mirror of https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git
166 lines
6.2 KiB
166 lines
6.2 KiB
import os
from os.path import sep, normpath, join, exists
import ntpath
import copy
from collections import namedtuple
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import subprocess
from ArmPackManager import Cache
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, FailedBuildException
from tools.export.cmsis import DeviceCMSIS
cache_d = False
class DeviceUvision(DeviceCMSIS):
"""Uvision Device class, inherits CMSIS Device class
Encapsulates information necessary for uvision project targets"""
def __init__(self, target, use_generic_cpu=False):
DeviceCMSIS.__init__(self, target, use_generic_cpu)
dev_format = "$$Device:{0}${1}"
self.svd = ''
if self.debug_svd:
self.svd = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.debug_svd)
self.reg_file = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.compile_header)
self.debug_interface = self.uv_debug()
def uv_debug(self):
"""Return a namedtuple of information about uvision debug settings"""
UVDebug = namedtuple('UVDebug',['bin_loc','core_flag'])
# CortexMXn => pCMX
cpu = self.core.replace("Cortex-", "C")
cpu = cpu.replace("+", "")
cpu = cpu.replace("F", "")
cpu_flag = "p"+cpu
# Locations found in Keil_v5/TOOLS.INI
debuggers = {"st-link":'STLink\\ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll',
binary = debuggers[self.debug_interface.lower()]
return UVDebug(binary, cpu_flag)
class Uvision(Exporter):
"""Keil Uvision class
This class encapsulates information to be contained in a Uvision
project file (.uvprojx).
The needed information can be viewed in uvision.tmpl
NAME = 'cmsis'
TARGETS = [target for target, obj in TARGET_MAP.iteritems()
if "ARM" in obj.supported_toolchains]
#File associations within .uvprojx file
file_types = {'.cpp': 8, '.c': 1, '.s': 2,
'.obj': 3, '.o': 3, '.lib': 4,
'.ar': 4, '.h': 5, '.sct': 4}
def uv_file(self, loc):
"""Return a namedtuple of information about project file
Positional Arguments:
loc - the file's location
.uvprojx XML for project file:
UVFile = namedtuple('UVFile', ['type','loc','name'])
_, ext = os.path.splitext(loc)
type = self.file_types[ext.lower()]
name = ntpath.basename(normpath(loc))
return UVFile(type, loc, name)
def format_flags(self):
"""Format toolchain flags for Uvision"""
flags = copy.deepcopy(self.flags)
asm_flag_string = '--cpreproc --cpreproc_opts=-D__ASSERT_MSG,' + \
# asm flags only, common are not valid within uvision project,
# they are armcc specific
flags['asm_flags'] = asm_flag_string
# cxx flags included, as uvision have them all in one tab
flags['c_flags'] = list(set(['-D__ASSERT_MSG']
+ flags['common_flags']
+ flags['c_flags']
+ flags['cxx_flags']))
# not compatible with c99 flag set in the template
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--c99")
except ValueError: pass
# cpp is not required as it's implicit for cpp files
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--cpp")
except ValueError: pass
# we want no-vla for only cxx, but it's also applied for C in IDE,
# thus we remove it
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--no_vla")
except ValueError: pass
flags['c_flags'] =" ".join(flags['c_flags'])
return flags
def format_src(self, srcs):
"""Make sources into the named tuple for use in the template"""
grouped = self.group_project_files(srcs)
for group, files in grouped.items():
grouped[group] = [self.uv_file(src) for src in files]
return grouped
def generate(self):
"""Generate the .uvproj file"""
cache = Cache(True, False)
if cache_d:
srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries
ctx = {
'name': self.project_name,
'project_files': self.format_src(srcs),
'include_paths': '; '.join(self.resources.inc_dirs).encode('utf-8'),
'device': DeviceUvision(self.target)
self.gen_file('uvision/uvision.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name+".uvprojx")
def build(self):
0: 'success (0 warnings, 0 errors)',
1: 'warnings',
2: 'errors',
3: 'fatal errors',
11: 'cant write to project file',
12: 'device error',
13: 'error writing',
15: 'error reading xml file',
success = 0
warn = 1
if find_executable("UV4"):
uv_exe = "UV4.exe"
uv_exe = join('C:', sep,
'Keil_v5', 'UV4', 'UV4.exe')
if not exists(uv_exe):
raise Exception("UV4.exe not found. Add to path.")
cmd = [uv_exe, '-r', '-j0', '-o', join(self.export_dir,'build_log.txt'), join(self.export_dir,self.project_name+".uvprojx")]
ret_code = subprocess.call(cmd)
if ret_code != success and ret_code != warn:
# Seems like something went wrong.
raise FailedBuildException("Project: %s build failed with the status: %s" % (
self.project_name, ERRORLEVEL.get(ret_code, "Unknown")))
return "Project: %s build succeeded with the status: %s" % (
self.project_name, ERRORLEVEL.get(ret_code, "Unknown"))