mirror of https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git
Refactor uvision. Add support for CMSIS project files
@ -19,18 +19,14 @@ from os.path import join, exists, basename
from shutil import copytree, rmtree, copy
import yaml
from tools.export import uvision4, uvision5, codered, makefile, ds5_5, iar
from tools.export import codered, ds5_5, iar, makefile
from tools.export import emblocks, coide, kds, simplicityv3, atmelstudio
from tools.export import sw4stm32, e2studio, zip, cdt
from tools.export import sw4stm32, e2studio, zip, cmsis, uvision, cdt
from tools.export.exporters import OldLibrariesException, FailedBuildException
from tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES, EXPORT_MAP, TARGET_MAP
from project_generator_definitions.definitions import ProGenDef
from tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES
'uvision': uvision5.Uvision5,
'uvision4': uvision4.Uvision4, # deprecated - to be removed in future version
'uvision5': uvision5.Uvision5,
'uvision5': uvision.Uvision,
'lpcxpresso': codered.CodeRed,
'gcc_arm': makefile.GccArm,
'make_gcc_arm': makefile.GccArm,
@ -48,7 +44,8 @@ EXPORTERS = {
'eclipse_gcc_arm' : cdt.EclipseGcc,
'eclipse_iar' : cdt.EclipseIAR,
'eclipse_armc5' : cdt.EclipseArmc5,
'zip' : zip.ZIP
'zip' : zip.ZIP,
'cmsis' : cmsis.CMSIS
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
import os
from os.path import sep
from itertools import groupby
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, tostring
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import ntpath
import re
from ArmPackManager import Cache
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, TargetNotSupportedException
cache_d = False
class fileCMSIS():
"""CMSIS file class.
Encapsulates information necessary for files in cpdsc project file"""
file_types = {'.cpp': 'sourceCpp', '.c': 'sourceC', '.s': 'sourceAsm',
'.obj': 'object', '.o': 'object', '.lib': 'library',
'.ar': 'linkerScript', '.h': 'header', '.sct': 'linkerScript'}
def __init__(self, loc, name):
#print loc
_, ext = os.path.splitext(loc)
self.type = self.file_types[ext.lower()]
self.loc = loc
self.name = name
class DeviceCMSIS():
"""CMSIS Device class
Encapsulates target information retrieved by arm-pack-manager"""
def __init__(self, target, use_generic_cpu=False):
cache = Cache(True, False)
if cache_d:
t = TARGET_MAP[target]
self.core = t.core
cpu_name = t.device_name
target_info = cache.index[cpu_name]
# Target does not have device name or pdsc file
# Try to find the core as a generic CMSIS target
cpu_name = self.cpu_cmsis()
target_info = cache.index[cpu_name]
raise TargetNotSupportedException("Target not in CMSIS packs")
self.url = target_info['pdsc_file']
self.pack_url, self.pack_id = ntpath.split(self.url)
self.dname = cpu_name
self.dfpu = target_info['processor']['fpu']
self.dvendor = target_info['vendor']
self.dendian = target_info['processor'].get('endianness','Little-endian')
self.debug_interface = self.find_debug()
self.debug_svd = target_info.get('debug', '')
self.compile_header = target_info['compile']['header']
def find_debug(self):
debug_map ={
'Silicon Labs':'J-LINK',
reg = "([\w\s]+):?\d*?"
