This is a **community maintained** chart. It installs the [argo-events]( application. This application comes packaged with:
Some users would prefer to install the CRDs _outside_ of the chart. You can disable the CRD installation of this chart by using `--set crds.install=false` when installing the chart.
| controller.env | list | `[]` | Environment variables to pass to events controller |
| controller.envFrom | list | `[]` (See [values.yaml]) | envFrom to pass to events controller |
| controller.extraContainers | list | `[]` | Additional containers to be added to the events controller pods |
| controller.image.imagePullPolicy | string | `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy) | Image pull policy for the events controller |
| controller.image.repository | string | `""` (defaults to global.image.repository) | Repository to use for the events controller |
| controller.image.tag | string | `""` (defaults to global.image.tag) | Tag to use for the events controller |
| controller.initContainers | list | `[]` | Init containers to add to the events controller pods |
| controller.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | `3` | Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded |
| controller.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | `10` | Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated |
| controller.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `10` | How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe] |
| controller.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | `1` | Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed |
| controller.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | `1` | Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out |
| controller.rbac.namespaced | bool | `false` | Restrict events controller to operate only in a single namespace instead of cluster-wide scope. |
| controller.rbac.rules | list | `[]` | Additional user rules for event controller's rbac |
| controller.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | `3` | Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded |
| controller.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | `10` | Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated |
| controller.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `10` | How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe] |
| controller.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | `1` | Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed |
| controller.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | `1` | Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out |
| controller.replicas | int | `1` | The number of events controller pods to run. |
| controller.resources | object | `{}` | Resource limits and requests for the events controller pods |
| controller.serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations applied to created service account |
| controller.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | `true` | Automount API credentials for the Service Account |
| controller.serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | Create a service account for the events controller |
| | string | `""` | Service account name |
| controller.tolerations | list | `[]` | [Tolerations] for use with node taints |
| controller.topologySpreadConstraints | list | `[]` | Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the events controller |
| controller.volumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volumeMounts to the events controller main container |
| controller.volumes | list | `[]` | Additional volumes to the events controller pod |
| webhook.pdb.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to admission webhook pdb |
| webhook.pdb.enabled | bool | `false` | Deploy a PodDisruptionBudget for the admission webhook |
| webhook.pdb.labels | object | `{}` | Labels to be added to admission webhook pdb |
| webhook.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to be added to event controller pods |
| webhook.podLabels | object | `{}` | Labels to be added to event controller pods |
| webhook.priorityClassName | string | `""` | Priority class for the event controller pods |
| webhook.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | `3` | Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded |
| webhook.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | `10` | Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated |
| webhook.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `10` | How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe] |
| webhook.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | `1` | Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed |
| webhook.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | `1` | Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out |
| webhook.replicas | int | `1` | The number of webhook pods to run. |
| webhook.resources | object | `{}` | Resource limits and requests for the event controller pods |
| webhook.serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations applied to created service account |
| webhook.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | `true` | Automount API credentials for the Service Account |
| webhook.serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | Create a service account for the admission webhook |
| | string | `""` | Service account name |
| webhook.tolerations | list | `[]` | [Tolerations] for use with node taints |
| webhook.topologySpreadConstraints | list | `[]` | Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the event controller |
| webhook.volumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volumeMounts to the event controller main container |
| webhook.volumes | list | `[]` | Additional volumes to the event controller pod |