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FileSystemStore in Mbed OS

Revision history

Revision Date Authors Mbed OS version Comments
1.0 20 September 2018 David Saada (@davidsaada) 5.11+ Initial revision


Overview and background

FileSystemStore is a lightweight implementation of the KVStore interface over file systems.

Requirements and assumptions

FileSystemStore assumes the underlying file system qualities for resilience and file validation. This means that if the underlying file system has no protection against power failures, then neither would FileSystemStore have.

When initializing this class, it is assumed that the underlying FileSystem is initialized and mounted.

System architecture and high-level design

Design basics

FileSystemStore implements the get/set interface using files, where a single file represents each key. A key is represented by the file name, and its value is stored as file data. Therefore, FileSystemStore imitates the get/set actions using simple file operations. Set is achieved using open-write-close, get using open-read-close and so on.

All files are concentrated under a single directory, whose name is hard coded. So actions such as "reset" are mapped to the deletion of all files under this directory, and iteration actions use file system APIs to traverse the directory.

Data layout

When storing the data, it is stored with a preceding 16-byte metadata header. Metadata includes flags and other parameters for basic validity checks.

FileSystemStore Record

Fields are:

  • Magic: A constant value, for quick validity checking.
  • Metadata size: Size of metadata header.
  • Revision: FileSystemStore revision (currently 1).
  • User flags: Flags received from user. Currently only write once is dealt with (others are ignored).

Detailed design

FileSystemStore fully implements the KVStore interface over a file system. As such, it uses the FileSystem class interface for file operations.

FileSystemStore Class Hierarchy

Functionality, as defined by KVStore, includes the following:

  • Initialization and reset.
  • Core actions: get, set and remove.
  • Incremental set actions.
  • Iterator actions.

Class header

FileSystemStore has the following header:

class FileSystemStore : KVStore {

    FileSystemStore(FileSystem *fs);
    virtual ~FileSystemStore();
    // Initialization and reset
    virtual int init();
    virtual int deinit();
    virtual int reset();

    // Core API
    virtual int set(const char *key, const void *buffer, size_t size, uint32_t create_flags);
    virtual int get(const char *key, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *actual_size = NULL, size_t offset = 0);
    virtual int get_info(const char *key, info_t *info);
    virtual int remove(const char *key);
    // Incremental set API
    virtual int set_start(set_handle_t *handle, const char *key, size_t final_data_size, uint32_t create_flags);
    virtual int set_add_data(set_handle_t handle, const void *value_data, size_t data_size);
    virtual int set_finalize(set_handle_t handle);
    // Key iterator
    virtual int iterator_open(iterator_t *it, const char *prefix = NULL);
    virtual int iterator_next(iterator_t it, char *key, size_t key_size);
    virtual int iterator_close(iterator_t it);
    Mutex _mutex;
    FileSystem *_fs;
    bool _is_initialized;

Important data structures

// Key metadata
typedef struct {
    uint32_t magic;
    uint16_t metadata_size;
    uint16_t revision;
    uint32_t flags;
} key_metadata_t;

// incremental set handle
typedef struct {
    char *key;
    uint32_t create_flags;
} inc_set_handle_t;

// iterator handle
typedef struct {
    void *dir_handle;
    char *prefix;
} key_iterator_handle_t;

Initialization and reset

init function


virtual int init();

Pseudo code:

  • If _is_initialized, return OK.
  • Create and take _mutex.
  • Create the FileSystemStore directory if it doesn't exist.
  • Set _is_initialized to true.
  • Release _mutex.

deinit function


virtual int deinit();

Pseudo code:

  • If not _is_initialized, return OK.
  • Take _mutex.
  • Set _is_initialized to false.
  • Release _mutex.

reset function


virtual int reset();

Pseudo code:

  • Take _mutex.
  • Delete all files under the FileSystemStore directory.
  • Set _num_keys to 0.
  • Release _mutex.

Core APIs

set function


virtual int set(const char *key, const void *buffer, size_t size, uint32_t create_flags);

Pseudo code:

  • If not _is_initialized, return "not initialized" error.
  • Call set_start with all fields and a local set_handle_t variable.
  • Call set_add_data with buffer and size.
  • Call set_finalize.
  • Return OK.

get function


virtual int get(const char *key, void *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *actual_size = NULL, size_t offset = 0);

Pseudo code:

  • If not _is_initialized, return "not initialized" error.
  • Take _mutex.
  • Using the stat API, extract file size.
  • Open file key for reading to achieve a file handle.
  • If failed, release _mutex and return "not found" error.
  • Read from file into a key_metadata_t structure.
  • Using size API, achieve file size.
  • Seek to offset + metadata size.
  • Set actual_size as the minimum of buffer size and remainder of data.
  • Read data from file to buffer, size is actual_size.
  • Close file.
  • Release _mutex.
  • Return OK.