m = re.search(reg, self.dvendor)
vendor_match = m.group(1) if m else None
return debug_map.get(vendor_match, "CMSIS-DAP")
def cpu_cmsis(self):
#Cortex-M4F => ARMCM4_FP, Cortex-M0+ => ARMCM0P
cpu = self.core
cpu = cpu.replace("Cortex-","ARMC")
cpu = cpu.replace("+","P")
cpu = cpu.replace("F","_FP")
return cpu
class CMSIS(Exporter):
NAME = 'cmsis'
TARGETS = [target for target, obj in TARGET_MAP.iteritems()
if "ARM" in obj.supported_toolchains]
def make_key(self, src):
"""turn a source file into its group name"""
key = src.name.split(sep)[0]
if key == ".":
key = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(self.export_dir))
return key
def group_project_files(self, sources, root_element):
"""Recursively group the source files by their encompassing directory"""
data = sorted(sources, key=self.make_key)
for group, files in groupby(data, self.make_key):
new_srcs = []
for f in list(files):
spl = f.name.split(sep)
if len(spl)==2:
file_element = Element('file',
'name': f.loc})
f.name = os.path.join(*spl[1:])
if new_srcs:
group_element = Element('group',attrib={'name':group})
return root_element
def generate(self):
srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries + \
srcs = [fileCMSIS(src, src) for src in srcs if src]
ctx = {
'name': self.project_name,
'project_files': tostring(self.group_project_files(srcs, Element('files'))),
'device': DeviceCMSIS(self.target),
'date': ''
# TODO: find how to keep prettyxml from adding xml version to this blob
#dom = parseString(ctx['project_files'])
#ctx['project_files'] = dom.toprettyxml(indent="\t")
self.gen_file('cmsis/cpdsc.tmpl', ctx, 'project.cpdsc')
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<package xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PACK.xsd">
<description>Exported mbed project.</description>
<release version="">Generated</release>
<project name="{{name}}" documentation="">
<target Dendian="{{device.dendian}}" Dfpu="{{device.dfpu}}" Dname="{{device.dname}}" Dvendor="{{device.dvendor}}">
<output debug="1" name="{{name}}" type="exe"/>
<debugProbe name="{{device.debug_interface}}" protocol="jtag"/>
@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
import os
import sys
import logging
from os.path import join, dirname, relpath
from os.path import join, dirname, relpath, basename, realpath
from itertools import groupby
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
from jinja2.environment import Environment
import copy
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from project_generator.tools import tool
@ -73,11 +74,20 @@ class Exporter(object):
self.resources = resources
self.generated_files = [join(self.TEMPLATE_DIR,"GettingStarted.html")]
self.builder_files_dict = {}
def get_toolchain(self):
"""A helper getter function that we should probably eliminate"""
return self.TOOLCHAIN
def add_config(self):
"""Add the containgin directory of mbed_config.h to include dirs"""
config = self.toolchain.get_config_header()
if config:
def flags(self):
"""Returns a dictionary of toolchain flags.
@ -89,7 +99,7 @@ class Exporter(object):
common_flags - common options
config_header = self.toolchain.get_config_header()
flags = {key + "_flags": value for key, value
flags = {key + "_flags": copy.deepcopy(value) for key, value
in self.toolchain.flags.iteritems()}
asm_defines = ["-D" + symbol for symbol in self.toolchain.get_symbols(True)]
c_defines = ["-D" + symbol for symbol in self.toolchain.get_symbols()]
@ -217,3 +227,23 @@ class Exporter(object):
logging.debug("Generating: %s", target_path)
open(target_path, "w").write(target_text)
self.generated_files += [target_path]
def make_key(self, src):
"""From a source file, extract group name
Positional Arguments:
src - the src's location
key = basename(dirname(src))
if key == ".":
key = basename(realpath(self.export_dir))
return key
def group_project_files(self, sources):
"""Group the source files by their encompassing directory
Positional Arguments:
sources - array of sourc locations
Returns a dictionary of {group name: list of source locations}
data = sorted(sources, key=self.make_key)
return {k: list(g) for k,g in groupby(data, self.make_key)}
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<Project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="project_proj.xsd">
<Header>###This file was automagically generated by mbed.org. For more information, see http://mbed.org/handbook/Exporting-To-Uvision </Header>
<TargetName>mbed FRDM-KL25Z</TargetName>
<Vendor>Freescale Semiconductor</Vendor>
<Cpu>IRAM(0x1FFFF000-0x1FFFFFFF) IRAM2(0x20000000-0x20002FFF) IROM(0x0-0x1FFFF) CLOCK(8000000) CPUTYPE("Cortex-M0+") ELITTLE</Cpu>
