The unified NRF51 target and feature BLE directories have been
reorganized to follow the naming and directory structure of the
NRF52 implementation.
This reorganization does not include TARGET_MCU_NRF51822 and
derived targets.
The procedure should be terminated whenever the server returns an error not equal
to ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND. The block was effectivelly terminated but the
procedure was not. As a result the discovery was operating on already
freed memory.
* Add NRF_SD_BLE_API_VERSION=5 macro to MCU_NRF52832 target
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5XPalGattClient.cpp
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5xGap.h
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5xGattServer.cpp
* Make sure the ah() hash function used by the security manager is declared with C linkage
* Removed 'ARM porting pending' checks in Nordic SDK
* Added BLE configuration to mbed_lib.json for NRF52x targets
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in btle.cpp; adopted polling dispatch model
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in nRF5xn.cpp
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in nRF5xGap.cpp
* Added const qualifier to hwCallbacks's p_ble_evt parameter in nRF5xGattServer
* Add workaround to enable Radio Notification module from Nordic SDK
* Disabled SWI1 interrupt manually from SWI driver module
* Added missing include directive for "nrf_nvic.h" in ble_radio_notification.c
* Set correct number of custom UUIDs
* Adjust Softdevice RAM requirements for NRF52832/S132
* RAM settings for the application were adjusted as follow:
* Start: 0x20003800
* Size: 0xC800
* Adjust Softdevice RAM requirements for NRF52840/S140
* RAM settings for the application were adjusted as follow:
* Start: 0x20003700 (was 0x20003000)
* Size: 0xC900
* Added 3dBm as a permitted TX Power value for NRF52832
* Fix address type recovery in GAP
* Return min non-connectable adv interval compatible with infrastrcture's expectations