The nrf section features has different implementations for each compilers supported by mbed-os. The header guard was ruling out compiler other than GCC by checking if __GNUC__ is defined. This check is not applicable on mbed os as the ARM compiler compile sources with gnu compatibility.
This patch makes sure that the right implementation is selected for the right compiler . The previous patch has been reverted as it is not reliable.
New directory structure:
* TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_S132_FULL (MBR + SoftDevice, default)
* TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_S132_OTA (SoftDevice only, for firmware updates)
* TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_S132_MBR (MBR only, for bootloader builds)
* TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_S140_FULL (MBR + SoftDevice, default)
* TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_S140_OTA (SoftDevice only, for firmware updates)
* TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_S140_MBR (MBR only, for bootloader builds)
The X_OTA and X_MBR binaries are obtained from the original x_FULL SoftDevice
by splitting it in an MBR part and a SoftDevice part. The MBR is needed for
the bootloader and the SoftDevice for firmware updates.
Build application without SoftDevice:
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"target.extra_labels_remove": ["SOFTDEVICE_COMMON", "SOFTDEVICE_X_FULL"],
"target.extra_labels_add": ["SOFTDEVICE_NONE"]
Build application for firmware update using SoftDevice X:
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"target.extra_labels_remove": ["SOFTDEVICE_X_FULL"],
"target.extra_labels_add": ["SOFTDEVICE_X_OTA"]
Build bootloader without SoftDevice X:
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"target.extra_labels_remove": ["SOFTDEVICE_COMMON", "SOFTDEVICE_X_FULL"],
"target.extra_labels_add": ["SOFTDEVICE_X_MBR"]
The vector table relocation sequence depends on:
1. Whether the SoftDevice is present.
2. The Application is a bootloader or not.
If the SoftDevice is present and the application is a bootloader
the MBR must be initialized to trap SoftDevice service calls
before setting the new vector table address.
The SCB->VTOR must be set to point at the MBR as well.
If the SoftDevice is not present the SCB->VTOR can point at the
new vector table directly.
* Consolidated device_has and macros to the main MCU targets.
* Moved errata configuration to mbed_lib.json for HAL implementation.
* Moved clock configuration to mbed_lib.json for HAL implementation.
* Moved UART configuration to mbed_lib.json for HAL implementation.
* Add NRF_SD_BLE_API_VERSION=5 macro to MCU_NRF52832 target
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5XPalGattClient.cpp
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5xGap.h
* Added initial Softdevice v5 API support for nRF5xGattServer.cpp
* Make sure the ah() hash function used by the security manager is declared with C linkage
* Removed 'ARM porting pending' checks in Nordic SDK
* Added BLE configuration to mbed_lib.json for NRF52x targets
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in btle.cpp; adopted polling dispatch model
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in nRF5xn.cpp
* Migrated APIs and events model for Nordic SDK14.2 & SD API v5 in nRF5xGap.cpp
* Added const qualifier to hwCallbacks's p_ble_evt parameter in nRF5xGattServer
* Add workaround to enable Radio Notification module from Nordic SDK
* Disabled SWI1 interrupt manually from SWI driver module
* Added missing include directive for "nrf_nvic.h" in ble_radio_notification.c
* Set correct number of custom UUIDs
* Adjust Softdevice RAM requirements for NRF52832/S132
* RAM settings for the application were adjusted as follow:
* Start: 0x20003800
* Size: 0xC800
* Adjust Softdevice RAM requirements for NRF52840/S140
* RAM settings for the application were adjusted as follow:
* Start: 0x20003700 (was 0x20003000)
* Size: 0xC900
* Added 3dBm as a permitted TX Power value for NRF52832
* Fix address type recovery in GAP
* Return min non-connectable adv interval compatible with infrastrcture's expectations
Add fstorage and fds from Nordic SDK for SoftDevice compatible
flash storage. Mbed HAL flash API mapped to use fstorage API
to ensure write and erase doesn't conflict with BLE operation.
Ability to swap SoftDevices using the mbed configuration system.
For example, build NRF52840_DK without SoftDevice:
"target_overrides": {
"*": {
"target.MERGE_SOFT_DEVICE": false,
"target.extra_labels_remove": ["SOFTDEVICE_COMMON", "SOFTDEVICE_S140"],
"target.extra_labels_add": ["SOFTDEVICE_NONE"]
Pinned down vector table to beginningn of RAM.
Initial commit for separating NRF52 code from the NRF51 and for
combining the NRF52832 and NRF52840 SDK to version 14. has been used as baseline.
The folders in SDK/components:
* ble
* boards
* device
* drivers_nrf
* libraries
* softdevice
have been copied to TARGET_NORDIC/TARGET_NRF52/TARGET_SDK14.
Each folder contains a file describing any modifications
made to that particular folder. Most common operation is deletion
of files.
If the need arise in the future the missing files can be added again.
The SoftDevices have been moved to TARGET_SOFTDEVICE_x folders for
flexible selection.
ble.h has been renamed to nrf_ble.h to avoid namespace clash with
mbed OS BLE.