<StartupFile>"STARTUP\Freescale\Kinetis\startup_MKL25Z4.s" ("Freescale MKL25Zxxxxxx4 Startup Code")</StartupFile>
<FlashDriverDll>ULP2CM3(-O2510 -S0 -C0 -FO15 -FD20000000 -FC800 -FN1 -FF0MK_P128_48MHZ -FS00 -FL020000)</FlashDriverDll>
<UserProg1Name>fromelf --bin --output=@L.bin !L</UserProg1Name>
<Flash3>"" ()</Flash3>
<Define> </Define>
<IncludePath> </IncludePath>
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
import os
from os.path import sep, normpath, join, exists
import ntpath
import copy
from collections import namedtuple
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import subprocess
from ArmPackManager import Cache
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, FailedBuildException
from tools.export.cmsis import DeviceCMSIS
cache_d = False
class DeviceUvision(DeviceCMSIS):
"""Uvision Device class, inherits CMSIS Device class
Encapsulates information necessary for uvision project targets"""
def __init__(self, target, use_generic_cpu=False):
DeviceCMSIS.__init__(self, target, use_generic_cpu)
dev_format = "$$Device:{0}${1}"
self.svd = ''
if self.debug_svd:
self.svd = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.debug_svd)
self.reg_file = dev_format.format(self.dname, self.compile_header)
self.debug_interface = self.uv_debug()
def uv_debug(self):
"""Return a namedtuple of information about uvision debug settings"""
UVDebug = namedtuple('UVDebug',['bin_loc','core_flag'])
# CortexMXn => pCMX
cpu = self.core.replace("Cortex-", "C")
cpu = cpu.replace("+", "")
cpu = cpu.replace("F", "")
cpu_flag = "p"+cpu
# Locations found in Keil_v5/TOOLS.INI
debuggers = {"st-link":'STLink\\ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll',
binary = debuggers[self.debug_interface.lower()]
return UVDebug(binary, cpu_flag)
class Uvision(Exporter):
"""Keil Uvision class
This class encapsulates information to be contained in a Uvision
project file (.uvprojx).
The needed information can be viewed in uvision.tmpl
NAME = 'cmsis'
TARGETS = [target for target, obj in TARGET_MAP.iteritems()
if "ARM" in obj.supported_toolchains]
#File associations within .uvprojx file
file_types = {'.cpp': 8, '.c': 1, '.s': 2,
'.obj': 3, '.o': 3, '.lib': 4,
'.ar': 4, '.h': 5, '.sct': 4}
def uv_file(self, loc):
"""Return a namedtuple of information about project file
Positional Arguments:
loc - the file's location
.uvprojx XML for project file:
UVFile = namedtuple('UVFile', ['type','loc','name'])
_, ext = os.path.splitext(loc)
type = self.file_types[ext.lower()]
name = ntpath.basename(normpath(loc))
return UVFile(type, loc, name)
def format_flags(self):
"""Format toolchain flags for Uvision"""
flags = copy.deepcopy(self.flags)
asm_flag_string = '--cpreproc --cpreproc_opts=-D__ASSERT_MSG,' + \
# asm flags only, common are not valid within uvision project,
# they are armcc specific
flags['asm_flags'] = asm_flag_string
# cxx flags included, as uvision have them all in one tab
flags['c_flags'] = list(set(['-D__ASSERT_MSG']
+ flags['common_flags']
+ flags['c_flags']
+ flags['cxx_flags']))
# not compatible with c99 flag set in the template
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--c99")
except ValueError: pass
# cpp is not required as it's implicit for cpp files
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--cpp")
except ValueError: pass
# we want no-vla for only cxx, but it's also applied for C in IDE,
# thus we remove it
try: flags['c_flags'].remove("--no_vla")
except ValueError: pass
flags['c_flags'] =" ".join(flags['c_flags'])
return flags
def format_src(self, srcs):
"""Make sources into the named tuple for use in the template"""
grouped = self.group_project_files(srcs)
for group, files in grouped.items():
grouped[group] = [self.uv_file(src) for src in files]
return grouped
def generate(self):
"""Generate the .uvproj file"""
cache = Cache(True, False)
if cache_d:
srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries
ctx = {
'name': self.project_name,
'project_files': self.format_src(srcs),
'include_paths': '; '.join(self.resources.inc_dirs).encode('utf-8'),
'device': DeviceUvision(self.target)
self.gen_file('uvision/uvision.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name+".uvprojx")
def build(self):
0: 'success (0 warnings, 0 errors)',
1: 'warnings',
2: 'errors',
3: 'fatal errors',
11: 'cant write to project file',
12: 'device error',
13: 'error writing',
15: 'error reading xml file',
success = 0
warn = 1
if find_executable("UV4"):
uv_exe = "UV4.exe"
uv_exe = join('C:', sep,
'Keil_v5', 'UV4', 'UV4.exe')
if not exists(uv_exe):
raise Exception("UV4.exe not found. Add to path.")
