We will provide documentation how to create your own VirtualWatchdog. It's simple,
create timeout and watchdog objects.
This class brought lot of discussion and questions. After our refactor we made this class
just a linked list of objects - something tickers can do as well (they already have linked list) and handling hw should be
done via Watchdog due to the limitations (timeout can be set only once per app!).
Watchdog can handle callbacks - VirtualManager can attach to the tick. This should simplify the logic.
Watchdog can tick on its own using tickers.
VirtualWatchdog uses attach to get a callback when Watchdog ticks - to process own
linked list of virtual watchdogs.
Watchdog should be usable on it's own - kicking it via ticker. No Virtual involved.
VirtualWatchdog as well - services should use this one to have multiple one in the system.
There's WatchdogManager - basically internal class to manage ticker for Watchdog.
Refactor old Watchdog (it was not a driver) to become VirtualWatchdog.
This is software virtual watchdog. This it the primary used watchdog in user application.
VirtualWatchdog: has-a watchdog. Initializes hw watchdog - start it when first used, stops it when there is no more VirtualWatchdog in the system -
list is empty.
Adding also check to watchdog to make sure there is only one in the system - runtime error if multiple objects created to already
running hw watchdog.
Watchdog is hardware driver. It interacts with HAL - provides wrapper to interact with the peripheral.
Provides basic functionality: start/stop, get timeout/max timeout.
It is automatically kicked by a timer, according to the timeout set in ctor.
- Changed the process into static method
- used the singletonptr for creating the low power ticker instance
- Added the mbed stub into cmake build for cellularnonipsocket,loramacrypto
-Added the mock class function to mock mbed_assert_internal
-Added the unit test case to test start,kick,stop
-Modified the interface api name from is_alive to process
-added the unit test cases for process
-SW watchdog has interface name start(),stop(),kick() Sw watchdog internally has static list and shared across multiple instance of SW watchdog
- Sw watchdog initialize timeout value,unique string via constructor whenever threads created sw watchdog object
-Threads make sure pass proper timeout value,Unique string while creating the instance.
-start() called by components(BLE,WIFI etc.,),it adds the entry into static list with few details current count ,etc.,
-kick() called by registered components(BLE,WIFI etc.) to reset current count to zero.
-is_alive - interface API to mbed_watchdog_manager
-implementation optimization
-Added API to register muliple threads to watchdog drivers
-Watchdog timeout reconfigures everytime whenever new register thread with longer timeout period
-New APIs for watchdog
wd_register(const osThreadId_t tid, const uint32_t timeout) to register to watchdog
wd_unregister(const osThreadId_t tid) to unregister to watchdog
kick(const osThreadId_t tid) to refresh the watchdog