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How to contribute

This directory structure contains some repositories that are copied from external sources.

Please follow these instructions to send contributions to master repositories.

Directory structure

This directory consists of following modules


Master repository is located in the https://github.com/ARMmbed/coap-service

Please send contributions against that repository.

To test changes, remove the coap-service repository and replace with Git clone of the master repository.

rm -rf coap-service
git clone git@github.com:ARMmbed/coap-service.git


This is the master source of mbed-mesh-api. Send contributions directly to this repository.


This is the master source of nanostack-interface. Send contributions directly to this repository.


This directory holds binary libraries generated from the Nanostack networking library.

Only mbed Partners have access to the source code.

If you have access, the source directory is available in https://github.com/ARMmbed/sal-stack-nanostack-private

You can replace the binary libraries with the source tree as follows:

  • Remove the sal-stack-nanostack directory: rm -rf sal-stack-nanostack
  • Remove the binaries located one directory up: rm -rf ../nanostack-binaries
  • Clone the original source repository to root folder of your application: git@github.com:ARMmbed/sal-stack-nanostack-private.git

Now you can modify, build and test your changes with the mbed OS build.

NOTE: You do not need to clone the Nanostack to exactly same location in the build tree. This may even cause build problems.

Instructions for generating the binary modules

Check Releasing.md from the Nanostack source repository.