3c7d50e Remove test files
d5f5bee Merge branch 'release_internal' into release_external
72b065b Merge pull request #2133 from ARMmbed/few_updates
1da0b9f Fix unittest cleanup
d173249 Adjust GC cleanup threshold and traces
26166d1 Remove ns_sw_mac_packet_ingress_rate_limit_by_mem (#2132)
5305754 Merge pull request #2130 from ARMmbed/IOTTHD-3419
038bc2e Copy ingress rate limiting API to ns_conf
940b516 Fix compiler warnings
64e6ff3 Review corrections
01e7d84 Update GC thresholds, init and traces
1acd1cc Add unit tests for monitor
64c969e Nanostack heap garbage collection
d3330b2 Fix errors found by Coverity (#2131)
da5d2c7 MAC, RPL and ETX trace clean.
eaf8907 Limit amount of incoming packet based on memory (#2128)
0c2b383 Fixed unitest header size compare value for support brodacst shedule.
6c70262 Wi-sun LLC update
7c57343 WS PAN Config handler update
161421b Wi-sun PAN_VERSION lifetime and timeout update
43083ed Fixed broken wi-sun neigbour black list filtering.
0992ee2 Update Pan information data from all selected parent.
cafc142 Fixed Pan advertisment route cost comapre for consistent and incosistent
db81d02 SW MAC timestamp read update
eddf91b Wi-sun neighbor generate limitation
4d6abb3 Added 15 second guarantee time for packet handler before remove link.
9ed97eb SW MAC new API for read current timestamp
6a44829 Stop advertisment RPL prefix if we not have a address and it is not 'A-flag'
d37ce6a Revert "Wi-sun dublicate MPX ID filter support"
d80ebf8 Fix debug trace format.
b1ef0f6 Removed Address reg pending and rady mask from address.
ce672ba Added trace for debugging DHCPv6 failure reason.
aaf2b39 Wi-sun dublicate MPX ID filter support
bd51f9f Merge pull request #2117 from ARMmbed/IOTTHD-3587
b016d52 Fixed DHCPv6 client delete when address was removed to new network discovery.
69fb24b Wi-sun address registration and RPL update
92d3a92 RPL: trace new preferred parent
9a6e4e0 disable multicast NS for wisun
6e13d81 Merge pull request #2113 from ARMmbed/IOTTHD-3577
85aaae7 Refactored the Wi-SUN BBR logic according to design
61f6f5b WS: Added ws stats empty functions
ac191c3 Removed link local address verifycation and dead code.
77076d1 Negative ARO timeout use same timeout than not trusted device.
c4e8735 Wi-sun DHCP solicit max to 15min from 60min.
66615e6 Updated wi-sun BBR min hop rank increase to 196.
9ce41f1 Pendig address registration will move DAO send.
f54ea6b Merge pull request #2110 from ARMmbed/IOTTHD-3577
18dbac2 WS: Implemented ws statistics
3ce95fa FHSS WS: Fixed drift compensation stats
b878bd9 KMP address update
7f18afe PAE controller and NVM update
f692eb8 Wi-SUN border router configure update
386e5ff Wi-sun Update
05b1fe8 do not send periodic DIO messages if DAO registration is not done
6acee47 modified RSL calculation and value in messaging
ee7f218 Modify discovery start timing
1ba806d Wi-SUN NUD send fix
31fb8cd Moved counter config to config.h
cf18063 Added storing of MAC frame counter to NVM
68adb36 Neighbor cache update
8cdd961 Added possibility for Update DHCPv6 client server address.
2dfa536 Merge pull request #2099 from ARMmbed/IOTTHD-3231
8dc200b FHSS: Created statistics for WS
5e67f7c RPL update
bbae493 wi-sun RPL param update
e8567d7 MAC neighbour remove and add trace simplify.
8bb4ab5 Cleaned unnessary debug trace.
3608153 DIO prefix handler update
332735b Disabled Version number periodic update if Dodag max rank inrease is not 0.
940de0b Wi-SUN setup update:
c1a89e5 Merge pull request #2095 from ARMmbed/IOTTHD-3474
f6d81b5 Review corrections
7487ca1 Fix clang-6.0 build error and warnings
cce3fc7 Security protocols are no longer started second time on authenticator
git-subtree-dir: features/nanostack/sal-stack-nanostack
git-subtree-split: 3c7d50e9bd8f100eccf23066d0f0adba4cf9b980
For UTs mbed_assert_internal should not be declared as MBED_NORETURN
as UT stub for mbed_assert_internal only prints out the assert trace
and returns back to original code.
The use of `gpio_irq_event` & `gpio_irq_handler` in `gpio_irq_s` creates
a circular dependency.
hal/gpio_irq_api.h needs
targets/TARGET_Cypress/TARGET_PSOC6_FUTURE/TARGET_CY8C63XX/device.h, that needs
targets/TARGET_Cypress/TARGET_PSOC6_FUTURE/objects.h, that again needs
hal/gpio_irq_api.h, before the types are defined.
Remove `#include "gpio_irq_api.h"` directive from objects.h and change
the types of `gpio_irq_s` members.
Add a deinit function that will be called and check inside
whether context is initialized. This function is called for
freeing the CC context, instead of every time check that it's
initizliaed and free it.
- Fix assert when spi_master_block_write called with 0 size
- Fix assert when spi_format called before spi_frequency
- Simplify implementation of spi_master_write
- Simplify pointer arithmetic expressions in cyhal_spi_transfer and
- Fix I2C driver not honoring the frequency specified during init.
Initiate the CC context in the starts function and in the reset.
In the reset function, free aes context before.
Free the context in the finish function and reset function.