cmd = [uv_exe, '-r', '-j0', '-o', join(self.export_dir,'build_log.txt'), join(self.export_dir,self.project_name+".uvprojx")]
ret_code = subprocess.call(cmd)
if ret_code != success and ret_code != warn:
# Seems like something went wrong.
raise FailedBuildException("Project: %s build failed with the status: %s" % (
self.project_name, ERRORLEVEL.get(ret_code, "Unknown")))
return "Project: %s build succeeded with the status: %s" % (
self.project_name, ERRORLEVEL.get(ret_code, "Unknown"))
@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<Project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="project_proj.xsd">
<Project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="project_projx.xsd">
<Header>###This file was automagically generated by mbed.org. For more information, see http://mbed.org/handbook/Exporting-To-Uvision </Header>
<Header>### uVision Project, (C) Keil Software</Header>
<TargetName>ARM BEETLE SoC</TargetName>
<Cpu>IROM(0x00000000,0x40000) IRAM(0x20000200,0x1FE00) CPUTYPE("Cortex-M3") CLOCK(24000000) ESEL ELITTLE</Cpu>
<FlashDriverDll>UL2CM3(-S0 -C0 -P0 -FD20000000 -FC1000)</FlashDriverDll>
@ -29,7 +31,8 @@
@ -43,14 +46,14 @@
@ -71,11 +74,13 @@
<UserProg1Name>$K\ARM\ARMCC\bin\fromelf.exe --bin --output=.\build\@L.bin !L</UserProg1Name>
@ -102,14 +107,14 @@
<SimDllArguments> </SimDllArguments>
@ -144,7 +149,7 @@
@ -158,7 +163,7 @@
@ -167,8 +172,8 @@
@ -208,7 +213,7 @@
@ -217,12 +222,12 @@
@ -260,11 +265,11 @@
@ -275,15 +280,16 @@
@ -291,27 +297,27 @@
@ -333,19 +339,19 @@
@ -354,20 +360,27 @@
<MiscControls>--gnu --no_rtti </MiscControls>
@ -376,8 +389,9 @@
@ -388,41 +402,35 @@
{% for group, files in project_files.iteritems() %}
{% for file in files %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
mbed SDK
Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from os.path import basename, join, dirname
from project_generator_definitions.definitions import ProGenDef
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, ExporterTargetsProperty
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP, TARGET_NAMES
from tools.utils import remove_if_in
# If you wish to add a new target, add it to project_generator_definitions, and then
# define progen_target name in the target class (`` self.progen_target = 'my_target_name' ``)
# There are 2 default mbed templates (predefined settings) uvision.uvproj and uvproj_microlib.uvproj.tmpl
class Uvision4(Exporter):
Exporter class for uvision. This class uses project generator.
