The integration is simply to define the macro MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME_DATE
in the features/mbedtls/platform/inc/platform_mbed.h. The default
implementation of the mbedtls_time() function provided by mbed TLS is
sufficient to work with mbed OS because both use POSIX functions.
Serial buffer must be flushed before entering deep sleep mode. In the test this is done by the additional delay which is implemented on the busy loop which decrements given value down to 0 (`void wait_cycles(volatile unsigned int cycles)`). This solution is not appropriate since it is very target specific and the cycles value has been already increased few times. Additionally very big number of loop cycles which is suitable for fast targets may take much longer on slower boards and results in test timeout.
It has been verified that 20ms is sufficient delay for the green-tea transmission. In this test we cannot simply use `wait_ms(20)` since this potentially may put board to sleep and wake up using lp ticker. The test re-initialzies the lp ticker(disables ticker interrupt) and this operation may break the schedule and time tracing by the upper layer. But we can use us ticker which is not affected by this test. The solution is to add a delay routine based on busy loop and us ticker only. This way are able to wait exactly 20 ms.
It was pointed out in #7432 and #7232 that the stack was comparing frame payload size
with the allowed payload size in a wrong manner in shcedule_tx().
We must strip the overhead from the frame before comparison.
We did have a similar check in prepare_ongoing_tx() API which would correctly analyse
the situation but a check was needed in schedule_tx() as well. The reason is that the
schedule_tx() API can be called automatically by the stack if the user intiated requested
was not promptly entertained because of duty cycle restriction. Now, the datarate can change
here (for CONFIRMED messages if the ack was not received after retries max out). That's why
a test for validity was needed.
We now perform a comparison using _ongoing_tx_message structure which contains the actual
FRMPayload size.
For proprietary type of messages only MHDR and Port field is used so we shouldn't add MAC commands
and other overhead into them.
In order to have consistent frame overhead, we have opted to always include Port field in the