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, $tags);
* // Delete or invalidate all caches with certain tags.
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::deleteTags(array('node' => array(1));
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::invalidateTags(array('user' => array(1)));
* @endcode
* @todo Update cache tag deletion in https://drupal.org/node/918538
* @todo Extend entity cache tags based on https://drupal.org/node/2217749
* @section configuration Configuration
* By default cached data is stored in the database. This can be configured
* though so that all cached data, or that of an individual cache bin, uses a
* different cache backend, such as APC or Memcache, for storage.
* In a settings.php file, you can override the class used for a particular
* cache bin. For example, if your implementation of
* \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface was called MyCustomCache, the
* following line would make Drupal use it for the 'cache_render' bin:
* @code
* $settings['cache_classes']['cache_render'] = 'Drupal\full\namespace\to\MyCustomCache';
* @endcode
* Additionally, you can register your cache implementation to be used by
* default for all cache bins with:
* @code
* $settings['cache_classes']['cache'] = 'Drupal\full\namespace\to\MyCustomCache';
* @endcode
* @see https://drupal.org/node/1884796
* @}
* @defgroup user_api User Accounts System
* @{
* API for user accounts, access checking, roles, and permissions.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* @}
* @defgroup theme_render Theme system and Render API
* @{
* Overview of the theme system and render API
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* @}
* @defgroup container Services and Dependency Injection Container
* @{
* Overview of the Dependency Injection Container and Services.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/2133171
* @}
* @defgroup typed_data Typed Data API
* @{
* API for defining what type of data is used in fields, configuration, etc.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/1794140
* @}
* @defgroup migration Migration API
* @{
* Overview of the Migration API, which migrates data into Drupal.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/2127611
* @}
* @defgroup testing Automated tests
* @{
* Overview of PHPUnit tests and Simpletest tests.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/simpletest and https://drupal.org/phpunit
* @}
* @defgroup architecture Architecture overview
* @{
* Overview of Drupal's architecture for developers.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* Should include: modules, info.yml files, location of files, etc.
* @}
* @defgroup extending Extending Drupal
* @{
* Overview of hooks, plugins, annotations, event listeners, and services.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic. This should be
* high-level and link to more detailed topics.
* @}
* @defgroup oo_conventions Objected-oriented programming conventions
* @{
* PSR-4, namespaces, class naming, and other conventions.
* @todo write this
* Additional documentation paragraphs need to be written, and functions,
* classes, and interfaces need to be added to this topic.
* See https://drupal.org/node/608152 and links therein for references. This
* should be an overview and link to details. It needs to cover: PSR-*,
* namespaces, link to reference on OO, class naming conventions (base classes,
* etc.), and other things developers should know related to object-oriented
* coding.
* @}
* @defgroup best_practices Best practices for developers
* @{
* Overview of standards and best practices for developers
* Ideally, all code that is included in Drupal Core and contributed modules,
* themes, and distributions will be secure, internationalized, maintainable,
* and efficient. In order to facilitate this, the Drupal community has
* developed a set of guidelines and standards for developers to follow. Most of
* these standards can be found under
* @link https://drupal.org/developing/best-practices Best practices on Drupal.org @endlink
* Standards and best practices that developers should be aware of include:
* - Security: https://drupal.org/writing-secure-code and the
* @link sanitization Sanitization functions topic @endlink
* - Coding standards: https://drupal.org/coding-standards
* and https://drupal.org/coding-standards/docs
* - Accessibility: https://drupal.org/node/1637990 (modules) and
* https://drupal.org/node/464472 (themes)
* - Usability: https://drupal.org/ui-standards
* - Internationalization: @link i18n Internationalization topic @endlink
* - Automated testing: @link testing Automated tests topic @endlink
* @}