In Mbed Studio, debugging, based on pyOCD, requires Mbed OS application code starting on the sector boundary.
Modification list:
1. Update TF-M import assets with MCUboot header padding to sector aligned
2. Following above, change header size argument (-H) in command line
3. Following below, fix min-write-size (--align) to 4 (per flash_area_align()) in command line
Related issue:
1. Based on alpha version BSP (85564a2716548e7b6d6a79a490c6d94a24cf9bcf)
2. Continuing above, tweak BSP:
(1) Add EPWM_ConfigOutputChannel2() to enable below 1Hz and below 1% duty cycle for PWM output (m460_epwm.h/c).
(2) Add dummy RTC_WaitAccessEnable() for consistency with previous ports (m460_rtc.h).
3. Target NuMaker-M467HJ V0.1 board temporarily
4. Support Arduino UNO form factor for NUMAKER_IOT_M467 target
5. Enable export to Keil/IAR project
- tools/arm_pack_manager/index.json
- tools/export/iar/iar_definitions.json
Due to post-build script not supporting custom board, both the below UART configurations are enabled on NuMaker-IoT-M2354 board:
- UART0 PA7/PA6 enabled by bl2.bin
- UART0 PB9/PB8 enabled by tfm_s.bin and later by mbed
Both PA7/PA6 and PB9/PB8 enabled on UART0, PB8 gets disturbed and stdin mis-behaves on NuMaker-IoT-M2354 board.
NuMaker-M2354 : UART TX/RX = UART0 PA7/PA6
NuMaker-IoT_M2354 : UART TX/RX = UART0 PB9/PB8
This bugfix tries to enable post-build for custom board to some degree (not completely), with Mbed CLI.
NOTE: For Mbed CLI, the build process still sees NuMaker-M2354's partition/ and applies its mcuboot build options. Custom board must align on these.
- STM32G050K8Tx for all STM32G050x8 targets
- STM32G051K8Tx for all STM32G051x8 targets
- STM32G061K8Tx for all STM32G061x8 targets
- STM32G0B0RETx for all STM32G0B0xE targets
- STM32G0B1RETx for all STM32G0B1xE targets
The most common extension for static libraries is .a and CMake generates
it with both GCC and Arm toolchains. Mbed CLI 1 generates .ar files with
the Arm Compiler, but since Mbed CLI 2 uses to generate map
files too, both extensions should be permitted.
This fixes a warning when building greentea tests:
Malformed input found when parsing ARMCC map: _deps/greentea-client-build/libclient_userio.a(greentea_test_env.o)
Malformed input found when parsing ARMCC map: _deps/greentea-client-build/libclient_userio.a(greentea_test_env.o)
Malformed input found when parsing ARMCC map: _deps/greentea-client-build/libclient_userio.a(greentea_test_env.o)
which repeats over 30 times per test.
1. In TF-M, fix NSPE interrupt-disabled NSC call broken. Check:
2. In TF-M, enable mcuboot log enabled forcibly. This is to help check firmware update process.
3. Update readme and script
Change MCUboot image versioning to meet requirements below:
1. Major.Minor.Revision must be non-decremental when used to derive security counter (-s 'auto').
2. Make Major.Minor.Revision+Build incremental to identify the firmware itself through psa_fwu_query().
3. Get around MCUboot failure with TF-M underestimated MAX_BOOT_RECORD_SZ
We put macros in a response file compile_time_defs.txt and pass it
to the compiler. Adding a pair of single quotes around each -D flag
ensures macro values are quoted correctly.
For example,
* String
* target_compile_definitions(): either FOO="BAR" or FOO=\"BAR\"
* response file: '-DFOO="BAR"'
* actual definition: #define FOO "BAR"
* Array of integers
* target_compile_definitions(): FOO={1, 2, 3}
* response file: '-DFOO={1, 2, 3}'
* actual definition: #define FOO {1, 2, 3}
Add a new argument `TEST_SKIPPED` to `mbed_greentea_add_test()` to
indicate a test is skipped and give a reason (e.g. the Mbed target
and/or configuration does not provide what the test requires).
The skip reason of a test is printed when running tests with `ctest`,
and the test is marked as "Skipped" in the test report.