s140 headers renamed form ble_* to nrf_ble_*,
Removed s130 and s132 headers named form ble_*
(Them had been added by #2ff572682798562e812015dc775b5896e0fda5a4)
Headers inclusinons were changed in order to meet above changes.
Revrted bad change in us_ticker.c:
use __disable_irq lock instead of core_util_critical_section_enter lock
for setting rtc1 tick for systick emulation as was good before.
Copy of changes from
PM will be used for SoftDevices s13x, otherwise DM will be used.
Fix - security key distribution settings - Signing is not supported.
declare usage of encryption LTK and IRK if boonding enabled
deleted unused local reference to nRF5xGap class in bleGattcEventHandler.
fix PM internal bug (For gcc with -0s optimization an application fail to save a boonding data)
fuse redeclaration of PACKED macro in nRF5 SDK sources