Affected boards: NRF51_DK, NRF52_DK, Beetle. This change is temporary and
will be overwritten by RTX update. It's necessary for the boards to pass
updated tests.
s140 headers renamed form ble_* to nrf_ble_*,
Removed s130 and s132 headers named form ble_*
(Them had been added by #2ff572682798562e812015dc775b5896e0fda5a4)
Headers inclusinons were changed in order to meet above changes.
Revrted bad change in us_ticker.c:
use __disable_irq lock instead of core_util_critical_section_enter lock
for setting rtc1 tick for systick emulation as was good before.
HAL driver: Add changes from needad for nrf52840 support
us_ticker, spi, sleep, serial, pwmout, pinmap, object, i2c, gpio, analogin
Add compatibility patches for:
- SoftDevice headers renamed (redirec by a few h files)
- sdk configuration (redirect by sdk_config.h files)
- renaming of func in softdevice handler module
This removes the duplicate header files from the build. We were getting
lucky on most invocations of `mbed compile` in that these headers were
searched for after some others, but not when exporting to uvision.
- move ovf handler at the begining of rtc handler for mitigate the case (mitigate issue for exexution from rtc handler)
- add repeating of operation of set a timestamp in cas that rtc overflow occured during the operation.
- bad number of pin from nRF52840 ,
- bad type of mask of gpio for nRF52940
- typo (object.h)
- revert abort func. to spi_master driver
- update twi_master driver to the newest (e8527f65e90eee6a4dd48ca55d3fc051a556320a master SDK nRF5)
- Remove ble_advertising.h/c - it was unused, redundant code
- includes for SD header ble.h were changed to headers\ble.h in order to distingusch form feature-ble BLE.h
- btle_init() introduced PM for disable <B>privacy</B> for API 3 and further.
- temporary removed or mocked real implemantation of whitelist-ing support functionalities:
btle_security.createWhitelistFromBondTable , gap::startAdvertising, gat::startRadioScan, gap::stopAdvertising
Gap::generateStackWhitelist, Gap::getStackWhiteIdentityList-(mock)
- Characteristic Descriptor Discoverer - aligned to the apply SD API
- long uuid service's read spupport
- add BLE features support to sdk configurations file
- publicate sdk's id_manager.ah() function.
- cutted out f. app_error_handler for mbed-os
- removed PACKED definition form app_util_platform (redefined by mbed-os)
- Gap::setAddress - allign to new SD API using peer manager
- extend Gap::getPermittedTxPowerValues for nRF52840
- corected scater & startup file for IAR EW
- fix warnings caused by port_api.c, ble_radio_notification.c, nrf_drv_spi.c (for IAR it was error), serial_api.c
+ mbed RTx setings for nRF52840
fix build of test for NRF52840
+ few sdk's missing filess
- few sdk's unvanted files
corect mbed HAL implementation to changes made in sdk v13