# These 2 are currently for exporters backward compatiblity
NAME = 'uvision'
# PROGEN_ACTIVE contains information for exporter scripts that this is using progen
def TARGETS(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, "_targets_supported"):
cls._targets_supported = []
progendef = ProGenDef('uvision')
for target in TARGET_NAMES:
if (progendef.is_supported(str(TARGET_MAP[target])) or
except AttributeError:
# target is not supported yet
return cls._targets_supported
def get_toolchain(self):
return TARGET_MAP[self.target].default_toolchain
def generate(self):
""" Generates the project files """
print "WARNING: exporting to uVision4 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version"
project_data = self.progen_get_project_data()
tool_specific = {}
# Expand tool specific settings by uvision specific settings which are required
if TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['uvision']['template']:
tool_specific['uvision'] = TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['uvision']
except KeyError:
# use default template
# by the mbed projects
tool_specific['uvision'] = {
'template': [join(dirname(__file__), 'uvision.uvproj.tmpl')],
project_data['tool_specific'] = {}
# get flags from toolchain and apply
project_data['misc'] = {}
# need to make this a string for progen. Only adds preprocessor when "macros" set
asm_flag_string = '--cpreproc --cpreproc_opts=-D__ASSERT_MSG,' + ",".join(
# asm flags only, common are not valid within uvision project, they are armcc specific
project_data['misc']['asm_flags'] = [asm_flag_string]
# cxx flags included, as uvision have them all in one tab
project_data['misc']['c_flags'] = list(set(['-D__ASSERT_MSG']
+ self.flags['common_flags']
+ self.flags['c_flags']
+ self.flags['cxx_flags']))
# not compatible with c99 flag set in the template
remove_if_in(project_data['misc']['c_flags'], "--c99")
# cpp is not required as it's implicit for cpp files
remove_if_in(project_data['misc']['c_flags'], "--cpp")
# we want no-vla for only cxx, but it's also applied for C in IDE, thus we remove it
remove_if_in(project_data['misc']['c_flags'], "--no_vla")
project_data['misc']['ld_flags'] = self.flags['ld_flags']
project_data['build_dir'] = project_data['build_dir'] + '\\' + 'uvision4'
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
mbed SDK
Copyright (c) 2016 ARM Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from os.path import basename, join, dirname
from project_generator_definitions.definitions import ProGenDef
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, ExporterTargetsProperty
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP, TARGET_NAMES
from tools.utils import remove_if_in
# If you wish to add a new target, add it to project_generator_definitions, and then
# define progen_target name in the target class (`` self.progen_target = 'my_target_name' ``)
# There are 2 default mbed templates (predefined settings) uvision.uvproj and uvproj_microlib.uvproj.tmpl
class Uvision5(Exporter):
Exporter class for uvision5. This class uses project generator.
# These 2 are currently for exporters backward compatiblity
NAME = 'uvision5'
# PROGEN_ACTIVE contains information for exporter scripts that this is using progen
def TARGETS(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, "_targets_supported"):
cls._targets_supported = []
progendef = ProGenDef('uvision5')
for target in TARGET_NAMES:
if (progendef.is_supported(str(TARGET_MAP[target])) or
except AttributeError:
# target is not supported yet
return cls._targets_supported
def get_toolchain(self):
return TARGET_MAP[self.target].default_toolchain
def generate(self):
""" Generates the project files """
project_data = self.progen_get_project_data()
tool_specific = {}
# Expand tool specific settings by uvision specific settings which are required
if TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['uvision5']['template']:
tool_specific['uvision5'] = TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['uvision5']
except KeyError:
# use default template
# by the mbed projects
tool_specific['uvision5'] = {
'template': [join(dirname(__file__), 'uvision.uvproj.tmpl')],
#project_data['template'] = [tool_specific['uvision5']['template']]
project_data['tool_specific'] = {}
# get flags from toolchain and apply
project_data['misc'] = {}
asm_flag_string = '--cpreproc --cpreproc_opts=-D__ASSERT_MSG,' + ",".join(list(set(self.flags['asm_flags'])))
# asm flags only, common are not valid within uvision project, they are armcc specific
project_data['misc']['asm_flags'] = [asm_flag_string]
# cxx flags included, as uvision have them all in one tab
project_data['misc']['c_flags'] = list(set(['-D__ASSERT_MSG']
+ self.flags['common_flags']
+ self.flags['c_flags']
+ self.flags['cxx_flags']))
# not compatible with c99 flag set in the template
remove_if_in(project_data['misc']['c_flags'], "--c99")
# cpp is not required as it's implicit for cpp files
remove_if_in(project_data['misc']['c_flags'], "--cpp")
# we want no-vla for only cxx, but it's also applied for C in IDE, thus we remove it
remove_if_in(project_data['misc']['c_flags'], "--no_vla")
# not compatible with c99 flag set in the template
project_data['misc']['ld_flags'] = self.flags['ld_flags']
i = 0
project_data['build_dir'] = project_data['build_dir'] + '\\' + 'uvision5'
Reference in New Issue