Add a note to each CAS making explicit that the functions are strong.
Minor wording change to expectedCurrentValue - use of "still updated"
about the failure case suggested that it might be written to on success.
For some uses it's critically important that expectedCurrentValue only
be written on failure, so change wording to "instead updated".
The LDREX/STREX implementations of the compare-and-swap functions were
weak (they could spuriously fail when the value was expected), whereas
the critial section implementation was strong, and the documentation has
no suggestion that there might be spurious failures.
Rationalise by adding a retry loop for STREX failure, so that it only
returns false when the value is not expected.
Combination of mbed 2 builds (~40 minutes), littlefs testing (~15
minutes), and miscellaneous testing pushed the current CI over
Travis's limit of 1 hour per job.
However, by using Travis's matrix includes, we can spin up different
jobs for the various logical components being tested.
Not all devices have enough heap to fit a simulated heap block device,
however using a simulated heap block device is preferred if available
(reduced flash wear, faster testing).
Added MBED_TEST_SIM_BLOCKDEVICE for tests that only need a simulated
block device (wear_leveling + resilience), and added support for targets
that are known to have enough heap.
GattServer::write on Nordic's targets use sd_ble_gatts_hvx to send an
handle value Notification or Indication; This function can fail if the
connection handle is invalid or if Updates are not enabled for this
This patch workaround those limitations.
Call to osThreadTerminate is guarded by local_id check, to avoid parameter error fault when deleting or terminating Thread object that was not started.
Timer code was written based on integer multiple HF clock frequencies. EFR32 doesn't conform to that (38.4), and so the timestamp ticks were off by 1%. Enough to trip up some CI tests on TB_SENSE_12 (#5496)
Need to avoid a TX packet error from messing up the TX FIFO. Since this API will return busy if a packet is in transmission anyways, this is acceptable.