This definition requires IAR 7.80.2 and higher.
It will be readded once we all update to the latest IAR 7.80 patch release. For
future, please any new target should state what are the requirements on tools to
avoid this suprises.
The symbol Systick_Handler was defined as a weak symbol in us_ticker.c and
startup_nRF51822.s. While it work as expected when an application is compiled
from mbed OS source code it creates a duplicate symbol issue when mbed OS is
bundled as a library.
PPP is running close to the edge of its default thread stack size of 512 bytes. When it experiences an FCS error on the incoming data (for example. caused by character loss when the incoming serial rate is too high for it to process in time) it performs some additional work which overruns the thread's stack, hitting the OS "stack underflow" check. Increasing the PPP stack size to 768 bytes resolves this problem.
Do not ticker read in ISR, use reminder to schedule the next interrupt, this should make ticker much faster.
read - disable Timer0 while reading it, if ISR is pending just reread the time again via read() function
These 2 improvements should decrease time spent when reading/scheduling ticker
In case we've run through the entire GPIOs loop, withouth finding a
matching interrupt, we're in the case of a spurious interrupt, let's
raise an error to track it down.
When disabling GPIO irq, also the falling / rising edge settings need
to be reset (EXTI_RTSR and EXTI_FTSR registers).
If not reset, the same EXTI line can be later enabled again with a wrong
Rising / Falling configuration. This was especially seen and reported in
ci-test tests-api-interruptin on NUCLEO_F446RE target where DIO2=PA_10 and
DIO6=PB_10 were successively tested: as they are sharing the same EXTI_LINE
(EXTI_10), this resulted in calling the irq_handler with wrong
IRQ_FALL/IRQ_RAISE parameter and donothing being called in loop.
This is only an issue when multiple fatfss are used simultaneously.
Repeated use of a single fatfs instance (even with different storages)
do not show this issue.
Full support requires path prefixes being applied for every function
that takes a path. Note: this is only required filesystems after the
first mounted filesystem. The first filesystem has no penalty.
This commit completely rewrote flash_api.c in a few places so kicked out changes from Master and accepted the branch changes.
F429 + F439 : changes after code review
GetSector has been rewritten
Fixes a bug where quoting gets stripped by the shell used in the makefile
and another bug where the lack of escaping would cause parser errors in