get_info function


virtual int get_info(const char *key, info_t *info);

Pseudo code:

  • If not _is_initialized, return "not initialized" error.
  • Find file key under the FileSystemStore directory. If not existing, return "not found" error.
  • Take _mutex.
  • Open file key for reading to achieve a file handle.
  • If failed, release _mutex, and return "not found" error.
  • Using size API, achieve file size.
  • Read from file into a key_metadata_t structure.
  • Fill info structure with all relevant fields.
  • Close file.
  • Return OK.

remove function


virtual int remove(const char *key);

Pseudo code:

  • If not _is_initialized, return "not initialized" error.
  • Take _mutex.
  • Open file key for reading, and read data into a key_metadata_t structure.
  • If not existing, return "not found error".
  • If flag "write once" is preset, return "write once" error.
  • Delete file key.
  • Release _mutex.
  • Return OK.

Incremental set APIs

set_start function


virtual int set_start(set_handle_t *handle, const char *key, size_t final_data_size, uint32_t create_flags);

Pseudo code:

  • Find file key under the FileSystemStore directory. If not existing, increase _num_keys by 1.
  • Take _mutex.
  • Open file for reading, and read data into a key_metadata_t structure.
  • If existing and flag "write once" is preset, return "write once" error.
  • Close file.
  • Allocate an inc_set_handle_t structure into handle.
  • Duplicate key in handle.
  • Update create_flags in handle.
  • Fill key_metadata_t structure with all relevant values (create_flags from handle).
  • Open file key for writing to achieve a file handle.
  • Write metadata structure to the file.
  • Close file.

set_add_data function


virtual int set_add_data(set_handle_t handle, const void *value_data, size_t data_size);

Pseudo code:

  • Open file key for appending to achieve a file handle.
  • Write value_data to the file.
  • Close file.

set_finalize function


virtual int set_finalize(set_handle_t handle);

Pseudo code:

  • Free key in handle and then handle.
  • Release _mutex.

Key iterator APIs

iterator_open function


virtual int iterator_open(iterator_t *it, const char *prefix = NULL);

Pseudo code:

  • Take _mutex.
  • Allocate a key_iterator_handle_t structure into it.
  • Duplicate prefix into same field in iterator.
  • Using directory open API, open FileSystemStore directory, and store dir handle in the handle's dir_handle field.
  • Release _mutex.

iterator_next function


virtual int iterator_next(iterator_t it, char *key, size_t key_size);

Pseudo code:

  • Take _mutex.
  • Using direcory read API on handle's dir_handle field, read next file in directory.
  • While not reached end of directory.
    • If name matches prefix:
      • Copy file name to key, and return OK.
    • Using direcory read API on handle's dir_handle field, read next file in directory.
  • Return "not found" error.
  • Release _mutex.

iterator_close function


virtual int iterator_close(iterator_t it);

Pseudo code:

  • Using directory close API on dir_handle close handle.
  • Release prefix field in iterator and structure allocated at it.

Usage scenarios and examples

Standard usage of the class

The following example code shows standard use of the FileSystemStore class :

Standard usage example

// External file system of LittleFS type. Should be initialized.
extern LittleFileSystem fs;

// Instantiate fsstore with our file system
FileSystemStore fsstore(&fs);

int res;

// Initialize fsstore
res = fsstore.init();

// Add "Key1"
const char *val1 = "Value of key 1";
const char *val2 = "Updated value of key 1";
res = fsstore.set("Key1", val1, sizeof(val1), 0);
// Update value of "Key1"
res = fsstore.set("Key1", val2, sizeof(val2), 0);

uint_8 value[32];
size_t actual_size;
// Get value of "Key1". Value should return the updated value.
res = fsstore.get("Key1", value, sizeof(value), &actual_size);

// Remove "Key1"
res = fsstore.remove("Key1");

// Incremental write, if need to generate large data with a small buffer
const int data_size = 1024;
char buf[8];

KVSTore::set_handle_t handle;
res = fsstore.set_start(&handle, "Key2", data_size, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < data_size / sizeof(buf); i++) {
	memset(buf, i, sizeof(buf));
	res = fsstore.set_add_data(handle, buf, sizeof(buf));
res = fsstore.set_finalize(handle);

// Iterate over all keys starting with "Key"
res = 0;
KVSTore::iterator_t it;
fsstore.iterator_open(&it, "Key*");
char key[KVSTore::KV_MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
while (!res) {
    res = fsstore.iterator_next(&it, key, sizeof(key));
res = fsstore.iterator_close(&it);

// Deinitialize FileSystemStore
res = fsstore.deinit();

Other information

Open issues

  • Need to figure a way to prevent mutex abuse in incremental set APIs.